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Take Action According to Your Level of Enlightenment
2010-01-01The day after I understood that I should not watch TV, my Fa study turned back to normal. I felt the black cloud disappear from my mind. The material that separated me from Dafa also disappeared. I can study whenever I want.
A Short Cultivation Experience Story
2009-12-31There is a detention centre regulation stating that all cells are to be inspected once a month, but we were still able to make small books by dividing regular letter-size paper into four pieces. Each small book contained one lecture of Zhuan Falun.
Knowing versus Doing
2009-12-31The practitioner who told me the story said, "That practitioner was not in a very good cultivation state. 'Rejecting the evil persecution' has just become a catch phrase for some practitioners."
It May Not Be a Bad Idea to Talk about Enhancement As a Whole
2009-12-30Very often I have been deeply touched by fellow practitioners' motivations and endeavours, some study well the Fa, some do well sending forth righteous thoughts, some practice the exercises well, and some focus well on truth clarification, truly hurrying to save people.
Fundamentally Change Human Notions
2009-12-30Although I had eliminated a lot of attachments over the last ten years, I had not given up the attachment to food. I often joked with my husband, "Nothing in the human world can give me joy, except for food. If I eat well, I feel very satisfied." What a strong attachment!
An Experience to Share with Practitioners Who Are Still Trapped In Family Tribulations
2009-12-29Reminders from other practitioners helped me gradually realize that I had to do well within my family environment, by fulfilling the responsibility of a wife and mother in addition to my everyday work. It was true that I was already doing all household chores, but I often did them while complaining and didn't show much compassion.
Becoming Diligent
2009-12-29I made a plan for daily Fa study, exercise practice, sending forth righteous thoughts, and truth clarification. I treated the plan as my prehistoric vow. If I could not complete it, I would be breaking my vow. When I was becoming lazy, I remembered that I am a Falun Dafa disciple and can never break my vow.
Enlightenment on Abandoning Jealousy
2009-12-28When the practitioner left, I realized I was wrong. Why did I repeat the same sentence so many times? I realized I had human notions, but what were they? I made last year's calendar. If she could do it, then what would I do? Could she really do it well? I was shocked to realize that I was jealous.
Improving Myself Through Making Phone Calls to Clarify the Truth
2009-12-28I have also read feedback from Mainland Chinese practitioners on the Minghui website, which repeatedly affirmed the important role overseas phone calls played in lessening the persecution. Realizing the importance of these phone calls became an integral part of my cultivation.
My Understanding of Forbearance
2009-12-27To endure without anger and grievance is difficult to do. We know that there is sacrifice in Forbearance, in letting go of all attachments. When we let go of all attachments, we will naturally look at everything with a calm mind and raise our hearts to higher realms.
Cultivation Thoughts from a "Small Matter"
2009-12-27Facing that situation, I did not look within. I did not think about why I happened to see it and whether I had some similar notions of "insisting on our own ideas" from the Party culture. Instead, I gloated over it and felt that my mother-in-law helped me to express my own anger at my husband.
Fundamentally Eliminating the Attachment of Pursuit
2009-12-26So no matter how we pursue a good life, there will always be this or that aspect that isn't perfect. Only by giving up the pursuit of a good life, only by giving up our human goals and objectives can we obtain true good fortune.
Letting Go of Attachments Depends on the Fa
2009-12-26"As a Fa-rectification period practitioner, I will firmly fulfil my sacred duty of assisting Teacher in the Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings. No one and nothing can prevent me from returning to my true self." My family saw that I was determined and stopped trying to hinder me.
Letting Go of Attachments by Looking Inward
2009-12-25Practitioners at our Fa study group set strict standards for themselves in accordance with the Fa, cultivated themselves well, cooperated with the one body and sent forth righteous thoughts as a group. We teamed up in twos or threes to clarify the truth and to persuade people to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its subordinate organizations. Everyone's xinxing improved greatly.
New Practitioner: Starting Cultivation and Becoming Diligent
2009-12-25One day this summer (2009), I came across a friend I had not seen for years. She looked very energetic, and I asked her what happened. She told me, "Practicing Falun Dafa makes me healthy and energetic. For more than a decade, I have not needed to take medicine. It is very good. Why don't you give it a try? I promise it will work for you as well." I gladly said yes. She taught me to recite, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and "Falun Dafa is good."