Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Is Yielding Your Seat to a Senior Citizen on a Bus a Crime? Is Speaking the Truth and Being a Good Person a Crime?

    A Falun Dafa practitioner from Wulanbai Township, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province was riding a public bus. Seeing an older woman standing on the bus, she yielded her seat to the older woman. The woman thanked her, and the Falun Dafa practitioner told her in a low voice, "Don't thank me, I practise Falun Gong. Our Teacher teaches us to be a good person wherever we go, and this is what I should do."
  • A Legendary Doctor in Ancient China: Guo Yu

    Guo Yu was from Guanghan County in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which is known today as Xindou County or Guanghan County in Sichuan province. He was the most famous medical doctor during the reign of Emperor He in the Han Dynasty.
  • New Practitioners Peacefully Appeal at Tiananmen Square

    Around noon, a few practitioners stood around to practise the exercises somewhere in the Square. When the police rushed over to them, the two of us unfurled our banner and shouted "Falun Dafa is good" and walked west and then east so that more people could see us. A few minutes later, the police snatched our banner. Then I heard "Falun Dafa is good" from behind us. It turned out that a few more practitioners had raised a banner with a yellow background and red characters.
  • Righteously Resisting the Evil Persecution

    The day the local police station chief asked us to leave, I clearly stated, "I will not leave here unless you promise me that you will not slander Falun Dafa, and will not go to Falun Dafa practitioners' homes in the future to arrest them." The village public security chief promised me that they would not do so anymore. That same day they released us.
  • A Few Words On The Root Cause Of Being Unable To Search Inside Oneself

    Being unable to search inside oneself manifests in different degrees at different levels. At the lower levels, one cannot let go of defending one's own notion of selfishness. One fears being hurt, losing something, and having less than others. In fact, searching inside is not being weak, but a wise action and a good start toward goodness.
  • Maintaining Righteous Thoughts During my Persecution

    If the letter met their requirements, they would report it to their superior requesting for a release. A mere repentance letter would set people free. It was quite a temptation to anyone. For several nights I was thinking: Could my belief in Dafa be shaken by temptation? Should I believe the lies of those evil persecutors?
  • Some Thoughts on The Issue of Falun Gong Practitioners Claiming Asylum Overseas

    A significant number of Chinese practitioners in our country are claiming asylum. Practitioners, either those claiming asylum or those who are not, have different ideas and attitudes about this issue. During this Fa-rectification period, I think we should discard all notions that we have developed in our personal cultivation, and think of this asylum issue from the perspective of Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings.
  • Some Thoughts on Morality in Marriage

    Different from any secluded cultivation way in history, Dafa practitioners mainly practice in the human world, and they cultivate and improve themselves in the daily life, study and work of society. It is therefore normal that Dafa practitioners encounter issues involving family, marriage and feelings between a man and a woman. How should we look at these issues, regarding the morality associated with marriage?
  • An Older Brother Writes To His Younger Brother and Raises Some Good Questions

    "The International Education and Development Organisation said on August 14 2001 at a United Nations conference, that "The Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation was staged by the Chinese government." Now, the whole world knows about this. But, what answer have we received from the Chinese government?"
  • For a Benevolent Girl ---- Yongjie

    When I heard that Weiguo Xie’s fiancée, Yongjie Zhu, had been illegally arrested in China, I was very sad and anxious. When I read an article written by Weiguo which mentioned that, although Weiguo’s parents were against their decision to get married, Yongjie still waved him off with a smile when he boarded the airplane for Britain, my heart was touched, and I could not hold back my tears over her benevolence.
  • Diary Entry: Sandra and Her Cat

    She had on a smile on her face and talked about her cat that had left this world in a peaceful yet nostalgic tone. I was astonished to discover that all of a sudden, I was very touched. Touched by the gentleness and friendliness of the cat. Touched by how much she misses it as she reminisces over the little details of the memories of the cat.
  • Spain: Chinese Man Dies of Sudden Illness After Establishing An Organisation to Slander Dafa

    On November 15 2002, Li Chenchang presided and founded the so-called "Spanish Overseas Chinese Anti-Evil Religion Organisation" and did his utmost to slander Falun Dafa. After a week, Li was suddenly hospitalised. Prior to this time, Li was very healthy and had been a personal bodyguard. He returned to China after he left the hospital. He died suddenly from an attack of brain cancer less than two months after he set up his Organisation.
  • Clarify the Truth with Our Pure and Outstanding Words and Actions

    I am always happy, full of energy and reasonable. The supervisors and colleagues from my original work unit said: "This person would not be able to handle all of this if he were not practising Falun Gong. If we had been in that situation, no one could suffer through it. We respect Teacher Li." One colleague told me: "When you introduced Falun Gong to me before, I didn't care for it. Now I want to learn it from you as I can see that it will be a great benefit to me."
  • Coming and Going at Ease With Righteous Thoughts

    Knowing that the persecution shouldn't exist we kept sending forth righteous thoughts. The two male practitioners left through the side door from the second floor. We, the two female practitioners, decided to go out in a noble and dignified way through the front door. By that time, all the policemen were waiting at the front yard of the apartment building. Talking and smiling, the two of us walked through the watchful eyes of two policemen.
  • My Understanding Of How To Do Well In The Current Media Work

    In the past three years, we have held appeals through parades, hunger strikes, SOS walks, press releases and through the European Falun Gong Information Centre, we have persisted in disseminating cases of persecution in China. Even though these have brought some enthusiastic feedback, on the whole, the results have not reached our expectations, therefore, what shall we do?