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A Few Words on "Validation"
2004-09-23The literal meaning of “Validation” is to prove genuineness. When Falun Dafa practitioners validate the Fa they are doing so to prove to the people in the world the truthfulness, wonderfulness and magnificence of Falun Dafa by our words and deeds and at the same time, to expose the lies being spread by former Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his clique. -
Practising the Falun Gong Exercises Outside The Hague International Court in Holland
2004-09-23At the entrance to The Hague International Court more and more people pro-actively came to our practice site to understand the facts. On several occasions I found the whole square packed with touring buses. Numerous Chinese tourists were unwilling to board their buses though urged by their guide. It wasn’t until we had finished the five sets of exercises that they would stop taking pictures or taping us. -
Additional Facts About the Staged "Self-Immolation" on Tiananmen Square and the "Fu Yibin Murder Case"
2004-09-22One day in 2001, right after the alleged "self-immolation" incident took place, some people who were not Falun Gong practitioners accompanied their relatives to see doctors in the Jishuitan Hospital, in Beijing. When they passed by a sickroom they saw a number of people inside, many of whom were policemen, trying to bandage several other, healthy people. They thought it was strange that they were bandaging healthy people. -
How to Talk About Falun Gong to Those Living in Western Countries
2004-09-21There seems to be a need to discuss our methods and experiences with regards to talking to Westerners specifically. Since most Westerners come from a quite different background than Chinese, when we clarifying the facts about Falun Gong there are often various questions that arise. Similarly, there are sometimes misunderstandings, and these are often different than the misunderstandings Chinese tend to frequently have. -
Correct Extreme and Warped Notions and Rationally Walk Our Path to Mighty Virtue
2004-09-21Some practitioners have not cultivated solidly for a long time. They have been cultivating while holding on to their fundamental attachments. They have participated in Falun Gong activities with a lot of human thoughts. They have been tied to and led by their fundamental attachment of pursuit. So their actions of validating Dafa were not sacred. Instead, they kept on making mistakes and causing losses. They have stumbled again and again, but are still in a foggy state. -
People Reduced to Skin and Bones, Forced Abortion at Nine Months, People Tortured to a Vegetative State -- What Leads Chinese Police to Do Such Things?
2004-09-20After two decades of China's new policy of reform and openness, Chinese people's lives have improved somewhat, and with more and more contact with the outside world, Chinese people look towards the future with high spirits. Exactly because of this hope, many Chinese people refuse to believe that such a degree of torture and persecution is currently taking place in China. The fact that people don't believe points to the fact that the persecution against Falun Gong is beyond people's imagination. -
People in China Come to See the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-09-20Once I went to a clinic with my sick child. The doctor said to me, "I saw you guys distributing pamphlets and posting Falun Gong fact materials again this morning. You guys not only work very hard, but also pay for everything yourselves out of your own pockets. You are truly great and commendable!" -
United Kingdom: An Overseas Student Appeals for the Rescue of his Sixty-Two Year Old Father, Li Changxing, who was Kidnapped and the Family's Property Confiscated
2004-09-19My father’s name is Li Changxing, and he is sixty two years old. His house in Jiang Jin, Chongqing was illegally searched and his property was confiscated while he was staying there. About one month after my father was kidnapped and forced to attend a brainwashing class, he was illegally forced into a labour camp for a year for refusing to give up practising Falun Gong. Then he was hijacked to Xi Sanping labour camp in Chongqing, which is notorious for its ruthless torture of practitioners. -
A Brief Discussion of the Need for More Tolerance
2004-09-19If there were more tolerance in the human world, there would be fewer tragedies. If there were more tolerance among Falun Gong practitioners, more losses could be avoided. If practitioners cannot tolerate others, then it is meaningless to talk about compassion. -
The Power of Compassion
2004-09-19Was her main consciousness aware when she put the broken glass in the pancake? Wasn't it arranged by the old forces? Don't we need to negate the arrangements by the old forces? Therefore I sent out one thought, "I will not hate you for the bad things you have done to me. I do not consider it to be your fault. I will not acknowledge what you have done because I will only remember your merits and the good things you have done for me. -
An Open Letter to those Authorities Responsible for the Torture and Killing of Falun Dafa Practitioner Jiang Yong
2004-09-18Jiang Yong was very healthy and did not have any illness since he started practicing Falun Dafa. "Died from acute disease?!" Tell me, why is there a black and blue bloody scar on his neck? Why is his whole body black and blue? Why did blood flow from his mouth when his body was turned over? Why was toilet paper stuffed into his anus? Why did you falsely report the time of his death? Why did you change the clothes on his body? Why you are afraid of his family taking photos of his body? Why did you even beat them forcing them to flee so as to prevent ant photos from been taken? -
An Elderly Man Fearlessly Stands Up Against the Dictatorship to Rescue His Wife Who Practices Falun Gong
2004-09-18He also stopped taking advantage of his company. The employees all respected him and frequently someone would praise him for his honesty. The director said, "I behave this way because of the positive influence my wife has on me." He then went on to tell people around him about how Falun Gong teaches people to cultivate one's heart and to be kind, to elevate one's morals and be a truly good person. -
Thoughts From Cultivation
2004-09-17When bad thoughts started to arise towards my view on cultivation, these were all taken advantage of by the old forces and greatly magnified. I have found that any attachment is like a free pass for evil to interfere with us. I again fell on this issue for a while and my cultivation took a dive. Since then my cultivation really went up and down. My attachment really reflected my attachments to comfort and selfishness. -
Fundamentally Clarifying the Truth Is the Key -- Thoughts After Reading a Report on the Seattle Sea-fair Parade
2004-09-17Experience told us that we would not have time to talk even after the event because the audience would leave shortly after the performances were over. Wouldn't we end up just entertaining everyday people? If we do things according to ordinary people's mindset, no matter how much we do, we will not achieve the effect of saving sentient beings We will only be good persons amidst ordinary people. -
The Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin Should Not Be Held Immune From Prosecution For His Crimes
2004-09-16The Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin came to power via illegal means. He became the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after the June 4th Student Movement (also known as the Tiananmen Square student massacre of 1989). His rise to power did not even follow the procedures established by the Party itself--never mind being elected by the people.