Practitioner Forum

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  • A Practitioner Who Inspires Me to Be More Diligent

    "We came here to save you. You only think about making money and your life with your family, without knowing that you are all marked by the beast. We are here to help remove those marks. But first you should remember Falun Dafa is good. Zhen-Shan-Ren is good! If you can accept that you will be happy forever."
  • One Thought Distinguishes a Human from a Divine Being

    When I was arrested, the police deceived my husband with lies about Falun Gong and he attempted to force me to write a guarantee statement in a brutal manner. He could not coerce me, however, and instead, I measured myself with the standard of the Fa; even my fear of him vanished.
  • The Importance of Patience

    Recently, we studied Teacher's earlier lectures in our Fa study group. When Teacher was asked shallow, sometimes even ridiculous questions, he patiently answered them one by one. I could not help but sigh, "Teacher really has patience." After careful thinking, I realized that behind the patience is Teacher's great compassion. I understood that impatience comes about due to the lack of compassion.
  • Responsibility

    When I read articles about fellow practitioners' righteous thoughts and deeds, I felt bright in my mind. Being able to keep in touch with the Minghui website I felt that I was able to keep in touch with fellow practitioners and with our whole body; I did not feel like a lonely particle.
  • When Will We Be Mature?

    In this human world, no matter what feeling of gratitude or resentment we have towards others, we should end it in this golden Fa-rectification period. Although we have some predestined relationships, we should measure everything with the Fa, and compassionately resolve the issues.
  • Handing Out Bookmarks

    I think that wherever we are, in whatever situation, we can somehow let the people around us know what they do not already know. If you do not have Dafa bookmarks, it is easy to print up a pretty business card with a short message about Dafa and the web address of to carry with you.
  • Some Thoughts about the Deaths of Senior Practitioners

    A person with a serious illness cannot stop thinking about the illness. What is in his or her thoughts is just the fear. Are there those kinds of practitioners among us? The things you are attached to every day are just the things of everyday people. What you think about are gaining things for yourself, and you haven't let go of them.
  • How I Have Benefited from Practicing Falun Dafa

    Since I started practicing Falun Gong, I have conducted myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. When I encounter a conflict, I look inward to find my shortcomings and remove them. Teacher has purified my body and my illnesses have completely disappeared.
  • Falun Dafa Saved Me from Despair

    Later my friend told me, "You have already taken two years worth of medicine. You did not get better, and this shows that this medicine is not effective for you. You might want to try stopping the medicine and see what happens." In that way, I stopped taking the medication and got well very quickly.
  • Understanding Our Cultivation Environment

    Whenever a problem surfaced, whether it be in the workplace or at home, I always rushed to resolve it or quickly finish the job. Although I knew that everything I encountered carried factors to remove my attachment, I didn't grasp the opportunity to improve my Xinxing (heart and mind nature, character).
  • The Internet Blockade Can Only Block Human Attachments

    This week I was no longer that busy, but I had the thought of still letting practitioner A prepare this week's materials so I could read the Fa and make up for the inadequacy of my Fa study in the past; this was a selfish thought. It was this selfish thought that had perhaps caused me to be unable to get onto the website.
  • Rectify Our Behaviours That Are Disrespectful to Master and Dafa

    There was a practitioner who hid his copy of Zhuan Falun under his mattress, only to see the authorities confiscate it. Later he realized that hiding the book under his mattress was equivalent to laying on it, which was disrespectful of Dafa, and that was an excuse for him to lose the book.
  • Eliminate the Attachment of Validating Self While Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

    Today, I have come to realize that it was not me who was capable of doing that. It is the Fa that rectifies the cosmos and eliminates the evil. It is all done by Master and the power of the Fa. The only thing I had was strong righteous thoughts. In the past, since I had a strong attachment of validating myself, my righteous thoughts were not pure. As a result, the power of the Fa was restricted and not displayed fully.
  • Eliminating Human Mentality and Advancing Towards Consummation

    I realize now that when there are conflicts among fellow practitioners, originally it was Teacher's arrangement for us to improve our mind nature. Being attached to right or wrong is in fact from our human mentality and it is an attachment of zealotry.
  • When I Study the Fa With a Quiet Mind My Xinxing is Raised, and Passing Each Test Becomes Easier

    Moreover, in order to produce good quality materials and resolve any problems there may be with the equipment, I need to constantly look inward, eliminate attachments, rectify myself, and send forth righteous thoughts directed at the equipment and the production site.