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Poem: Shining
2005-04-14The clouds roll in,How heavy they gatherTo darken China’s horizons.
Poem: Cosmos
2005-04-13Let the cosmos unfoldCome shine anew,Here, to worldsImmeasurable And beyond.
Missing Link between Galaxy Collisions and Star Birth Is Found
2005-04-13Data from ISO, the infrared observatory of the European Space Agency (ESA), have provided the first direct evidence that shock waves generated by galaxy collisions excite the gas from which new stars will form. The result also provides important clues on how the birth of the first stars was triggered and sped up in the early Universe.
Painting: Tao Qian
2005-04-12 -
Drawing: Water Torture
2005-04-11 -
Piano and Cello Duet: “Please Sit by My Side” CD Series (19): Without Pursuit
2005-04-09Realplayer On-line (1:48)Realplayer Download (906Kb)MP3 Download(1.2Mb)
Poem: Bitter Wind
2005-04-08Inside China A most bitter wind descendsMaking cold of many a heart...
Poem: Demise
2005-04-07Its evil, boundless almost, Inside new worlds – foundless, Here to witness its ultimate demise.
Keyboard Music: “Please Sit by My Side" CD Series (11): Drifting in Paradise
2005-04-06Realplayer On-line (4:01)Realplayer Download (2.1Mb)MP3 Download (2.9Mb)
X-rays Signal Presence of Elusive Black Hole
2005-04-06According to a Chandra X-Ray Centre News Release on March 23rd, 2005, peculiar outbursts of X-rays coming from a black hole in the galaxy Messier 74 (M74) have provided evidence that the black hole has a mass of about 10,000 Suns, which would place it in a possible new class of black holes. These outbursts were observed with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Examples of Filial Piety: Min Ziqian Freezes in a Grass-Padded Coat Obeying His Stepmother
2005-04-05Stories about exemplary filial conduct abound in Chinese history. Twenty-Four Examples of Filial Piety were chosen and compiled by Guo Jujing from the Fujian Province during the Yuan Dynasty while he was mourning the death of his father. He recounted the feats of filial children towards their parents from the age of the primordial Emperor Shun down to his own era.
Painting: Sleeping Beauty
2005-04-04 -
Music: Gods Returning to Their Rightful Places
2005-04-03Realplayer On-line (3:21)Realplayer Download (1.1Mb)MP3 Download (3.9Mb)
Reconsidering Pre-historic Culture Based on Giant Figures and Other Historical Sites Unearthed in Peru
2005-04-03In the 17th Century, a Spanish missionary discovered an underground tunnel in Guatemala, Central America. It extends about 1000 kilometres under the Andes Mountains. In order to protect the tunnel so that it will be excavated only when humankind has mastered enough science and technology, the entrance of the tunnel has been sealed by the Peruvian government and is tightly guarded. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation has listed this tunnel as a world cultural relic.
Poem: Moon-light Pond
2005-04-02Sever the connection to the groundOh heart, untiedUnboundSway - and move through wavesAnd above the cloudsPast levels of restrictions no more aloud.