Other News
Hebei Province Educational System Solicits Anti-Falun Gong Articles to Poison the Minds of Young Students
2004-08-26the Hebei Educational Department, Hebei Journalists Association, Hebei Anti-Cult Association, the provincial commissioners of Hebei Young Communists and the directors of Hebei Young Workers collaborated with the provincial education system in initiating an article-soliciting campaign. They intend to use this activity to frame Falun Gong and poison the young minds of students. The article-soliciting notice has already been sent to every county and city with the request that all schools "accomplish it as a political mission."
A Chinese Policeman Writes to Song Liwen, Chief of Intelligence Regarding the Persecution of Falun Gong in Shouguang City
2004-08-25I learnt how to break through the Chinese government's tight internet blockade and get to the Falun Gong website. I checked it out and I was stunned - the persecution of Falun Gong is based completely on lies. I was indignant that Jiang Zemin has deceived the people all over the world, especially the Chinese people and us, the police. We erroneously carried out orders from above and did such awful things. Now I thoroughly understand that Falun Gong is good, is the best in the world, and is the practice of "Truth, Compassion and Tolerance."
Persecuting Falun Gong by Openly Recruiting and Rewarding Hoodlums
2004-08-07In 1998 China signed the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Under the despotic rule of Jiang's regime, however, China reneged on this promise to the world, turning the convention into a worthless piece of paper as people are arrested and tortured just for believing in "Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance."
Persecution of Falun Gong Linked to China's Educational System, Including Colleges and Universities
2004-08-04His special relationship with Jiang Zemin and given the special authority granted to her because of such relationship, Chen has initiated a persecution that has rarely been seen in the past. The persecution affected a broad spectrum, from individuals in the higher to the lower educational echelons. This included persecution of those in graduate and undergraduate schools, high schools, middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens. This persecution was detrimental to a large number of people, especially given the cruel means employed.
What Brand of "Chinese Culture" does Chinese State Councillor Chen Zhili Represent?
2004-08-03The people of Africa may want to know more about who Chen Zhili is, and what she represents: a career spent denying the freedoms of speech and belief, and, in her enthusiastic persecution of Falun Gong, the attempt to control a nation's thoughts and beliefs through brainwashing, torture, the denial of access to education, and the indoctrination and promulgation of hate propaganda.
Deterioration of the Chinese Education System Is a Danger that Must Be Heeded
2004-08-03Through a series of on-line news, people may have recently become clearer about the disaster that Chinese dictator, Jiang Zemin and his faction has brought to the nation-wide educational system during the persecution of Falun Gong. It may not be excessive to say that China's educational institutions are marching toward complete deterioration. How to stop this catastrophe has become an issue that is placed before every Chinese person and needs urgent resolution.
2004-08-01 -
Judge Left Speechless After Falun Gong Practitioners Speak Out for True Justice in a Chinese Court
2004-08-01Facing their fearlessness and righteousness, the presiding judge realised he was on the wrong side and was unable to say a word in self-defence. He could not help but express this honest complaint: "The Chinese legal system is nothing but a show, a commercial, something that cannot be depended upon. The Constitution is not effective, not to mention the legal system. Nowadays, 'administrative intervention' is called 'the Leader's idea'." He then dismissed the court abruptly.
Dafa Practitioners in China Strongly Condemn the Jiang Regime's Terrorist Acts
2004-07-06"We are extremely shocked upon learning that an Australian Falun Gong practitioner was shot in South Africa. Jiang's regime has blatantly carried out a terrorist act on the soil of another country, taking its persecution abroad. All practitioners in Guangdong Province strongly condemn the Jiang regime for their hiring of thugs to shoot Falun Gong practitioners. We call upon all kindhearted people in the world to awaken to the evil nature of Jiang's regime and condemn such appalling violence!"
Jiang's Trip to Jiuhua Mountain
2004-06-28Jiang does not let people practise Falun Gong because they believe that Buddhas and Gods exist. Yet according to a report in January 2002 by Hong Kong's Open Magazine, Jiang transcribed Ksitigarbha Sutra at home and spent huge amounts of money asking lamas to pray for his good fortune and long life. Jiang worships a Bodhisattva, yet, at the same time, he uses the excuse of the Chinese government's being atheist to persecute Falun Gong.
China Resorts to Recurring Strategy and Delays UN Investigation of Torture
2004-06-21Although terms of the visit had been negotiated for nearly a decade, the Chinese authorities still claimed at the last minute that they needed more time for preparation. Critics have commented that Jiang's followers couldn't possibly hide their crimes any longer, no matter how much time they are given, because of the tremendous amount evidence of the torturing of Falun Gong practitioners that has found its way out of China.
In the Season of Snow - the Story of a Six-Year-Old Girl
2004-05-11"Mother, look!" My daughter stopped and squatted down. I turned around and saw her pick up a piece of yellow paper. "Mother, look! Falun Dafa is good!" Whenever we see truth clarifying materials lying on the ground, we always pick them up and stick them back on the wall. This has become a habit of ours, so my daughter takes note of every piece of paper on the ground and picks them up to see if they are truth clarifying materials.
Practitioner Li Ying Released after Her Family Demands Her Return
2004-05-03"The Party secretary is busy with many issues each day. If you bother the Party secretary for such small matters, he would not get any other work done." Li's relative was outraged and told the secretary, "My daughter had her detention term illegally extended in the Heizuizi Labour Camp because she is firm in her belief of Falun Gong. She is now on a hunger strike. This is an important matter of life or death. As people's officials, if you do not care about people's life or death, what issue will you deal with? What law has she violated?"
A "610 Office" Director Realises the Truth After A Dafa Practitioner Exposes the Flaws of the Staged Tiananmen Square "Self-immolation Incident"
2004-05-01the practitioner asked: "Can you see the stick hitting Liu Chunling's head from the back. You can also clearly see how it bounces back after hitting her in the back of her head. Look, there is a policeman poised to strike right behind Liu Chunling." The person in charge nodded in agreement, although he said: "Don't you think it would be impossible for the government to make up this incident?" To this, the practitioner replied: "In order to find a reason to persecute the Christians, Nero, an emperor of ancient Rome, set fire to the city and then fabricated the story that the Christians did it.
Letter to the World Human Rights Organisation and the World Trade Organisation About The Blood and Tears behind the Cheap Products Made in China
2004-04-29"From July 20th 1999, a group of misguided individuals inside the Chinese regime, led by Jiang Zemin, have misused the resources of China to wage a most severe persecution...Jiang Zemin and his followers have usurped a huge proportion of China's financial resources to sustain this persecution. These resources include the revenue from the foreign trade of products created by or enhanced through the blood, sweat and tears of Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned in labour camps, detention centres and other similar places in China."