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Miracles Experienced While Cultivating in the Mountains
2012-06-02I started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. The area where I live is sparsely populated. Although I am the only person who practises Falun Gong in this area, I don't feel lonely, because I know that Master is looking after me. I have never seen Master, but I know that Master is always by my side. Falun Dafa has often manifested its divine power, so as to encourage me to be more steadfast on my path.
New Practitioner: Aplastic Anemia Cured after Practising Falun Dafa
2012-06-02I am 22 years old and live in a village in China. My mother took me to a local Fa-study group to study the Fa with other practitioners. Through the help of my mother and a senior practitioner, I began to understand many principles in the book—I knew where illnesses and tribulations came from. After that, I became a practitioner.
All Good Things Are Given By Dafa
2012-05-29About ten days after I started practising, health problems that had bothered me for more than 20 years (including pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, and gynaecological diseases) disappeared. I conducted myself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance at home and at work, and validated the Fa with the demeanour of a cultivator. I lived with my in-laws for eight and a half years and took good care of them. My neighbours said that I was a good daughter-in-law.
Real Blessings: The Light of Truth Drives Away the Mist of Confusion in People's Hearts
2012-05-29For what does a person live? How does one avoid making the journey through life for nothing? The meaning of life eludes many people, like a mist; however, they will be amazed once they find that everything becomes clear when they encounter the true light of Falun Dafa. Here are the stories of a number of people who found what they were looking for through the practice of Falun Dafa.
I Know It Is Difficult to Obtain the Fa and I Must Cultivate Diligently
2012-05-29I am a new practitioner who obtained the Fa in March, 2011. Each day, I improve under the light of Master's compassion. I feel as though every molecule and particle in me is filled with joy and happiness. I thank Master for not giving up on a being like me, who was so poisoned by the lies instilled by the evil Party. I also want to thank my fellow practitioners, who did not give up on saving me.
Two Doctors: One Takes Bribes, the Other Declines
2012-05-29From these two examples, it is clear that a good doctor is different from a bad doctor. Good doctors always have a conscience to restrain their behaviour. Falun Gong guides people to become good persons and not do bad things. Unfortunately, this righteous Dafa has been persecuted by the CCP for thirteen years. How can people understand it? The CCP, clearly vicious, persecutes good people.
The Crimes of Zhou Yongkang and His Ending
2012-05-29As more and more truth is exposed, Zhou will be brought to justice. We believe that his ending will not be pretty. Those who are still blindly following Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang in persecuting Falun Gong should take note and learn from these lessons.
Miraculous Experiences of Two Elderly Sisters-in-Law
2012-05-26Two elderly sisters-in-law lived in a village on the Jiaodong Peninsula. One was 70 years old and the other 76. One day in the spring of 2007, the younger of the two heard a fellow villager speaking positively about Falun Gong, so she decided to check it out. When she saw the three words: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she said, “They came into my heart right away. I knew then that I wanted to practise Falun Gong.”
Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Materials Led Me to a Bright Future
2012-05-26When the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) began to persecute Falun Gong, I considered it very inhuman and extremely wrong. I knew Falun Gong was a practice that cultivated the body and helped people keep fit and improve xinxing. To behave according to the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is a wonderful thing, and it would benefit people and society.
Terminally Ill Son Recovers after Hearing "Falun Dafa Is Good!"
2012-05-26My eldest son was an alcoholic who was diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis of the liver in 2005. He was hospitalized many times, yet nothing could cure him. On October 14, 2008, his condition suddenly worsened and he began to show serious symptoms. Most of his body (including his four limbs and his head) were swollen. He also had difficulty breathing.
The Twisted Logic Behind the Chinese Communist Party's Excuses for Persecution
2012-05-26The CCP has stated, “Anything that's supported by the enemy, we have to oppose.” Over the course of the CCP's history, the landowners, the wealthy peasants, the capitalists, and the rightists were all its enemies and they were bound to be swept out. So inherently, there's no difference in the persecution of Falun Gong. The CCP's crimes against humanity have never stopped, only now it has put on the cloak of “Law” and created a big pile of false accusations – thus it has become even more deceptive.
The Horrific Conduct of Wang Lijun, Who Is Suspected of Harvesting Organs from the Living
2012-05-26The man known as the “Supreme Heroic Role Model of China's Police” was not doing the work that he was supposed to be doing. During his reign as a powerful police chief, thousands of “test objects”, human beings, disappeared without explanation. It's likely that Wang has records of his victims, which are now in the hands of the Central Government. Let's hope that the extent of his crimes will eventually come to light, and that this kind of tragedy will never be repeated.
I Became a True Practitioner after My Husband Was Arrested
2012-05-23My daily life was simple and plain after we got married. I studied the Fa or did the exercises with him sometimes, but not steadfastly. I felt lucky when I heard that other women's husbands had extramarital affairs, alcohol problems or other bad habits. He used to drink heavily, spent money extravagantly, and had serious diseases. I fully understood that Falun Dafa had changed him and thus supported his practice.
Learning Falun Dafa in the West
2012-05-23In 2008 my wife and I went to North America to visit our child. To our surprise, we found that Falun Gong, which is severely suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in China, had received many proclamations from various levels of governments and councils/congresses from many countries. We also saw Falun Gong practitioners, male and female, old and young, doing exercises in Chinatown. Moreover, many of the practitioners were Westerners!
New Practitioner: Grateful That I Finally Found the Righteous Path
2012-05-21Soon after I began practising Falun Dafa, all my diseases disappeared, and all my relatives and friends witnessed the wonderfulness of Dafa. I was busy during the day, so I studied the Fa and did the exercises in the evening. Sometimes I only slept for two or three hours each night, but the following day I was still full of energy and free from exhaustion.