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A Life Beset With Chronic Illness Is Renewed by Falun Dafa
2004-11-07I lay in bed, without being able to get up, for more than four months. Looking at my husband and daughter who were both tired and worried, and looking at my own condition, I felt that I would rather die. Bedridden day in day out, I would not have survived without the aid of the injections. I was a huge burden to my husband and daughter. At one point, one of my neighbours helped to prepare for my funeral.
European Falun Gong Practitioners in Manhattan
2004-11-07Maliana is a Caucasian Falun Gong practitioner from Berlin of Germany. Though she can not speak or understand English, whenever passers-by asked us, “Why does the persecution happen?” she could talk to them for a long time in good English. Other Falun Gong practitioners asked her , “We thought you could not speak English?” She then went on to say that she did not know what happened either, saying that it has to be a miracle.
The Process of Clarifying the Truth About Falun Gong is Also One of Giving Up Attachments
2004-11-07"Can you bear to watch me be arrested? Won't your conscience be condemned?" These words made him speechless. I then told him all the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. He finally understood the truth and gave me many thanks. When he left he said, "Later on, I will come to your restaurant to have meals, drink a couple more beers and chat with you."
European Falun Gong Practitioners Join the Activities in Manhattan
2004-11-06He carried on taking photos until he felt satisfied. One of the Falun Gong practitioners who speaks a little English went up to talk to him, then was told that he was a reporter of a technology institution magazine in New York. Having read about the newspaper taken from here yesterday, he felt that the content was great and thus he decided to write an article introducing what Falun Gong is and what the persecution is about.
The Cultivation Path of A New Practitioner: So Many More People Are Waiting to Hear the Truth
2004-11-06There was an eighty-year old woman who wanted to learn the Falun Gong exercises after listening to the facts. She asked for additional Falun Gong related material for her daughter, and she hoped that her daughter would want to learn the exercises too. Although she couldn't read, she asked me to write Teacher's name on a card so she could always remember it. Her sincerity towards our Teacher really touched my heart, and I realized that there were so many people still waiting to learn the facts, and waiting to be saved.
Why is Falun Gong Important to People All Over the World?
2004-11-05In 1992, Falun Gong was introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Those who have been close to Falun Gong practitioners would attest to the inherent goodness of this practice, and how it has completely changed people for the better. Through the practice, elderly people have become healthier, couples on the verge of divorce were brought back together, selfish and crafty businessmen changed to follow more upright business ethics, and young men and women enticed by the deviated notions of today's youth stopped indulging in self-destructive activities and became noble men and women.
Is the "Six Prohibitions" Notice Announced in July of 1999 Included in the Recent Termination of Illegal Policies by the Ministry of Public Security?
2004-11-05Article 35 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China states: "The citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy the freedom of speech, publication, association, parade, and demonstration." The "Six Prohibitions" deprived citizens of their freedom of association, demonstration, and speech. The Constitution is the overall law of the nation. Any other laws or local regulations contradicting the Constitution should not be enforceable.
European Falun Gong Practitioners in Manhattan
2004-11-05When we say: we don’t really speak English and that we have come from Germany to appeal to stop the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners shown in the picture. People will then have more esteems, "Oh! so you are from a place that is so far away!" It can seem how desperate this persecution needs to be stopped. Germans and Americans who speak German will speak to us in German immediately when we tell them our nationality, so that some of them will get to know more about Falun Gong and the reason behind the persecution.
Suggestions to European Practitioners Regarding the Activities in Manhattan
2004-11-05Nevertheless, there are still numerous people, organisations and enterprises waiting for us. When talking with some other Falun Gong practitioners I was informed that practitioners in Manhattan who are good at speaking English will start to tell the facts of Falun Gong to students and teachers in four hundred schools next week. Hopefully more practitioners can participate in the activities.
My Experience Distributing Falun Gong Materials in Mountain Villages
2004-11-04Distributing informative fliers is one of the main forms that Falun Gong practitioners use to inform people with the correct facts surrounding Falun Gong. I would like to share my experience and the results of distributing materials that contain the true facts about Falun Gong while being in different states of mind.
Three Short Stories: "Looking Inside When Conflicts Arise," "I Didn't Chase Him or Hit Him" and "A 'Foolish' Teacher"
2004-11-04I asked, "Why didn't you catch him and beat him?" Weiwei replied, "First of all, he did not knock me down on purpose (I am taller and stronger than him. He might have wanted to help me up, but was afraid to do so, because he was afraid I might beat him up). I must forgive what he did to me. Secondly, if I did not hurt him, I would receive virtue from him. In reality, I didn't hurt him so I paid back any debt I might have owed him. Thirdly, a Falun Gong practitioner should think about other people first before oneself and follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance."
Falun Gong Practice Enabled Me to Say Goodbye to the Oxygen Tank and Wheelchair
2004-11-03Before I took up the practice of Falun Dafa, I was in a dire situation, afflicted with numerous illnesses. Indeed, there was not a spot on my body that didn't hurt. My lung function was about 30% of that of a normal person and I relied on an oxygen tank to breathe. It was difficult for me to eat and speak as I was extremely weak, and I had to live while relying on an oxygen tank and a wheel chair.
Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Xianxin From Kunming City in China Released in Four Days Due to Her Righteous Thoughts and Actions
2004-11-03On the morning of the 24th of September, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Xianxin was arrested in Kunming City of Yunnan Province for distributing factual information about Falun Gong. Ms. Sun continuously spoke out to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the real factors behind the start of the persecution to the police and the public while being to taken to the police station and during her stay there.
Some Understandings Regarding the Relationship Between Falun Gong Informational Materials and Talking to People Face-to-Face
2004-11-03Actually, clarifying the truth about Falun Gong is not a situation of "the more materials the better." The key is whether we can thoroughly clarify the facts of Falun Gong and the persecution. I ask fellow practitioners (except those under special situations) to please think about this. Let's say you distributed or posted 100 items today, but do you know how many people can really understand the truth?
Gain from Misfortune: Experience of a Breast Cancer Survivor
2004-11-02The five exercises were very easy to learn. I found that what was more important was to cultivate one's heart, measuring oneself by the universal characteristic of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. We needed to get rid of our attachments to self, jealousy and when conflicts happen, look inward. If we could do that, we would achieve a peaceful mind and good health. Our Teacher specifically taught us not to be involved in politics, and not to treat patients. Through our own cultivation, one will achieve good health.