Art and Culture
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Stories form Ancient China: Accounts of the Tang Dynasty Master Craftsman Ma Daifeng
2004-09-05The mountain had wonderful and remarkable peaks and ridges. The inside of the mountain was hollow and could hold three dou (1 dou equals 10 litres) of wine. A number of “ponds” were arranged around the mountain, and their purpose was to hold wine. Other mountains surrounded the ponds. In the ponds of wine were “lotus plants”. The flowers and leaves of the lotus plants were made of cast iron. The flowers looked like they were blooming and the leaves like they were unfolding.
Papercutting: Eliminating Dark Minions
2004-09-04 -
Bookmark: Heavenly Beauty
2004-09-03 -
Poem: Fathomless
2004-09-03Transforming hearts,Traversing horizons, New light To immeasurable realms imbued.
Bookmark: The World Needs: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance"
2004-09-02 -
Interview and Painting: Uncompromising Courage
2004-09-01 -
Poetry: Pure Heart
2004-08-31From where the most exquisite blossom Grows the garden of inner light.Our journey of becoming,Horizons to a pure heart.
Painting: Spring Morning In An Ancient City
2004-08-30 -
Poem: Far and Wide
2004-08-30With clouds departingCome new skies dawning,Luminous sails unfoldingAcross storm and divide.
Painting: Awakening
2004-08-29 -
Photography: Majestic Lotus Flower
2004-08-28 -
Interview and Painting: The Choice
2004-08-27 -
The “Uncompromising Courage” Art Exhibition
2004-08-26 -
Poem: The World Over
2004-08-26Despite the most unprecedented persecution in history, We have remained steadfast upon our journey as individual cultivators As a collective of 100 million strong in 50 countries throughout the world.
Photography: White Lotus