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Healing Power of Falun Dafa Amazes Doctors and Hospital Staff
2006-05-16On the way home, I had to look for restrooms everywhere because of diarrhea. It lasted for 7 days. On the eighth day, not only was the diarrhea gone, but the entire body swelling also diminished. My abdomen returned to its normal size, and I could walk very easily, as if I were being lifted up. My whole family was surprised: Falun Gong is so good, and it surpassed modern medical technologies, curing without medication!
Practising Falun Dafa Enabled Me to Truly Understand the Meaning of Life and See the Principles of the Universe
2006-05-16Some people may feel that Falun Gong is good but is too remote for them. They have to take care of family and work. So they think it's impossible for them to calm down and find time to practise Falun Gong amidst their busy schedule. Actually, when I was searching for the truth, I was looking for something that could help me improve and also accommodate my everyday life. Falun Gong is exactly such a cultivation practice. It can guide people to higher levels, but at the same time, practitioners can still lead a normal life. In such an era when human morality is on the decline and people are going after fame and self-interest, I hope more people can realise the preciousness of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.
The Powerful Impact of Re-enacting the Organ Harvesting
2006-05-15I saw the horror in the faces of the pedestrians, and many mouths were opened in shock. Many of them took the flyers or asked the practitioners for information. Some were very agitated and asked questions about the scene, and asked me what I was doing. After telling them the truth of the persecution and the organ harvesting, many said, “This is unbelievable. This is illegal and criminal. Why don’t the police do something about this?”
"No Politics" and "Nine Commentaries"
2006-05-15Since the Sujiatun horror was revealed, the witnesses' testimony always made me feel very uncomfortable. After reading each testimony, I usually could not calm my mind down all day. After sharing experiences with other practitioners, I realised that the arrangement of Fa-rectification is very well ordered and nothing that happened was coincidental. But I still could not get rid of feeling indignant.
European Practitioners' Gratitude on May 13th
2006-05-14"What's my biggest change? I learned how to say "no." I used to always say "yes" to save face, and prove I was capable. Another change is how I face criticism when conflicts appear, which are difficult tribulations. Once a fellow practitioner said I was like a communist. I was not at peace for five days. Even under that circumstance, I still have to look inside."
Journey to Find the Fa - Written for "World Falun Dafa Day"
2006-05-14I became highly interested in discussing issues related to qigong, because some supernatural phenomena that appeared in qigong practice led me to think that qigong was the answer to many of my questions, and it was a solution to my illness-ridden wife's problems. My bookshelf was then filled with all kinds of qigong books. I could boast that I owned basically everything written about qigong that people could find at bookstores and street vendors. I studied and practised several different types of qigong, but I didn't find the answers I needed, and I didn't continue to practice. I just wasted a lot of money.
Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong, Part 1
2006-05-13Mental torture and murder are vital parts of the persecution of Falun Gong. To achieve the purpose of "reform," the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime uses intricately planned mental and physical torture to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, crushing them physically and mentally. They force Falun Gong practitioners to betray their faith and conscience.
The Chinese Communist Party's Crimes of Removing Organs from Live Falun Gong Practitioners Cannot be Erased
2006-05-13On another occasion, because I was on hunger strike, I was called to see a chief surnamed Tang. This woman was over 40, with a fierce look. Strangely, when she burned people with electric batons, she never hit where the internal organs were, but used the batons on the temple, nose, cheek, ears, armpit, wrists, palms and other places for a long time. There was a young girl with long hair in her twenties in our cell, who was unconscious when she came in. She was dragged out the next day, and I never saw her again.
People's Opinions Towards Falun Gong Change after Traveling Overseas
2006-05-12He told me, "I visited several countries and many people practice Falun Gong overseas. I read a lot of their materials and was touched by the practitioners' kindness and peacefulness. Now I understand that what we saw in China was full of lies. When Chinese leaders visit overseas, who knows how many people come to protest since they are behind the welcoming crowd? The people in the crowd were paid to come. It is a pity that the Chinese people have been deceived and do not know the truth.
Nightmares Awaken a Policeman to His Evil Deeds
2006-05-12Then Director Liu started to repeat, "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance is good and Falun Dafa is good." When he started to say this sentence for the fourth time, suddenly a beam of golden light flashed before his eyes and he woke up. After Liu woke up, he immediately told this dream to his wife and said, "I will never do those evil things to persecute Falun Gong practitioners." His wife smiled and said, "You should have said that long ago."
Ten Evil Attributes of the Chinese Communist Party Related to Live Organ Harvesting, Part 2
2006-05-11After several decades of "nurturing, sharpening and perfecting" their killing instincts, the killing by the CCP has become even more brutal and has achieved unprecedented depths of camouflage and covert activities. Borrowing resources from hospitals that are meant to save people not only deceives the public, but it also destroys the witnesses. The high earnings and quick money from organ transplants will encourage the criminal executioners to continue committing these crimes.
10 Million People Actively Quit the Chinese Communist Party - Collapse is Inevitable
2006-05-11We may assert that by becoming part of the "quitting the CCP" tide, people inside and outside China are beginning a new era. In the history of China, even in the history of the whole world, there have never been so many people using such a peaceful and rational way to spurn a totalitarian authority. It indicates the 100 million Chinese people's wish to leave the CCP. It declares the bankruptcy of the CCP and its ideology and also represents a beginning of social reform and transformation.
Several Suggestions Regarding Falun Dafa Practitioners' Activities
2006-05-11When Falun Dafa practitioners from different regions of the world went to Washington, D.C. to participate in the parade, to protest, and to engage in other various activities, I was fortunate enough to be able to join them. While I was moved by the fellow practitioners' enormous contributions, I also felt the need to make several suggestions.
Renowned Writer Jiao Guobiao Volunteers to Be an Observer for AGIPFGC and Accompany the Investigation in China
2006-05-10When the reporter asked if the Chinese Communist Party would permit such an independent and free investigation group to enter China, Jiao responded, "Just like the past, when the Nationalist Party was monopolizing the power in Taiwan, it was very difficult for many of the truths to be revealed. However, we should never stop the effort because of this."
Guards at Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp Mentioned Secret Concentration Camp in 2001
2006-05-10Guard Leng Jiaguang said to someone from his hometown that determined Falun Gong practitioners would be sent to a northwest labor camp that is actually a concentration camp, from where they could never return. I thought the guards were bluffing and I didn't take it seriously. Now that I have read the reports on the Sujiatun Concentration Camp and the practice of harvesting organs from living practitioners in other labor camps, I know that the guard was talking the truth.