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Why I Feel that it is Important for UK Dafa Practitioners to File a Lawsuit Against Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin
2003-08-11To persecute those who want to improve their character through following Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance is to persecute morality, goodness and the essence of humanity. Jiang Zemin is trying to destroy human nature and make it illegal to be a good person. The people of the world must take whatever peaceful actions they can to stop him continuing his reign of terror. The courts of our just and democratic societies were actually created to deal with such wicked and brutal people. Now is our chance to use them to save the people of China.
Several Recent Cases of Karmic Retribution in China
2003-08-10In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.
The Mentality of Doing Things is the Hidden Cause of Many Mishaps and Difficulties
2003-08-09The Fa teaches us to "gain things naturally without pursuing them," ("Learning the Fa" from Essentials for Further Advancement) "Do but pursue not --Often stay in the Dao." ("In the Dao" from Hongyin, unofficial translation) We should pay attention to the process of saving people instead of pursuing superficial and specific results. However, the mentality of doing things is doing just the opposite and encourages people to seek a grand and dynamic scale of the process as well as specific goals.
Touring South Korea to Clarify the Truth
2003-08-09We needed to constantly keep powerful righteous thoughts and righteous actions. Actually, our pure righteousness itself was a good way to clarify the truth to people. As a result, our actions won the trust and support of the people we met. Gradually, the police officers started to trust us and lend us genuine assistance. Starting from Andong City, the police stopped following us around. They were completely convinced that we are good people. We always went to the police station to clarify the truth to the police in each city we visited.
Maintaining High Standards in Cultivation is Extremely Important
2003-08-07As Dafa practitioners, we cannot use any pretence as an excuse for seeking romantic partners to cover up our real attachments, such as I need to have a girlfriend to fit into everyday society or if I date a Chinese girl, it is a great chance to clarify the truth to her and all her friends. Dafa practitioners are leaving a cultivation path for the people of the future and everything we do needs to be the purest and most righteous. We cannot use any excuse to allow attachments to control our actions.
The Righteous Deeds of My Husband, Who Understands the Truth about Dafa
2003-08-07The behaviour of my husband is a clear manifestation of the mighty power of Dafa practitioners' clarifying the truth, and represents the attitude many kindhearted people have towards Dafa. They know that the innocent Dafa practitioners are persecuted by the evil, and that the authorities have been trying all possible ways to attack and defame them. Moreover, they are willing to help Dafa practitioners with their righteous actions.
Some Thoughts On Recurring Tribulations and Rationality Versus Fear
2003-08-05Here I would like to remind fellow practitioners that whenever our hearts are impure, we must look within ourselves for the causes, be strict with our thoughts and behaviour, and not let our righteous thoughts falter even a bit. At the same time, we need to understand that only through improving our xinxing [moral character, heart-mind nature] fundamentally can we validate Dafa and help save more sentient beings. Avoiding tribulations alone cannot be our motivation for improving xinxing.
Remembering 100% Pure Iron Ore
2003-08-05In the past I had taken part in a discussion with some of my fellow practitioners about using the metaphor of forging Iron Ore into 100% pure Iron Ores. Forging Iron Ore into 99% purity is a very involved, difficult and trying process. Yet forging the last 1% to make complete 100% purity is harder then forging the previous 99%. It is said to be quite to be a difficult process. This sentiment was shared amongst practitioners in the past as we felt each new levels higher requirement on us getting more and more difficult.
Clarifying the Truth to Chinese Students at a Scottish University (UK Fa Conference 2003)
2003-08-03Clarifying the truth to the Chinese is a really important area of Dafa work, but I rarely had the chance to talk to everyday Chinese people face to face. Whilst I had no problem with handing out fliers, I didnt feel particularly comfortable about approaching Chinese strangers in the street and attempting to start a conversation about Falun Gong. I would prefer to introduce the subject within a context that felt more natural.
Falun Dafa: My Path Back to the Origin
2003-08-03Always when I read Zhuan Falun, I had a feeling of relief and lightness and I wanted to learn more. I didnt read anything else than Falun Gong and Zhuan Falun. MY understanding of myself and the world changed a lot, and I noticed more clearly my own shortcomings and weaknesses. The sense of right and wrong, good and bad became much more clear as I read Zhuan Falun again and again. I knew in my heart that this was the only way in the world today to go back to one's origin.
Overcoming Great Tribulations, Striding Towards Brilliance
2003-08-03July 20 of four years ago is a day we will never forget. On that day, the evil Chinese government started its brutal and bloody persecution against Falun Gong. The dark clouds were overwhelming when the storm came. On that day, Dafa disciples across North America came to Washington DC. They gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy and on the grass in front of Capitol Hill. They stood shoulder to shoulder under the shining sun.
Validating the Fa Without Words
2003-08-02A man approached me and told me in an enthusiastic tone, It is really a surprise to me. I have been walking behind you for a while. I noticed that you were in a hurry. Instead of spitting the gum on the pavement, however, you walked for a long distance to spit it (out into a rubbish bin). Why did you do so? I smiled and explained to him that I am a Falun Gong practitioner, that we always use Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the principles of the cosmos, to guide our morality.
Validating the Fa in the State of a True Cultivator
2003-08-02Zhuan Falun is the book that systematically explains how to cultivate ourselves. In order to get rid of all sorts of attachments, we need to continually study Zhuan Falun so we can use the standards of the Fa to judge ourselves, to expose our shortcomings, and to improve our xinxing as a whole. So, we must focus our Fa-study on Zhuan Falun if we want to steadily and rapidly make progress in our cultivation.
Admirable Fellow Practitioners
2003-07-30I clarified the facts to him and said; "Everything is fine, and I don't need to go to the hospital. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. This is actually a stroke of luck. Do you know Falun Gong?' He replied, 'I do. My family received truth clarification literature, but I've never read it.' I told him, 'That's a shame. Falun Gong teaches people to exercise compassion. You know the severity of today's accident, but I won't take your money or compensation. Our Master teaches us to consider others at all times. I only want you to bear in mind the words of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance), and that Falun Dafa is good..."
Validating Dafa As One Body In the Days Leading Up to July 20th
2003-07-30In order to help end this inhumane, malicious and evil persecution sooner, to help more people learn the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution, and to frighten the old forces and make them see that their evil persecution will eventually end up in failure, on July 18th, all practitioners in our local area, as one body, courageously stepped forward. This is another action to validate Dafa as one body following the previous action on February 4, 2002 for our local "Falun Dafa Day."