Other News
Encouraging Righteous Support From Everyday Chinese People
2002-05-26I met an old friend on the street. She said, "One day the TV programming suddenly stopped. It was because Falun Gong was clarifying the truth on the TV, so the government had to stop it. Falun Gong's programs on TV gave many of us great satisfaction. Falun Gong is great and very brave!"
Chinese People Gradually Awakening, "All the Falun Gong Practitioners That I Know Are Good People."
2002-05-22Some encouraging stories of Chinese people who have seen through the lies about Falun Gong spread throughout China, and come to have a positive view of Falun Gong
A Large Colourful Ring of Light Appears in the Sky over "Ashima" Yuannan Province (Photos)
2002-05-21 -
A Practitioner's Boss Says, "Truly Sorry!"
2002-05-20 -
"Execute One As a Warning to one Hundred": Demonising Intensifies as "610 Office" Sets Stage for Slaughter
2002-05-17 -
Some Marvellous Events That Occurred Around Me
2002-05-17 -
Official Orders Permit Use of the Death Sentence: Shenyang City Government Escalates Its Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2002-05-15Last month (April 2002), an official document ordering the escalation of the persecution of Dafa practitioners was distributed to middle level officials of some government agencies in Shenyang city, Liaoning Province. The document called for a large-scale assault on practitioners, including a suggestion of using the death sentence.
A 17-Year-Old Prisoner Begins His Practice of Falun Dafa in a Labour Camp
2002-05-15 -
Reliable Source Reveals Mass Arrests after Truth Clarifying Broadcasts in Heilongjiang Province
2002-05-12 -
How Practitioners in China Employ Courage and Wisdom to Clarify the Truth
2002-05-10One time, they hung a banner onto an electrical pole standing between a river and a highway junction. All the people passing by saw it and marvelled at the achievement. The banner was up for over two weeks in such a noticeable location.
Encouraging Stories
2002-05-07Now I know that the Tiananmen self-immolation was a fake story.
"Now I Truly Understand that Falun Gong Practitioners Are Good People"
2002-05-06 -
More Than 160 Non-practitioners in North Eastern China Sign Petition to Officially Clear Falun Dafa of Any Wrongdoing
2002-05-06 -
Police Order Residents: "Immediately Turn Off Your TVs if the Signal Is Interrupted"
2002-05-06 -
"Falun Dafa Is Good" Banner Flutters from Police Car