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Bookmark: Child Practising the Fifth Falun Gong Exercise
2004-10-31 -
Poem: Infinite
2004-10-31An infinite sanctuary, Wisdom fathomless beyond every eye.Words to countless realmsUnfolding where hearts awaken forever wide.
Poem: A Reflection
2004-10-30Captured upon a wing’s reflection,Inside the hearts of hidden worlds.Somewhere beyond all tangible realmsOne light that defies both measure and dissection.
Poem: Ripples
2004-10-29Heart, Let its emergence ripple through endless oceans, Traverse every tide and shore…Searching aeons and countless paths, Finding myself before the feet of all manner of deities,Yet forever falling short of heaven’s beyond.
Sweden: Wooden Sculptures Depict the Peaceful Exercises of Falun Gong
2004-10-28Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, was introduced to society by Li Hongzhi in 1992. Those who practise Falun Gong follow the principle of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.” A Swedish university student who has benefited from practising Falun Dafa, created the work illustrated here to express his solidarity to Falun Gong and his condemnation of the persecution.
Display-Board Design: Falun Dafa Is Good
2004-10-28 -
Poem: Unfathomable
2004-10-27Like butterfly's amidst a raging tempest, One moment under the weight of immeasurable aeons.
Poem: Calling Every China
2004-10-26Calling every ChinaEven ages now past and goneTo the darkest of its cornersUnder the shadows of its walls.
Poem: Together
2004-10-25Together we can beThe voice for anotherShow the millions we care.Together we can findA song for anotherOne world for all to share.
A German Website on the Legend of the Swastika Symbol
2004-10-24A website in four languages about the Swastika symbol is now open to the public. It explains the ancient history of the Swastika symbol and the Falun Gong “Law Wheel” design in detail. The Swastika symbol traces back to more than 1700 B.C. according to historic records. Recent excavations show that the history of America’s use of the Swastika symbol goes back about 80,000 years.
Poem: The Homecoming
2004-10-24Not until one’s heart embraces and assimilatesTo the essential nature of its indescribable origins –"Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance", Awakens and ascends through the journey of arduous cultivation,Can it encompass something of the boundless cosmos.
Photography: Lotus Flower
2004-10-23 -
Papercut: Children Carrying a Lotus
2004-10-22 -
Painting: Worrying about Early Blossom
2004-10-21 -
Blue Falun Gong Bookmark