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Cultivating Falun Gong Changed My Life
2010-08-26I am resident of Xinjin County, Sichuan Province. I am 77 years old. I climb up and down stairs effortlessly. I do not feel tired when I walk around to expose the persecution with fellow practitioners, even if we walk for over three miles. I have a rosy complexion and many fewer wrinkles than before. I am happy and relaxed. Everyone who hears how old I am is surprised, and elderly friends are envious of me.
Dafa's Light Blessed My Family
2010-08-25After practising Falun Dafa for fourteen years now, I feel that I have grown into a true disciple, a being belonging to the new universe. Looking back, I can see that Teacher had rescued me from hell. During these years ten years of Fa-rectification cultivation, not only has my cultivation reached a certain realm, but Dafa has blessed my family, too. My relatives are happy and in good health, grateful for Teacher's kindness and Dafa's benevolence.
Regaining a New Life from Cultivating Falun Dafa
2010-08-24In the autumn of 1998, my family members obtained the main book of Falun Dafa practice, Zhuan Falun, from a doctor. After I finished reading the preface, I was immediately attracted by the profound teachings of the Fa that I hadn't found in any other books. I kept reading and felt very comfortable and peaceful. In this book I found answers to all my questions about life and death. The book Zhuan Falun lit a lamp in my confused heart and brought hope to my life.
An Old Man Who Looks Like He Is Only Forty Years Old
2010-08-23One day in November of 1996, one of my friends introduced me to Falun Gong. After I discovered that learning and practising Falun Gong does not cost any money, I immediately made up my mind to practise it. That was the happiest day of my life. From then on, I joined a group of other practitioners at the local exercise site to study the Fa and do the exercises.
"Practising Falun Dafa Gave Me Good Health and Self-Confidence"
2010-08-22Christy used to suffer from cystic ovarian disease, but shortly after she began to practise Falun Gong, she became pregnant. Her daughter is now five years old and she has a very harmonious family life. Just thirty-four years old, Christy was born in the United Kingdom. After getting married in 2003, she moved to Australia. She is beautiful and cheerful. One can hardly imagine that she used to suffer from depression.
My Family Witnessed the Power of Dafa
2010-08-21I began to practise Falun Gong in 1996 due to health problems such as heart disease, stomach pain, sciatica, and allergies. Before that, I had to take medications all year long. I kept emergency heart medicine on hand all the time and did not expect to live beyond my 30's. I had a short temper and had no confidence in life.
When I Was Dying of Cancer, Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2010-08-17I turned 35 this year. Before I began practising Falun Gong I was diagnosed with cancer that had already metastasised, and I was given only a few months to live. I went to see doctors in Jinan and Beijing but they all said the same thing. I could not accept this diagnosis, in body or spirit. My suffering could not alleviate the pain my relatives suffered on my behalf, or help my two young children.
Falun Gong Eased the Hardships in Our Household
2010-08-16I am from Jiangsu, China and I have practised Falun Gong for 13 years. I have told people the facts and encountered persecution by the Chinese Communist Party, been through all kinds of gruelling difficulties, and swallowed a lot of hardship. To this day I am still a determined cultivator of Falun Dafa; I firmly believe that Falun Dafa is good. How is it that in such an oppressive environment I am able to remain so firm? Please read my detailed account.
My Entire Family Is Blessed from Practising Falun Dafa
2010-08-15I felt like a seedling getting the first rain after a long drought. It has now been 15 years since I joined in the mighty current of Falun Dafa cultivation. Looking back, a lot of feelings come up; there were many times that I was so grateful that I was in tears. Without the merciful protection from Teacher, I would not have been able to come to be what I am today.
Falun Gong Liberated Me from Cancer
2010-08-14My sisters brought me a copy of the book Zhuan Falun, and often studied the book with me. They also taught me the Falun Gong exercises. When I ran into problems, they helped me understand the meaning. They also brought me materials containing important facts about Falun Gong. I have since been practising Falun Gong. As I became increasingly healthy, I developed a positive attitude towards life, and I decided to keep practising Falun Gong.
Breast Cancer and Other Illnesses Disappear after Practising Falun Dafa
2010-08-12One month after I began to cultivate in Falun Dafa, all my illnesses went away and I was healthy again. My office was on the eighth floor and I could run to my office from downstairs. From then on I never saw a doctor or took a pill again and totally enjoyed my good health. My family became happy as well. I strictly required myself to follow the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and no longer was I concerned about personal gain.
The Day We'll Never Forget, When Dafa Saved Our Family
2010-08-11The next morning, I woke up feeling rather happy and was more energetic. After the doctors' morning rounds, I read the book myself. The more I read, the more I was impressed with the book. The principles were so well-written! Then, I kept reading until I finished. The book was Zhuan Falun written by Teacher Li Hongzhi. This is in my mind a treasured book that teaches people to be good, and then even better according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
The Great and Miraculous Cultivation Practice of Falun Gong
2010-08-10One month later he mailed me the books of the practice, the introductory book Falun Gong and the main text of Falun Dafa practice Zhuan Falun. I read the books and found answers to questions I'd long had about life, the universe, space and much more. I came to understand the root cause of illness, why we have troubles in our lives, and how to deal with and overcome the difficulties we encounter.
With Righteous Faith, Human Beings Have Constancy and Hope
2010-08-09One morning in October 1995, I went to a Falun Gong exercise site. Instructed by a volunteer, I did the exercise movements one time and immediately felt warm inside. I was so surprised. I borrowed the book Zhuan Falun [the main text of Falun Dafa practice] and finished it in a day. I was very excited after I read the book. It answered my questions from so many years.
The Extraordinary Healing Power of Falun Gong: Four Personal Accounts
2010-08-06Shortly after they married, his wife died of leukaemia, which she had been diagnosed with while she was pregnant. She depended on blood transfusions to survive until she had the baby, which they named Fuda. The husband became mentally and physically exhausted after his wife died. Several years later, he learned about Falun Gong and began to practise. He got rid of all his bad habits, and was full of confidence in life again.