World Falun Dafa Day
Sacramento: California Celebrates Falun Dafa Month
2002-10-22On October 17, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners from Northern California held activities to celebrate California's first statewide Falun Dafa Month in front of the State Building in Sacramento, California.
United States: Resolution Recognizing Falun Gong, Kansas City, Missouri
2002-10-15Kansas City, Missouri has proclaimed January 21-27, 2002 as "Falun Dafa Week." On June 24, 2002, Mayor Kay Barnes issued greetings to Falun Gong practitioners in the city, expressed support of the victims of torture, and urged China to abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and allow people the freedom of belief.Left: Copy of the Proclamation
Wisconsin: State Assembly Applauds Falun Dafa and Declares Falun Dafa Day
2002-10-01Three representatives of the Wisconsin State Assembly declare September 15 2002 to be Wisconsin Falun Dafa day.Left: A copy of the proclamtion.
Experience Sharing Conferences and Truth Clarification Mark Falun Dafa's Tenth Anniversary
2002-06-13 -
Despite The Current Situation in China, Dafa Practitioners Hold an Experience Sharing Conference on May 13th
2002-06-08 -
Falun Dafa Day Celebrations in Stockholm
2002-05-29 -
Finnish Practitioners Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction
2002-05-26 -
Falun Gong Practitioners from Hebei Province, China Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2002-05-25 -
First Falun Dafa Day in Sweden
2002-05-24 -
Belgian Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth to Chinese People on Falun Dafa Day
2002-05-24A Chinese lady took the truth-clarifying literature and wanted to read carefully after going home, and then read the book Zhuan Falun. She also asked for a badge reading "I support Falun Dafa" and put it on immediately.
Ukrainian Practitioners Clarify the Truth on World Falun Dafa Day
2002-05-24 -
Practitioners in Stuttgart, Germany Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Dafa's Public Introduction (Photos)
2002-05-23 -
Israeli Dafa Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day (Photos)
2002-05-23 -
Falun Dafa Day in Gothenburg, Sweden
2002-05-21The activities in Gothenburg had something for everyone. Practitioners handed out balloons, lollipops and paper lotus flowers to children passing by. The children were also able to sit on the grass and learn folding paper flowers themselves.
Swiss Practitioners Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction (Photos)