Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Public Security Officers Assigned to Monitor a Practitioner In China Learn the Truth

    Since Jiang's regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, the "610 Office" increased it's surveillance of Professor Wang, who is a Falun Gong practitioner. The methods they used to monitor him included internal control, monitoring his residence, confining him in a detention centre, and sending to him to a forced labour camp.
  • The Drive-by Shooting in South Africa Clearly Indicates the Fear Jiang and His Followers Have Over the Lawsuits Being Filed Against Them Overseas

    Jiang's rule is based on terror. During the past five years of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Jiang and his followers, including Zeng Qinghong and Bo Xilai, have abused the law and manipulated various government departments in order to brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As of today, 996 practitioners are verified to have died of torture and other acts of persecution. Over 100,000 people have been sent to forced labour camps, and thousands sent to mental hospitals to be injected with drugs that damage the central nervous system
  • My Cancer Disappeared after Practising Falun Gong

    I am now 63 years old. I once suffered from esophageal and gastric cancer. I was a fruit merchant. I dealt with money the whole day and was addicted to doing business. Although Falun Gong practitioners often sent me Dafa truth-clarifying materials, my karmic relationship was not mature yet. I was not able to recognise that there is a profound Great Law...
  • 2004 European Conference: The Best Gift of my Life

    It takes only a few days before the patient report improvement. For example the itching in their legs disappear, they are able to sleep much better, can cope better with stress and have more energy and love for life. They even disclosed that they are able to bear the following day the therapy at the clinic with much more ease. They enjoy the harmonic environment as after the exercises we have an exchange of ideas. The patients have a hard time understanding the brutal persecution. Also, many of them had not heard of Falun Gong.
  • My Cultivation Experience with Lawyers and Judges

    Once I got to the meeting, I still could not approach anyone and was overwhelmed by the fear that someone would ask me to leave because I was a Falun Gong practitioner. I tried to overcome this feeling. The thought popped into my head that I should go back home to study more because my current state of mind was not righteous and I could cause damage. But then it hit me as I got up to leave and started walking toward the exit that this meeting was a precious arrangement for lawyers and judges to deeply understand the truth, and it is so critical to reach them at this stage of Fa-rectification.
  • My Cancer Disappeared after Practising Falun Gong

    It turned out that there was a tumour in my oesophagus, and a black scar in my stomach. My cancers were already in the late stage and an operation would not help, but my children wanted to give their best attempt to save my life. They went to the surgery department to discuss my case with the director, Yang. Yang responded: "That would be a major operation. We will need to ask a professor from Tongji Medical University to do it."
  • Maintain a Humble and Objective Mindset When Considering Others' Opinions

    The forms of manifestation are diverse. Some always love to flaunt their past brilliant achievements. Others profess to be above worldly considerations, are arrogant and do not listen to different opinions. Some justify their attachments with human logic. I personally think such notions have already hindered their improvement.
  • Be Levelheaded and Compassionately Help Fellow Practitioners Who Have Taken the Wrong Path

    Without doubt, those who have gone astray have brought great losses to Dafa. They even repaid our kindness with enmity and obstinately followed the wrong path. But, as practitioners we live by the universal principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which asks of us to be compassionate towards others, and therefore, we must continue to still be rational in how we treat such people.
  • Sun Feng-Qing Regains Her Health After One Year of Practising Falun Dafa

    She helped her daughter-in-law take care of her three-year-old grandson without feeling tired. After a year, most of the fistulas disappeared and Sun Fengqing completely recovered. When she went back to her hometown, her neighbours were startled saying, "Aren't you... you are well now?"
  • A Story From China: A Store owner Learns the Truth About Falun Gong

    She told people how good Falun Gong is, and told them that "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance" is the Buddha Law. She put Dafa materials in the store to let customers read and they would talk about them in the store sometimes. Some people told her, "We believe that your store is a good place to publicise Falun Gong. You are performing a good deed."
  • 2004 European Conference: Learning from past lessons, Clarifying the Truth More Thoroughly

    While I was talking, from my heart, I hoped they could know the truth and therefore make the right decision, not for myself but for their own future. After listening to my words, they not only helped me with getting a legal residence, but also kindly helped to find free accommodation for me. By clarifying the truth this time, I came to realise that when we sincerely hope other people to be good and think about others with a compassionate heart, the result would turn out to be good. This is because practitioners’ righteous thoughts are very powerful.
  • The Principles In Falun Dafa Are Definitely Not the Same as Everyday People's Theories

    This misunderstanding comes from not studying the Fa well, which manifests as the frequent questioning of Dafa and causes the inability to righteously enlighten. When tribulations come, we don't look inside ourselves, and yet, we still expect miracles to occur. Since the book exists in an ordinary form--black letters on white paper--we erroneously think that Dafa is indeed a theory of the ordinary world.
  • Falun Dafa Practitioners' Hometown Visit Brings Their Family Members Amazing Recovery from Serious Illnesses

    She asked for the phone and said, "I have to thank you both!" Then my wife said, "If you want to thank someone, thank Master Li and Dafa!" She replied, "Since you left last time, I started to recite 'Falun Dafa is good', and my husband has done the same. We also read a few Dafa books. Our illnesses are much better now. In the past, we spent all the money our children gave us on medicine and did not have money to buy meat or fish. Now I enjoy good food and I can rest well. I don't need to take all that medicine any more. Falun Dafa is really good."
  • Two Incidents that Deepened My Understanding of the Importance of Clarifying the Truth

    "The task is required by the County Education Bureau. They told us to show videos to students slandering Dafa as opposing 'superstition.' They will inspect what we are doing." Upon hearing this, I explained to him the possible negative results. I asked him not to do this out of incorrect thinking since this could lead to more than 1,000 teachers and students being poisoned and harmed, and himself being a historical criminal. He sighed and said, "I have to carry out the orders from those above me. There are no alternatives."
  • A Great Moment

    After the experience sharing, I learned that many practitioners in Qinhuangdao had done a lot to clarify the truth. Their strong determination and faith in Dafa moved me deeply. They had suffered from all kinds of persecution. Some of them were arrested on their way to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa, and they were beaten and detained; some were placed under high-alert surveillance; some were threatened with being dismissed from their jobs. However, facing all kinds of persecution, their determination in Dafa was not shaken.