Art and Culture
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Painting and Interview: “Why?”
2004-08-12 -
Poem: The Vigil of Light
2004-08-12Keep the candles burning,Every precious flame alight.Through China’s darkest hour,One hundred million hearts remaining bright.
Oil Painting: Homeless
2004-08-11 -
Photography: Lotus Flower
2004-08-10 -
Poem: Grand Procession
2004-08-10Where drums and cymbals resound, Banners of ‘Truth - Compassion - Forbearance’ arise, The splendour of Falun Dafa touching many a heart,‘Pu - Du’1 reaching the skies.
Painting: Faith
2004-08-09 -
Photography: Beautiful Lotus
2004-08-08 -
Painting: Punishment Endured By Those On Hunger Strike
2004-08-07 -
Poem: From Storm To Shine
2004-08-07Let the heavens shineStretching far and wide,The Great Law awakening the world.
Photography: Lotus Flower
2004-08-06 -
Poem: Heart and Mind
2004-08-06Can we find the heart that shines like gold, A heart that embraces all?
Painting: Water Dungeon
2004-08-05 -
Poem: Beyond Closed Doors
2004-08-05Behind closed doorsDefying every law,These vicious crimes of Jiang Zemin’s regime.
Photography: Lotus Flower
2004-08-04 -
Poem: Turning Another Page
2004-08-04As the storms rageHistory turns another page,A world like never before.