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The Jiang Regime is a Danger to the Civilization of the International Community
2002-08-04 -
One Body
2002-08-03This is the experience of a North American practitioner, shared at the 2002 Washington D.C. Fa Conference. It describes the problems and obstructions he overcame to attend the 2002 World Cup in Korea and tell the thousands of Chinese soccer fans the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa.
Chinese President Jiang is an Incorrigible Violator of International Laws
2002-07-31The ruler of China shouts about democracy and law every day, yet at the same time he reinforces his dictatorship with whatever methods work, regardless of their legality. As he brags about building a civilized society, he actually brings the nation brutality and darkness through his crimes of persecuting people.
Italy: Recalling Three Years of Persecution
2002-07-31 -
My Thoughts on the Authenticity of the Report about Tapping into Satellite Programs
2002-07-31 -
A Few Thoughts on Tolerance
2002-07-30 -
Dispelling the Myth of a Falun Gong Organization
2002-07-30 -
Lotus Flowers from the Hearts and Hands of Falun Dafa Practitioners: A Message of Hope and Thanks
2002-07-19 -
Exposing The Persecution In Ireland - Thoughts on a Press Conference
2002-07-17 -
Iceland: A few words from a Falun Gong practitioner published in an Icelandic Newspaper
2002-07-15Truth will always surpass lies, peace is more powerful than war, and forgiveness is stronger than revenge.
Is it a Crime to Appeal?
2002-07-03Why Has China's "Strike Hard Against Crime" Campaign Changed its Focus, Now Including "Strike Hard Against Those Appealing to High Levels of Government?"
My Experience of being in Riga at the Same Time as Chinese President Jiang Zemin
2002-06-28 -
A Westerners Experience of Demonstrating the Falun Gong Exercises to Mainland Chinese
2002-06-28 -
Our Trip to Iceland
2002-06-27Wherever Jiang went, the "welcoming group" [...]was already there [...]. These people held small flags and big red banners to welcome him, and even played drums. One of them said frankly, "You protest for your belief, but we are here for food."
About the Respectful and Wonderful People of Iceland