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Stories from Our Fa Study Site
2010-03-26The police took him to a rural area and pushed him out of the vehicle. On those same two legs and keeping righteous thoughts, he hurried as if on wings back to Tiananmen Square before dawn to validate the Fa.
How Grandmother Cui Passed the Tests of Emotion and Material Gain
2010-03-26After she woke up, she tried the lotus position again and a miracle happened: she could sit with both legs crossed, without feeling any pain in her legs. She was so joyful in her heart, because she knew that Teacher was still taking care of her!
Persistence in Fa Study Allows Us to Pass Through Tribulations
2010-03-25At one time I fell in love, but I did not treat myself as a practitioner, did not conduct myself according to Teacher's words, and did things that a practitioner should not do. As a result I had serious symptoms of sickness karma, caused a negative impact on people, and brought great difficulties into my life.
A High School Student's Experience Cultivating in a New Environment
2010-03-25"Have you heard that quitting the CCP can save your life?" He said, "Yes, I knew it, and I have already quit it." Then he told me that his neighbour helped him to quit the CCP. What a coincidence! I met someone who had already quit the CCP in my first effort of truth-clarification.
Completely Eliminate the Attachment of Lust
2010-03-24Genuine cultivation takes place only after we put our understanding into solid action. As long as we study the Fa well, our attachments to this human world will not seem important. However, why can't many fellow practitioners let go of their attachments?
Studying the Fa Well Solidifies Our Cultivation
2010-03-24At the end of 2003, one day while studying the Fa, I came to the realization that this is Buddha-Fa cultivation, and if I were to choose between personal gain and cultivation, I would choose the latter. With righteous thoughts, my attachments gradually disappeared as I read Master's teachings after the persecution began.
My Experience Maintaining Righteous Thoughts
2010-03-23From the Fa I had learned that practicing the exercises was the best way to rest. I sat there thinking of doing the exercises and recited the Fa. I was thinking of my body in other dimensions doing the exercises and my body in this dimension doing exercises along with it.
Uterine Fibroid Tumors Discharged after Practising Falun Gong for Twenty Days
2010-03-23After about twenty days of practice, when I used the restroom, something dropped out of me as I urinated. It was white and as big as an egg. I was so excited, realizing that this was the tumour!
Cultivating Diligently and Fulfilling Our Mission
2010-03-19I got out of bed and felt that the pain had gone. Just like that, I passed the test. I realized that I had to be a true cultivator. Asking Master for help but still staying in bed was not showing full trust in Master and Dafa, and that is not what a true cultivator should do.
Enlightening to "When One Is Attached to Nothing, the Path Underfoot Is Naturally Smooth"
2010-03-19Our current jobs, life, and every activity we participate in are all closely related to saving sentient beings. We are all particles of Dafa. If we get rid of attachments within the Fa, become selfless, and follow the course of nature, we are walking on the path that Master arranges
Returning Home with Teacher
2010-03-18 -
Eliminating Attachments through True Cultivation
2010-03-18She confided in me that she had never read Zhuan Falun, let alone other Dafa material. For a while, we went to this practitioner's home to study the Fa. Later, she would not let us go to her house anymore. She said it was almost October1st (National Day), and that the police had threatened her family.
My Fourteen Years of Cultivation
2010-03-17During those dark nights, I hung up banners and posted the materials alone. When I got scared, I sent righteous thoughts, memorized the Fa, and thought to myself that I had Teacher and the Fa with me, so nothing could harm me. In time I stopped being afraid.
From Christianity to Dafa Cultivation
2010-03-17I wondered, "If people just read the Bible, which they really don't understand, and don't improve their moral standards while continuing to pray for God's protection every day, will God protect them?"
Middle High School Student Survives Bone Cancer after Practicing Falun Gong
2010-03-16I strictly conducted myself according to Dafa's principles, and my illness improved day by day. I gradually became free of pain in my legs. I dared not believe that Dafa had such a mighty power. I was a dying person, but I miraculously recovered without taking medicines or injections. Dafa saved my life!