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The Great Happiness in My Life
2004-10-09Eight years ago today was the greatest day of my whole life. It was the day that I was introduced to Falun Gong. On that day, I really felt I finally found what I came to this world for and that it was exactly what I wanted. During the nine days when I first watched the founder of Falun Gong’s videotaped lectures, I felt my whole world change, then came the cleansing of my body.
A Woman's Experiences in Practising Falun Gong
2004-10-09The police tried all kinds of tricks to "transform" her, but were not successful. They were very angry and said, if she refused to write the statement, they would send her to a forced labour camp. Her boss knew that she was a nice person and rejected the police. "My employee is a good person. You cannot send her to a forced labour camp." Failing that, the police monitored her and sent her to brainwashing classes many times. It turned out that it was easier to move mountains than to move her. Whoever dealt with her found it impossible to change her.
Practicing Falun Gong Cures a Ladies Incapacitating Seven-Year Illness, Which She is then Persecuted for
2004-10-09In Heilongjiang Province, when Liu Wenjun's name is mentioned, many people know about her. Her experiences, and the miraculous things that happened to her have helped lead many people to step onto the path of cultivation of Falun Dafa. After the persecution against those who practise Falun Dafa began in July of 1999, because Ms. Liu related her personal experiences and spoke out to support of Dafa, she was repeatedly arrested and tortured by the authorities. The following is her story:
Improving Knowledge of Chinese Law to Expose the Persecution and Reveal the Illegality of the Persecution (Part 1)
2004-10-08Mao Zedong, who, when he still lived, was worshipped by numerous people and regarded as a god, although Mao called himself a materialist. After he passed away, many individuals still enshrine him for worship; they hang his photos and badges in rooms and cars or on clothing to show their devotion. Mao's remains are still kept in a memorial hall in Beijing for people's worship. Does the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate want Mao and the hundreds of thousands of his worshipers to be responsible for the criminal act of "deifying their leading members"?
Another Miracle Reveals the Greatness of Falun Dafa
2004-10-08On the third day, the driver came to see me again. He entered my house, and stared at me with a strange expression for a while and finally said, "Looking at the way you are today, there is no evidence that you were in a major car accident a few days ago. You have recovered so quickly without needing to take any injections or medication! It's just unbelievable!" Falun Dafa is just magnificent!
The Best Way is to Change One's Self -- Experiences During the Car Tour of Scotland
2004-10-07We met two mayors. One mayor opened a heavy door for us when we struggled to enter the town hall. We talked to him, thinking that he was a receptionist. Another mayor, who was attending a local meeting, rushed back to his office when he noticed us in the hallway. He came to greet us and shook our hands. It was as if we were being reunited with a family member.
Recollecting Miraculous Stories From Master's Lectures in Wuhan and Guangzhou
2004-10-07He said "If Falun Dafa can cure my wife's illness then Teacher must be very great. How can I be left out when Teacher was to give a lecture in Guangzhou?" At that time, I only had one ticket for his wife. I didn't have a spare ticket for him. He said, "Even if I can't go in to attend the lecture, it would be my honor if I could simply see Teacher." So he insisted on going with us. After we arrived in Guangzhou, his wife and I went in to listen to the lecture. He, along with over 500 other people who didn't have tickets, sat outside the stadium to listen to Teacher's lecture, which was broadcast via loudspeakers.
A Former Female Prison Guard's Story (Part 2)
2004-10-06While being knocked down, the young man struggled to take off his jacket to reveal the yellow T-shirt he wore inside. On the back of the T-shirt were the three large words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." I rushed toward the perpetrators, saying, "Do not hit him. He is a good man." Then a plainclothes policeman yelled at me, "We are on duty plainclothes officers. Stay away!" I said, "I'm also an officer. An officer is supposed to stop criminals and protect the innocent. It is wrong to hit innocent people like this."
Paralyzed for Several Years, a Man Is Able to Walk Again After Reading Zhuan Falun
2004-10-06Because of Falun Dafa's mighty power, two months later I could stand up to practice the Falun Gong exercises, sit up to eat, and go to the toilet by myself. Everybody felt happy for me. In the following weeks my body continuously improved. Now I can do all kinds of farm work and can walk for almost four miles without feeling tired. From my own experiences of having benefited from Falun Dafa, and truly experiencing the wonders of Dafa, I want to tell everyone in the world, "Falun Dafa is what brought back my life! Falun Dafa gave me a second life!"
Our Group Activity of Telephoning Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing
2004-10-05One woman hung up the phone out of fear as soon as she heard that the call was from Taiwan and that Falun Gong was mentioned. We called again and this time a gentleman answered. After he heard from us that anti-torture exhibitions are being held in many countries, that many people in Western countries know Falun Gong is being persecuted in China, and that many people support Falun Gong, he told us with joy that he is also a Falun Gong practitioner.
What Jiang Zemin's Stepping Down Tells Us
2004-10-05We still need to further expose the persecution and rescue incarcerated fellow practitioners. More importantly, we cannot be attached to who is in power and other things of ordinary society, because our path of validating Dafa is the greatest and most solemn, and is not determined by a certain leader of state in ordinary society. We cannot rely on ordinary people even slightly.
The USA Campaigns to Fight Terror While Jiang's Faction Promotes State Terrorism in China
2004-10-04With innocent people as their targets, there is little difference between the "610 Office" and the terrorists that carried out the 9-11 tragedy. Jiang's first priority is to abolish Falun Gong. If the practitioner remains resolute in his or her belief, he or she immediately faces the torment of savage torture. Practitioners are killed and the evidence concealed, and hidden from public view. Authorities then claim the death of the practitioner was a suicide.
The So-Called "Government-Run Education"
2004-10-03Falun Gong is free of charge, and people can practice or leave at will, yet Jiang claimed that Falun Gong extorts money from others and that people are being duped by it? Then what should we call this government-run education that charges people more than 3,000 yuan? This is exactly like the old Chinese saying, "bandits who kill and plunder call others thieves."
Enlightenment from a Dream
2004-10-02There was a thought in my mind: “The three local practitioners did not seem to participate in handing out the leaflets. I should have involved them in the activities.” I was shocked to realise that the scenes in the dream had reflected my actual situation. When I arrived at the fork of the road, I became reluctant to travel alone. When somebody guided me to resume my journey, I rejected to let go my attachment. Not to advance is to go back.
Only by Being Truly Selfless Can We Clear Away All Obstacles and Resolve Everything
2004-10-02When facing everything, if we truly don't have any personal notions or self-interest in mind, then we are considered selfless and are assimilating to the characteristic of the cosmos, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Others are capable of sensing this. The things we do under such conditions will naturally have a good effect. That is indeed letting go of one's own self and being responsible for one's self and others. I deeply realised that only by being truly selfless can we be clear away obstacles and resolve everything.