Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Falun Gong Saved My Life

    Over the past year, Teacher Li helped purify my body dozens of times, and I documented them all. Friends, if you truly learn Falun Dafa and follow the universal principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, you will be reborn like me. I can now eat whatever I want to and can do chores just like everyone else. In closing, I would like to tell everyone, "Falun Dafa is good."
  • Some Things I've Realized While Getting Rid of the Attachment to Lust

    To put it plainly, this is a matter of whether or not you want to get rid of the attachment to lust. If you aren't serious about taking responsibility for this heart, or you study the Fa in order to get rid of lust, then the result is usually not that good.
  • Spreading the Fa Before the Persecution

    We were all very busy. As the morning fog lifted, the sun came out, and we could see a shape swirling near the sun. We knew that it was a Falun. At about 1:00 p.m. it started to display beautiful colors as it turned. It became bigger and brighter, turning from red to golden, and, radiating outward ,it shone down on us.
  • Two Realms: Selfishness versus Selflessness

    The more selfishness we let go of, the more selflessness we will have. By being considerate and responsible for sentient beings, we will experience the joy of selflessness. Only by being selfless can we truly understand the profound meaning of the boundless compassion of Dafa and Master.
  • Thoughts on the Issue of Marriage for Young Practitioners

    I believe that a practitioner does not seek what an ordinary person seeks. Sentimentality is inconsistent and unreliable. Their story reminded me of many stories where fellow practitioners have been persecuted because they failed to prevail over sexual desires. On the other hand, there are many practitioners that got married and have been doing the Three Things well.
  • Recovering from Terminal Cancer in Four Months

    They were killed by someone else, so it is not as if I were killing them." But now she realized this had been purely self-deception, and it was really her own sin. Employing people to kill was no different than killing them herself, as she was the one really responsible for the deaths of those chickens. She knew that, for her own personal desire, she had employed someone else to kill in an attempt to shift the blame.
  • The Springtime in Life

    There is really a lot of suffering in life, both mental and physical. Rivers go into the sea; fallen leaves return to the roots. Perhaps after going through the many sufferings, we have to reconsider the significance of life. When we understand the origin of life and the preciousness of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, it becomes easy for us to find the road to the springtime of life.
  • Experience Sharing from a Schoolteacher

    A fellow teacher wrote a card to me that said, "You have led the students to recover their natural characteristics and have made the campus much purer than before." The whole process made me deeply understand that only Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can reverse the ever-deteriorating moral trend.
  • Shen Yun Reaches People in China Too!

    Falun Gong practitioners are being so brutally persecuted and are completely deprived of their right to freedom of belief. They have not given in, and they have not given up. For the salvation of all people, they are still doing what they should do.
  • We Are Not Saving Sentient Beings to Seek Their Protection

    If we do something well, it is because we met the standard that Dafa required of us at a certain level. The power of the Fa gives us our capabilities. We are all cultivators, so we have nothing to be overly proud of.
  • Some Advice to the Practitioners Who Have Not Progressed Diligently

    I often missed a word or added a word while reading the Fa. I sometimes was in a hurry and wanted to finish reading a whole paragraph in one breath. With such an impure heart, how could I assimilate myself into the Fa?
  • Doing the Three Things and Upgrading in the Fa

    Teacher asks that cultivators cultivate their minds. The minute I let sentimentality go, everything passed smoothly. During times of conflict, I asked myself why I had come to this human world. Was it for sentiment or for money? If my husband had given me a mountain of gold, would I still cultivate?
  • The Responsibilities of Dafa Practitioners Who Are Teachers

    When the class graduated, I called the students to me one by one, returned their money, and told them the truth about Falun Gong. Sometime later, on a train, I met the mother of one of my students, a teacher herself. She said, "My child told me what you did; it is unbelievable. My child respects you very much."
  • People in China Are Eager to See the Shen Yun Show

    It seems that it's not hard for people to see through the shameless tricks played by the CCP in preventing Shen Yun from performing. For many people, Shen Yun is within reach, but others have no chance of seeing it. I can imagine their disappointment.
  • Using Righteous Thoughts to Deny Persecution

    The physical pain should not matter to me. So I then started to do the second set of the exercises. After thirty minutes, their was sweat all over the floor and my clothes were soaked. I still felt a lot of pain and nausea, and it continued.