Other News
Former Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin and his Faction Forces Government Agencies to Persecute Falun Gong
2004-10-13Jiang manipulated the nation's propaganda to defame and spread hatred towards Falun Gong to achieve the vicious goal of deceiving all Chinese people into being against Falun Gong. At the same time, Jiang issued orders secretly at every level to force each governmental department to persecute Falun Gong. Furthermore, he issued the order to the police that "[practitioners] beaten to death will be counted as suicides."
Police Violence on Tiananmen Square on China's "National Day"
2004-10-04At noon on October the 1st 2004, many civilians witnessed policemen violently beat and drag off a Falun Gong practitioner. People at the Square were all talking about the incident and many said: "We personally saw the brutality of police against Falun Gong today."
Chinese Citizens lend a Helping Hand to Those Who Practise Falun Gong
2004-10-03Facing the persecution, Da Zhi still determinedly supports Falun Dafa and lends support to those who practice. During a period when the practitioners responsible for distributing materials were sent to forced labour camps or closely monitored, Da Zhi stepped forward when it was very difficult to get hold of Falun Dafa materials. With the support of his family, who practice, Da Zhi took on the responsibility of downloading Teacher's articles and materials from the Falun Gong websites, making a huge contribution to the local area.
I Respect Falun Dafa and My Heart is Moved by the Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance
2004-10-01In recent years, I have met many Falun Gong practitioners who deserve my respect. They are so sincere, kind, tolerant and pure! My sincerest hope is that they spread Falun Dafa to every corner of the world. "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" are the principles that human beings should live by. These principles are the basis for social equality and widespread happiness and they are fundamental for a country's prosperity.
Stories of People Who Learned the Truth of Falun Dafa through Practitioners' Efforts
2004-10-01During the past a few years, I got to know many people who learned the truth about Falun Dafa through practitioners' truth-clarification efforts. Some of them started to practise Falun Dafa. Others have been very supportive of practitioners and even helped them with their truth-clarification. Here I'd like to share some stories of how a few people helped Falun Dafa practitioners. I am using assumed names for those people to protect them from persecution.
Anecdotes about Failed Anti-Falun Gong Signature Drives
2004-09-27She got an idea that if she broke the tip of her ballpoint pen on her way to school, then her pen would not write. It was a bit chaotic with activity around the scene and she decided on the spot that even if she makes a mark, she wouldn't write her name. When her turn came, she scratched into the white cloth "Falun Dafa is Good." More surprisingly, many children left marks on that piece of white cloth and the words they wrote were "Falun Dafa is Good!"
"I Have a Different Opinion"
2004-09-25I think these practitioners are courageous, kind-hearted and honest. These are virtues a person should have. They should not be captured and detained. Look at today's society. When people get into trouble, in order to protect themselves, they always tell lies! Nowadays, you don't trust other people any more, no matter how good they sound. This society is hopeless if it continues to be like this! So I really admire the spirit of Falun Gong. Not everybody can follow "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance!"
Attorney Exposes Chinese Legal System's Involvement with the Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and His Clique's Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-09-24After my release from the so-called "Judiciary Re-education Centre"(1) held by the ruthless "6-10 Office," I ran into a friend I hadn't seen for many years. She is a reputable attorney. After I told her details about the persecution that had been inflicted upon me by the Chinese dictator Jiang and his followers, she expressed her deepest sympathy and her anger concerning the persecution. She also exposed the Chinese legal system's cooperation in the persecution.
Additional Facts About the Staged "Self-Immolation" on Tiananmen Square and the "Fu Yibin Murder Case"
2004-09-22One day in 2001, right after the alleged "self-immolation" incident took place, some people who were not Falun Gong practitioners accompanied their relatives to see doctors in the Jishuitan Hospital, in Beijing. When they passed by a sickroom they saw a number of people inside, many of whom were policemen, trying to bandage several other, healthy people. They thought it was strange that they were bandaging healthy people.
In Spite of Pressure, Lawyer Defends Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Qiyong in Illegal Trial in Chongqing City of China
2004-09-16Zhang Qiyong's family went through a lot of trouble to employ Wang Ruirong from the Ruihai Law Office in Chongqing City. When the lawyer asked to see her client, the detention centre dodged, evaded, and stalled for time using all sorts of excuses. When Wang Ruirong met Zhang Qiyong for the first time in the detention centre on the 1st of June, 2004, she asked the guards to remove his shackles and handcuffs, not to treat her client like a death row inmate, and to stop torturing him.
A Dialogue Between A Falun Gong Practitioner's Supervisor and Staff from the "6-10 Office"
2004-09-14As Mr. Feng addressed the three staff from the "6-10 Office", his coworkers stood up from their cubicles and watched the three uninvited visitors, who now felt embarrassed for causing a scene. At this moment, Mr. Feng's supervisor arrived on the scene. He said to the three of them, "I am Mr. Feng's supervisor. Would you like to have a few words with me in my office?"
"I Didn't Know That the Propaganda on TV Was Meant To Deceive Us!"
2004-09-10I live in the rural area near Handan City, Hebei Province. I went to Shijiazhuang City earlier this year to do business. There was a woman next to me who was a Falun Gong practitioner. She was very kind and very helpful to others. I could not link her to the image portrayed in the TV propaganda of "killing," "suicide," "self-immolation" etc.
Family of a Falun Dafa Practitioner Takes a Stand Against Falsifying Evidence
2004-09-02One day in 2002, officer Li from Hezhuang Township went to Liu Rongxin's home and said, "The township government still has the 2,000 yuan bail money you paid. If you agree to slander Li Hongzhi (founder of Falun Dafa), and let some journalists take pictures and videos, we will return the money to you." Ms. Liu's family member was very angry upon hearing that; "I won't do it if you returned the 2,000 yuan; I wouldn't do it even if you give me an extra 2,000 yuan."
A Prisoner Is Rewarded With Good Fortune When Her Heart Turns Toward Goodness After Learning the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-08-31One day when Su Jing, Head of the Woman's Division of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, was illegally forcing detained female Falun Gong practitioners to work near this prisoner's room, the prisoner opened the window and shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!" All the people present at that time were shocked and stared at her, especially Su Jing, who was very startled and nervous.
A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 1)
2004-08-31In the spring of 1992 there appeared in northern China an extraordinary and wonderful practice called Falun Gong. Falun Gong resembled a resplendent bright pearl with its dazzling brilliance scattering away the dust that had settled in people's minds and illuminating the way for cultivation. In order to spread Falun Gong, the founder of Falun Gong, Master Li Hongzhi, left home for Beijing, Shandong, Taiyuan, and other places to hold classes in order to spread the teachings and teach the practice.