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Enlightening to the Importance of Every Single Thought
2008-12-02Actually, the point was that I failed to look within at all times. When unrighteous thoughts surfaced, I didn't measure it against Dafa, and, as a result, it caused interference in my cultivation. Even though I have now come to this understanding through cultivation, I still must not be relaxed with my thoughts, because bad thoughts may easily slip into my mind.
Experiencing Dafa's Miracles
2008-12-01After that day, my wife and I read "Zhuan Falun" and listened to Teacher's 9-day audio lectures. We also conducted ourselves according to the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. On one occasion, my wife fell asleep while she was reading Zhuan Falun. The next day, she told me that Teacher had taught her the lectures all night, and that the lectures were the same as Teacher's 9-day lectures. Teacher also told her how to cultivate her xinxing (character) and how to be a good person.
"Master, I Finally Found You"
2008-12-01On January 29, 1998, I borrowed a set of Dafa books from a friend. I first read Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa, and I couldn't hold back my tears. I was surprised and happy. I called from my heart, "Master, I finally found you." It was like a child seeing his parents for for the first time after many years. With happiness and tears, I read the book without feeling tired until two or three o'clock in the morning.
A Comfortable Cultivation Environment is Created by Righteous Minds
2008-11-30Once, a neighbour wanted to use our apartment while my family was away on a trip. I said, "I have no requests except that you need to burn incense to my Teacher every day." She agreed, and when I returned she told me, "Not only did I burn incense every day, but I also bought the best fruits to respect him." I was moved to tears. I was in tears because I was moved to see the lives wakening under the evil clouds. I was also in tears because I felt sorry for those who were still lost because of the CCP.
Compassionately Saving People, Righteously Walking My Own Path
2008-11-30I have often been thinking, "What are righteous thoughts? Righteous thoughts are not necessarily the ones with which to solve a big event taking place. Righteous thoughts are in your heart, protecting Dafa and sentient beings without any hindrance. Among everyday people and in your family, your every thought, every word, every move as well as your attitude and your expression are all so upright, compassionate, and peaceful, reflecting Dafa disciple's nobleness and elegance.
Validating the Fa at Work
2008-11-29I was asked to look after purchasing materials for the cafeteria, in which over twenty people eat. People often say that people in this position are easily corruptible, but I follow the standards of Dafa at my place of work. No matter when a transaction happens, I make sure I record it promptly, and I have people who work in the cafeteria review it. I have been strict with myself and don't allow myself to become corruptible. Therefore, I don't want anything that doesn't belong to me.
Practitioners Working on Truth-Clarifying Materials Should Put Their Whole Hearts into It
2008-11-29The whole process of creating and editing the material is a cultivation process, and the results are a reflection of those who worked on it. It illustrates our compassion and painstaking efforts to help sentient beings. When you look at some of the materials, you can feel the purity, compassion and responsibility. I think that non-practitioners can also see it when they read these materials, even if they may not realize at the time what they are holding in their hands.
Using a School Broadcasting System for Truth Clarification
2008-11-28When I was in fourth grade, I was selected as a broadcaster for the school radio news program. Naturally, I was very excited, but when I went home, my mother "poured a bucket of cold water on me" and said, "How could you be helping the evil broadcast the news?" She told me to turn the offer down, but then she changed her mind and said, "There is nothing coincidental when it comes to cultivation. You should make good use of this great opportunity to broadcast Dafa's information; it will be a good way to save more sentient beings and reverse it to be a good deed!"
After My Sister Died as a Result of the Persecution - My ten-year cultivation journey
2008-11-28At the end of 2000, My sister and I went to Beijing to validate the Fa and were arrested. When police asked me for my name and address, I didn't tell them. They made me sit on the cold cement floor to freeze. It was very cold in Beijing. When I still didn't say anything, the police became desperate. They shocked me on my hands, face and head with electronic batons. At the time I had no hatred toward them but tried to persuade them not to behave like this
Discussion of Selfishness
2008-11-27When I wrote experience sharing articles in the past, I used to sign with our local district name. When my articles were published, it intensified my attachment. I would search for my articles with our local district name and tried to find how many of my articles have been published, unknowingly developing the attachment of elation
Teacher Is Right Beside Me
2008-11-27I followed what Teacher said and tried to harmonize with what Teacher wanted. I took the Fa as Teacher. One person who had seriously harmed my family ran into me a few times after quitting the CCP activities began. This was not accidental. We were all Teacher's family members. It must be Teacher wanting to save her. So I approached her. I clarified the truth to her and helped her quit the Party. I then gave her an amulet(1) as a gift.
"After Passing the Shady Willow Trees, There Will Be Bright Flowers and Another Village Ahead!"
2008-11-26Dafa gave him a chance to be reborn, and he really lived a new life. He was changed from inside out. He became honest, kind and tolerant. Furthermore, what surprised me even more were his studies. Before he was at an upper-middle level in his class. After my brother started to practice cultivation, his grades kept improving every month.
Letting Go of Attachments and Working Well with the Local Falun Dafa Association
2008-11-26During conflicts, I also came to understand that I should not pay too much attention to the misunderstanding of fellow practitioners. We should be tolerant towards fellow practitioners. The purpose of our cultivation is not for validating ourselves, arguing with others, nor for racking up "achievements." Rather, it is to let go of as many attachments as possible.
Do We Truly Respect the Fa and Teacher?
2008-11-25Now everyone in our Fa-study group is strict with themselves. We sit upright, hold up the book with both hands and read the Fa word by word. Even if we are tired, we don't slack off in any of those areas. If our legs hurt, we switch from double-lotus to the single-lotus position. Thinking of how much Teacher has suffered so much for us. How can we be worthy of Teacher's salvation? Everyone has improved through this experience sharing.
Reminding Fellow Practitioners Not to Become Apathetic
2008-11-25When I was cooking dinner, I kept thinking, "For a practitioner, there is nothing accidental. I just had a major repair job done for the bike the week before, why had the screw fallen out? These screws normally never get loose. I need to look within." I then realized that the pedals falling meant that I had made a mis-step. Where was I not solid? Cultivation is very serious and I should cultivate myself solidly