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Antelopes Crossing a River
2010-06-14Suddenly, a young antelope jumped out from the herd and said: “I want to swim by myself; I will get ahead of everyone.” As soon as it left the herd, it was caught and eaten by an alligator that had been hiding under the water for a long time waiting for such an opportunity. The antelope herd continued to swim forward and got closer to the other side of the river.
Smiling in the Human World
2010-06-14Only after paying off the debts owed throughout the reincarnation process could one return to their original home, a much better place. From this perspective, it is not necessarily a bad thing for one to suffer and encounter undesirable incidents in life.When experiencing something negative, if we can look within and treat it as an opportunity to get rid of shortcomings, then we will become more and more mature. Then that incident will not have happened in vain.
Remove the Competitive Mentality and Eliminate the Separations Between Us
2010-06-13I have witnessed separations form between fellow practitioners due to their attachments to "self." The separations have brought some things to a halt and have affected the coordination of our efforts in validating Dafa. I have also experienced such situations myself
Human Notions Behind Explaining Oneself
2010-06-13Thinking about these words from Master, I suddenly had new understandings. Was I able to do well when other practitioners misunderstood me? Was I able to remain undisturbed? Was I using human notions to judge others and require things of others? Didn’t the fact that I felt the need to explain myself to Practitioner B mean I was moved?
Improving Oneself Through Solid Cultivation
2010-06-11Once I understood the Fa principles, I had powerful righteous thoughts, and everything became clear. I knew how to judge things from the Fa's standpoint and how to act with righteous thoughts. Good Fa study will start a good cycle.
I Must Get My "Self" Out of the Way So That Master's Plan Can Unfold Before Me
2010-06-11Being at the ticket booth has helped me to improve my endurance. At first, I would become tired and hungry after a few hours and would start to think about my sore feet or aching legs. Then Master gave me a test.
The Journey of Return
2010-06-10Before leaving for the temple, I asked a friend who studied The Book of Changes to tell my fortune. The friend told me, "You do not need to become a nun; a high-level master will soon teach you." I asked, "Where is this high-level master?" "In northeast China," he replied. Northeast China is a very cold place. Despite the fact that I feared the cold because of my weak body, I decided to go to the northeast to seek my master.
Cultivating Oneself and Doing the Three Things Well in the Workplace
2010-06-10Everything that we come across has a direct relationship with us. When we face an issue, if we look within, everything can be resolved. If we use ordinary principles to resolve issues, the problem will drag out for an extended period of time. If you seriously regard an issue from the perspective of the Buddha law, a problem really isn't a problem.
Becoming a Dafa Practitioner in the Fa-rectification Period
2010-06-09After graduation from college, the influences from society polluted my mind, and I became ever more materialistic. But for some reason, earlier last year I felt bored with life, and tired of the daily fighting for my own interests. I questioned my reasons for being born, what I truly wanted from life. With all the natural disasters going on, I started reading prophetic books. The more I read, the more I felt life is short, and I should do something meaningful.
Western Practitioner: A Nine-Year Vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy
2010-06-09In meeting with people, while clarifying the truth, or just in ordinary conversations, we hear comments like: "Falun Gong? Oh yes, Those are the people in front of the Chinese Embassy. I see them there all the time." We have also observed that after the CCP has done something particularly awful and the media has reported it, there is an increase in the number of people that honk as they pass by in their cars.
When I Am Affected by Fellow Practitioners' Attachments
2010-06-08I was very angry. My husband stayed with me and we talked about my personality. Since I was little, I have had an attachment to being fair. I do not like hypocrisy and I wanted to be true to myself and at peace with myself. Although I don't have as many problems with other people's competitiveness and jealousy, I cannot stand hypocrisy.
My Cultivation Experience, Finding What I Had Sought For So Long
2010-06-08While I was confused, floundering and not able to decide what to do, I met a woman who said she had practiced Buddhism before, but now she and all her six family members practiced Falun Gong. I asked her, "How is Falun Gong?" She had not yet replied when instantly Master installed a Falun in me. It revolved very intensely.
Being a University Student and a Dafa Practitioner
2010-06-07I was doing all this work and going to Fa-study, but my heart wasn't there, my righteous thoughts were impure, and I was walking down an evil path. This became such a problem that it almost led me to commit the worst mistake a practitioner could make.
Practitioner Couples Should Look Inward when Encountering Conflicts
2010-06-07Why not treat my wife as a true practitioner, use my righteous thoughts to support her, and frankly share my thoughts with her on the Fa? If I could pay more attention to my shortcomings, let go the qing, be compassionate towards her and improve my xinxing, how could I be affected by these attachments?
The Difference Between Being a Cultivator and Not Being a Cultivator
2010-06-05Over the past few years, I could see more and more clearly my fundamental problems: My main consciousness was not strong enough and I could not let go of vanity and fame. Due to my vanity, I always subconsciously wanted people to admire me and think that I was smart, thoughtful, and insightful.