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Always Remembering That I am a Cultivator
2010-03-16I have decided to remember that I am a cultivator and a disciple during this Fa-rectification period, and to uproot my selfishness and eliminate it. As soon as I enlightened to this, I felt a great amount of energy surging throughout my body and my filthy attachments to lust left me.
I Now Understand Better What Cultivation Is About
2010-03-16. I feel very ashamed in the face of Master's salvation, Dafa, and the sentient beings in my world, since for such a long time I didn't cherish the time to cultivate myself well. The reason is actually very simple. It is because I didn't truly commit myself to studying the Fa, looking within to cultivate myself, and eliminating my human notions.
The Issue of Not Accepting Criticism
2010-03-15When I measured my behaviour against the Fa, I felt shocked. I was easily moved by an ordinary person and had the habit of not letting others point out my shortcomings. All these inadequacies should have long been discarded by a practitioner in the Fa-rectification period. I have dragged along these attachments for so long.
Looking Inside, the Rough Becoming Smooth
2010-03-15In January 2001, I went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa, but was arrested. The police hit me with a rubber baton. My leg was bruised completely black. I was held for 15 days in a detention centre. After I was released, my husband attacked me in the street. When we got home, he kicked me and beat me with a stick. I suffered greatly.
Reading Zhuan Falun and Becoming a Good Student (Photo)
2010-03-14Each time that I have a conflict with another student, I think about passages in the book to encourage me and to calm myself down. Reading the book has made me a gentle, considerate and warm-hearted girl instead of a little girl who tends to lose her temper.
Looking Inward and Dissolving Evil
2010-03-14Recently I fell asleep while studying the Fa after I got off work. I felt so sleepy when I studied the Fa, as if the Fa were a lullaby. I realized that I did not respect Teacher and the Fa enough. My thoughts were wrong and this was why I could not study the Fa properly. I looked inward deeply and found:
Western Practitioner: Some Thoughts on the Nature of Beauty and Desire
2010-03-13Slowly, like peeling the skin of an onion, we are approaching our true nature. We should strive to reach beyond the realm of imagination, beyond desire, beyond the senses and the mind. We must sever all desires and attachments of everyday people.
Understandings on the Cultivation of Compassion
2010-03-13But during recent discussions with fellow practitioners, and through constant conflicts within my family, I have come to a better understanding on the cultivation of compassion.
Some Understandings about "Cultivating as if You Were Just Starting"
2010-03-12On the first day of the new year, I didn't want to go out and validate the Fa. I figured that the previous year I had already done a lot, and it would be better if I stayed at home and studied the Fa. As I studied the Fa in the afternoon, suddenly Master's words came into my mind: "cultivating as if you were just starting"
Sharing on How to Study the Fa in Terms of Mindset and Manner
2010-03-12In his lectures, Master didn't stipulate a certain format or mindset for us to adopt to study the Fa, so I didn't pay much attention to this issue. However, I have recently learned that, "Great Way without form" does not mean that a wrong form or mindset is acceptable.
An Unforgettable Cultivation Journey
2010-03-11I realized that I only focused on things that were on the surface. I had not looked inward enough. I only paid attention to making the nice covers for the CDs instead of spending time on Fa-study. I did not cultivate diligently enough and had not eliminated many human notions. When facing conflicts, I was not tolerant and had not been able to maintain a calm manner.
Everything Is Given to Us by Master
2010-03-11When we went to the hotel to register, the receptionist told us that we had done a great thing by exposing pictures of the policemen beating Falun Gong practitioners. We asked her, "How did you know?" She said, "I saw your posters and the pictures." We told her that we were telling everyone we meet about the truth of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted.
A New Practitioner in Beijing
2010-03-10One time when I was in pain, I knelt down (I only felt better in this position) with my head resting on my hands. I clearly saw a beautiful lotus flower seat (just like Master was sitting on in the Fa lectures). It flew, passing in front of my eyes to the ceiling. It disappeared when I tried to take a closer look at tit. After that, I was more determined in studying the Fa and cultivation.
Righteous Thoughts Changed My Home Environment
2010-03-10He said that I practiced Falun Gong and was very healthy. When he watched TV, he talked to himself saying, "There are few good people in the world. People either steal money or cheat each other out of money. Falun Gong practitioners are the best people. They spend their own money to save people, and they do it day and night."
A Person's Unique Set of Attachments
2010-03-09I have realized that when looking at my attitude towards others, I need to discern if I'm acting out of Buddha nature or demon nature. On the other hand, when looking at another person's attitude towards me or something taking place between other people, I need to look to see if it reflects some shortcoming on my part, using the Fa as the guideline.