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Eliminate All Attachments Behind Our Thoughts
2009-12-07This means that we must at all times evaluate our every thought, word, or action according to the Fa. Degenerate elements should be eliminated so that we will take fewer wrong turns and experience fewer losses. We must not give the old forces any excuse or opportunity to persecute us.
Improving Myself Through Repairing Printers
2009-12-04When I was working on the printers, my mind was not focused. When I found these problems, suddenly my mind became clear. I adjusted my attitude and started repairing the machines meticulously and carefully. Quickly, the printers were all fixed. After a long time, I found that when I was cultivating well and repairing the printers with a pure mind, the printers worked very well and seldom needed repairing.
Cultivating Myself Well and Saving Others
2009-12-04Learning from many such lessons helped me to gradually mature. One of my relatives accepted the facts about Falun Gong, but did not quit the CCP. I patiently talked to him three times about it, and in the end he agreed to quit the CCP.
Keep Going Until the Very End
2009-12-03Before, I couldn't relate to why a God's consummation and returning to his true place is like awakening from a dream, but now I understand it a little better. Honour and disgrace, gain and loss, everything of the world has already dispersed into the depths of the past, and now it's only the responsibility towards sentient beings that fills my heart.
Let's Not Allow Relationships to Affect Our Cultivation
2009-12-03Actually, I think the attempt to maintain harmony is based on human notions. It also reflects the fear of being criticized by others. Giving hints and talking in a roundabout way are based on the Chinese Communists Party's (CCP) culture. A practitioner should be straightforward.
Practitioners Should Not Feel Vexed
2009-12-02I live in a very dusty and dry city. My furniture and floors always have dust on them. As a result, I have to clean my home every day, which has always bothered me a lot. Today, I did it again. I suddenly realized that practitioners should not feel vexed. I should not feel bothered by the dust in my home.
Practitioners “Water the Lotus Blossoms” with Their Experience Sharing Articles Published on the Minghui Website
2009-12-02Articles on aren't always eloquent because some articles are written by people in their sixties and seventies with little education. But their articles are deeply moving and often bring readers to tears. This is because their articles come from the heart. The articles are heartfelt and there is compassion between the lines.
The Meaning of Life Is Cultivation during Fa-Rectification
2009-12-01In mid-2008, with financial help from a practitioner, we bought a photosensitive seal machine and materials. After researching, we made many photosensitive seals and gave them to practitioners. These seals could be carried along and can stamp on bills quickly. It is very convenient for truth-clarification through paper currency bills.
The Cultivation Path of an Eighty-Year-Old Married Couple
2009-12-01Sometimes they would also come to my house while I was reading Dafa books. Seeing me read, they would snatch the book away. Immediately I would say sternly, "Put that down, you're not fit to hold that book!" Seeing my righteousness, they would not do anything to me.
Things Change When a Practitioner's Thoughts Change
2009-11-30"..when she understands, she can tell her relatives and friends, which will save them too. So you will still be saving sentient beings." The practitioner's words woke me up. I realized my big gap. The practitioner considered things on the standpoint of saving sentient beings, while I was considering things based on myself and how things should fit my thoughts.
Taiwan Practitioner Shares Thoughts on the Sixth Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China
2009-11-30Mr. Cai said that although he has been studying the Fa and learning the principles, he did not feel he worked from the standpoint of the Fa when he did Dafa projects. From reading this article, he learned from this fellow practitioner the meaning of "Only then, with that, is it actually cultivation."
A Pleasant Surprise
2009-11-29It was a truth clarification call from overseas. Inside the silent room, the voice was very clear and felt close to me.At that moment, my heart was filled with warmth and gratitude and I was not alone. The support from other practitioners strengthened my righteous thoughts and allowed me to look at the police officer straight in the eye and reject his every attempt to coerce me into becoming a spy.
Teacher's Enormous Grace Changed My Life Completely
2009-11-29Normally for an everyday person, if she felt pain when urinating, she would take medicine for it. As a Dafa practitioner, I needed to let go of my human heart. I should not keep thinking about it, nor should I treat it as a disease.Although I knew what I should do as a practitioner, I was still nervous and could not let go of my attachment completely.
Be Alert to the Attachment of Seeking Comfort
2009-11-28I believe that this notion is built on our nature of selfishness. That is the nature of lives from old universe. We want to protect ourselves and avoid being hurt. This is fundamentally different from the nature of enlightened beings, and from the new universe that is selfless and always puts others first. My notion of "not enough sleep" is formed out of my notions for self-protection, fear of being harmed and attachments to my physical body.
On Studying the Fa with Our Hearts
2009-11-28As a result, I'd finish reciting a whole lecture very quickly without knowing what I was reciting. Under this circumstance, we need to keep a clear mind and recite sentence by sentence, so that every word will be displayed in front of our eyes, thus fusing our entire mind and body into the Fa. This feeling is so mysterious and profound that it's beyond description.