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Regarding Safety Issues from the Issue of Practising the Exercises With Gloves On
2004-12-16During the last few years I have read "Lecture at the US East Coast Conference" countless times, but I failed to understand what Teacher was saying. When practising outside we should wear gloves if it's too cold. Teacher wasn't just telling the new practitioners. It was meant for all practitioners. Practitioners won't get frostbite from the cold. Teacher told us this in consideration of the new practitioners in order to prevent negative impact to Falun Dafa. We always study and learn from each other, and the new practitioners will try to imitate what they see
With Righteous Thoughts, A Practitioner is Unscathed by Brutal Lashing
2004-12-16In this way the cotton strip was worn out. The criminal who was beating me squatted down and said quietly, "Grandpa, please forgive me. It was against my will to beat you; however, if I do not listen to them they will punish me." I said, "We follow the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance' so we are all good people. I do not blame you." The criminal was moved to tears.
Xinhua News Agency Fabricates New Lies about Falun Gong After Documentaries Analysing the Staged "Self-immolation" Were Broadcasted on Satellite TV
2004-12-15People from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province shared their excitement with each other after watching the documentary, "Between Heaven and Earth," which was spliced into the Beijing Satellite TV System. They were surprised and delighted. They told their friends: "The TV is showing positive images about Falun Gong!" "The Communist Party's deception is so despicable" "Falun Gong is really remarkable."
Stories from China: People Are Gradually Coming to Realise the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-12-15One said, "The authorities have been arresting Falun Gong practitioners for the past few years. I believe Falun Gong practitioners are good people. My mother-in-law practises Falun Gong. She used to suffer from a lot of illnesses. Now she is in great shape! I even feel better myself when I visit her. I don't believe Falun Gong practitioners commit wrongdoings."
My Grandson's Illnesses' Miraculously Disappear Due to Falun Dafa
2004-12-15The doctors told the parents that their child was "congenitally handicapped" and that the only solution was to perform an expensive surgery when he reached about 5-6 years of age. The surgery would cost between 50,000 to 60,000 yuan (the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China). His parents were totally devastated by this sudden and shocking news. From that point on, worry, stress, and pressure shrouded the whole family.
It Would be Better to Make up for One's Errors by Performing Good Deeds than by Destroying Incriminating Evidence
2004-12-14A friend of mine in Yueyang, Hunan Province said, when some local policemen now search Falun Gong practitioners' houses, they no longer look for money, personal belongings and Falun Gong materials like before, instead they only take away evidence of the persecution, such as detention warrants, fine tickets and so on. It is laughable that while they are acting illegally, they are at the same time trying to evade their responsibility for these same illegal actions.
Having Greatly Benefited from Practising Falun Gong, Practitioners Uphold Their Belief under Severe Persecution
2004-12-14In February of 1998, I began practising Falun Dafa. Shortly after I started practising, all of my symptoms disappeared and I no longer needed medication. I have been in good health ever since. In fact, I'm healthier than ever. All of my friends and relatives are very happy for me.
Coming to the US from China
2004-12-14One day, several dozen police officers broke into our home and took mom away by force. I asked the police: "Why don't you go and arrest pickpockets and leave my mom alone? My mom is a good person. Why do you keep her in jail?" Later, mom fled from jail and had to live a homeless life. Then she was kidnapped and thrown into a brainwashing centre. The police took my mom away from me. How more inhumane could they be?
My Experiences During the Course of Bringing Jiang to Justice
2004-12-14Even though each region has different conditions and restrictions, when practitioners in an area have the heart to file a lawsuit against Jiang, whether it succeeds or not depends on the understanding of the entire group of local practitioners in their coordination during the lawsuit. It will go hand-in-hand with the improvement of the practitioners involved, whether they are coordinators or plaintiffs, and their coordination with the lawyer.
Braving the Storm with My Head Held High (Part 2)
2004-12-13Every time I saw Teacher emphasising that practitioners needed to treat each other with tolerance, understanding, kindness, and immense compassion, I would say to Teacher in my heart, "How am I supposed to get along with them when they are so attached to their own ways." I didn't realise that I was also being too attached to my personal views. I knew it wasn't a correct state.
Using a Falun Dafa Practitioners' Mentality in Exposing the Communist Party's Persecution of Falun Dafa
2004-12-13At the same time, to gain support it fulfilled people's desire for material interest. This is in fact just a matter of "sharing a cup of soup," which the Communist Party gained through corruption and seeking private gains, with a small number of Chinese people. Finally, it has been trying its best to maintain its power by instigating the spirit of "nationalism." During its persecution of Falun Dafa, this deceit has poisoned many people's minds and resulted in the deaths of many Falun Dafa practitioners.
Whatever the Situation I Will Carry on Practising Falun Dafa
2004-12-13For these past five years on this road of practising Falun Dafa, I have experienced many difficulties and have navigated a rough, uneven path. I encountered many kinds of troubles and setbacks, but I also learnt many lessons, had many inspirations, accomplished certain goals, and steadily improved myself. During these years I also walked tortuous stretches along the path, which was due to my lack of Fa-study and because of ordinary people's notions and attachments that I still had not let go of.
Health Benefits From Practising Falun Dafa
2004-12-12In May of 1999, I decided to practice Falun Dafa, which cured my gastric disease. I introduced Falun Dafa to my mother. At the time, she had difficulty standing up, so it was very hard for her to practise the Falun Dafa exercises. Although some of her movements were not correct, my mother was sincere in learning Falun Dafa. Shortly after, she could sit and stand with ease, and she regained the feeling in her left leg. Her remarkable recovery surprised everyone. She also was able to meditate in the half lotus position.
Some Comments on the "Self-Immolation Incident"
2004-12-12In fact, when the government decided to crack down on you, I thought you must have some anti-government propaganda or activities. Now that I think about it, if the government has to resort to peaceful means such as sit-in for anti-Party evidence, in addition to fabricating other evidence. They really have nothing else to show.
Interviews with Artists Featured in the “Uncompromising Courage” Exhibit: “The People’s Tribunal” by Kathleen Gillis
2004-12-12I wanted to give the viewers a chance to relate to it and not to think of it as something happening in another country, but rather something happening right here. I remember one time a woman came up to me and she said, “Why don’t you take your problems back to where you came from?” I am Caucasian. She has such a strong impression that this was somebody else’s problem that she didn't even register my ethnic origin. People just want to dismiss it: it is on the other side of the earth and it does not affect them. But it does affect them.