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My Journey towards the Fa
2002-06-24Shared at the 2002 Mid-Western U.S. Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
Falun Gong Calls for Iceland Ministry's Decision to be Immediately Rectified
2002-06-22 -
A Legal Professional is Illegally Detained for Half-a-Year in "Legal Education Program" for Not Giving Up His Belief in Falun Dafa
2002-06-21 -
The Days When Lin Chengtao and I Worked Together
2002-06-17 -
Who Is Doing the Brainwashing?
2002-06-12 -
Near Death Experiences in China - A Study of Survivors of the Tangshan Earthquake
2002-06-12 -
A Child's Essay: My Wish
2002-06-12 -
Experiences In The Appeal During Li Lanqing's visit to Italy
2002-06-11The policemen started to drive us away. They wanted us to hide behind the garbage bins and the minibuses, so that Li Lanqing would not see us. They even blocked the regular traffic to let the delegation drive in the wrong direction. My Goodness! At this moment, I really felt exasperated!
Reflections on Iceland's Denial of Visas to Falun Gong Practitioners
2002-06-11The world's people are watching our conduct and state of mind, and they will take these as representing Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners. If our conduct is righteous, they will realise the truth because of this.
Our Journey from Guangzhou to Beijing On Bicycle to Safeguard The Principles Of Dafa
2002-06-08 -
It is an Unparalleled Glory to Follow Teacher
2002-06-08 -
Exposing Jiang's Laughable Lies
2002-06-08Why did Jiang order the blocking of all Falun Gong and renowned international news websites?
Reaching the Hearts of My Fellow Countrymen In Front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-06-07In the end, an official of the embassy said to me, "We have to go now. We hope you come to a successful end."
Heroes or Criminals: What is the Standard We Use to Measure a Just Action?
2002-06-01Last week, four more Falun Gong practitioners were handed sentences of up to 16 years in prison for their "illegal" act of broadcasting programs that reveal the persecution of Falun Gong on state-run television. Thus, as those who sought to expose human rights abuses and give a voice to those who have none in China's state-run media are sent off to prison for their efforts, we ask who are the criminals and who are the victims?
Why Are There So Many People Practising Falun Gong?