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A French Practitioners Experiences in Tiananmen Square Last Year
2003-05-26I vividly remember again what happened half an hour later and the eternal moment is indelibly etched on my mind: I stood up and walked to the centre of Tian An Men Square. I could hear nothing. At that very moment, there was only Dafa, the banner and myself. I took the banner out of the map, waved it above my head, and shouted loudly and wholeheartedly, Falun Dafa is good. I shall always remember these few seconds. A couple of policemen came afterward and tried to knock me down.
Some Thoughts to Share with the People of China: Accepting the Truth is Not Betraying Your Country
2003-05-25I think loyalty and respect are commendable values, but I dont think that one needs to suffer in this way for them and I dont see how loyalty, respect and the love for ones country can be in conflict with accepting the truth. I think we often forget the deep distinction between the regime governing the country and the country itself, and dont realise that the instinct to defend the regime which people often have really comes from a more fundamental loyalty, respect and love for ones country.
Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice In the Court of Morality, In the Court of Conscience, and In Courts of Law All Over the World
2003-05-24The persecution has reached over 60 countries and wrecked the lives and happiness of countless people. More importantly, Jiang's persecution has not stopped at Falun Gong. Through his campaign of persecution and slander against Falun Gong, Jiang is in fact also deceiving and harming people all over the world; he has wreaked havoc upon people's pursuit of higher moral standards, and suppressed people's good conscience -- the damage done to all of human society has been immeasurable.
Recounting the Journey of Falun Dafa Practitioners from a Region in Northern China
2003-05-23Some government agencies started to investigate us secretly, especially towards some Dafa practitioners at management levels. They talked with us, showed "consideration" towards us, and warned that we needed to pay attention to our "influence," etc. I once asked them, "Our practise aims at being a better person, and improving physical health. Plus, we have been doing well at work. How can there be any negative influences?" They had nothing to say. That is to say, the hidden persecution, as we know it, already started as early as the beginning of 1998.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province Successfully Hold A Ten Day Class to Watch Teacher Li's Lectures on Video
2003-05-23Among attendees in the class were retirees over 60 year old, elementary school students of a little over ten years old, plus some practitioners who were just back to practising Falun Dafa for a few days after giving up for several years. While listening to Teacher Li's lectures, practitioners were deeply moved. Many practitioners said: "We haven't heard Teacher Li's voice for so many years. How kind and great this is!"
Germany: Telling Police in Mainland China about Justice and Accountability
2003-05-21"Older Chinese people like us believe that what goes around comes around. Dont you think this could be true? Jiang Zemin uses you as a stick to beat people. You may not truly be a bad person. However, people have to pay for what they owe."
The Journey of Falun Dafa Practitioners from a Region in Northern China
2003-05-21Mr. An was responsible for a several hundred million Yuan investment. The wicked people could not believe that he hadn't made a single mistake in handling such a large amount of money. They investigated Mr. An only to find that Mr An should have reported several thousands Yuan worth of receipts as expenses owed by the work unit to him. In the end, the section leader who was responsible for the investigation had to admit admirably: "Cadres as pure as you no longer exist anymore, it is such a pity." Although Mr. An was so pure and righteous, he was stripped of all his titles and responsibilities.
Remembering the Old Chinese Saying, Good and Evil Have Just Rewards
2003-05-20In the last couple of years, there have been many stories of those who have said some good words about Falun Gong, or done some good deeds for Falun Gong having good fortune and also stories of those people who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners suffering great misfortune. For many Chinese, these stories are prompting them to remember the words which their parents or grandparents used to say, and to rekindle their belief in the old saying, Good is rewarded with good, and evil brings retribution.
A Wonderful Recollection
2003-05-19It's hard to describe the last class that Teacher gave in words. In fact, the class was not publicly known and only a few people from different places knew about it. Even so, more than 7,000 practitioners attended. The gymnasium couldn't hold that many people so the veteran local practitioners gave 1,000 of their own tickets to those from other places. When the class started, there were still 400-500 people sitting outside the gymnasium in order to listen to the lecture.
Two Respectable and Righteous Practitioners
2003-05-19Over the last two years, these two practitioners have been carrying out work to clarify the truth and help fellow practitioners silently and diligently no matter how dangerous the environment. Facing the police's surveillance, trapping, and searching, they never thought of their own safety when delivering the materials. With their firm belief in Teacher and Dafa, as well as the rationality and wisdom that they gained from Dafa, they faithfully delivered the Dafa materials to every fellow practitioner in the area in a timely and safe way.
A Clear Mind Can Overcome Tribulations, Break Illusions and Eliminate Interference (Shared at the 2003 Benelux Fa Conference)
2003-05-19I often think about the principles that I should uphold and the things that I should do, more than actually doing these things and upholding these principles in my everyday behaviour. Often, when I come home at the weekend after working abroad or in the office for one week, I realise that, despite of all the good ideas and the concepts that I had in mind before going to work, I again failed to live up to the standards for a practitioner. It often seems like Im following some kind of theoretical cultivation path instead of a practical one.
Keeping Pace with the Cultivation and Practise in Fa-rectification (Shared at the 2003 Benelux Fa Conference)
2003-05-19I clarified the truth to different kinds of people from different points of view. For example, young girls always like to improve their looks, when they saw me still looking so young they then asked me: "Sister, you do not look like a person approaching 45, could you tell us how did you make it." I told them: "I did not do much on improving my looks, I just Practise Falun Gong everyday. After hearing this they were astonished and asked: "Do you still Practise? We are not allowed to do this here."
Righteous Thoughts and Actions Cause Zhuozhou City Brainwashing Centre to Shut Down
2003-05-18It was a place full of evil minded people whom cruelly persecuted Dafa practitioners. Its authorities told the outside that they "persuaded, educated and cared for" Dafa practitioners in order to "transform" them. In reality, they used brutal torture methods to try to brainwash and transform practitioners. They used electric batons to shock them, belts to beat them and clamps to fasten their thumbs onto the bunk beds, so that they could neither stand nor sit. They often slapped practitioners heedlessly.
My Three Trips to Beijing to Clarify the Truth about Falun Dafa
2003-05-18He asked "Have you come here before? Why did you come back again?" I said: "I'm appealing for my Teacher, for Falun Dafa, and for those Falun Dafa practitioners who are illegally imprisoned." The policeman said: "That's really great, it's not for yourself. OK, I am unable to handle things above my level of duty, but it is within my power to let you go." So I returned home safely. I was very happy with the righteous behaviour of that particular policeman.
My Cultivation Progress (Shared at the 2003 Benelux Fa Conference)
2003-05-18In April 1999, Falun Gong practitioners were invited to demonstrate the exercises in a meeting of Chang Qing association in Brussels. I had practiced Tai Chi for several years and also learned Qigong. Therefore, I was very interested in practitioners demonstration so I bought a copy of Zhuan Falun and a videotape of exercises and took them home. After reading the book from beginning to end, I was deeply impressed by the manner of Master Li: he was tireless in teaching others, responsible to the people, spoke out frankly without reservation and talked about things that others dare not to say.