Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Doing Well Amidst the Family Environment
2006-11-08There are many opportunities to cultivate oneself in the environment of married life. How can I do the three things well if I am not righteous? When you clarify the truth to people around you, many of them judge how you behave in everyday circumstances. If you don’t behave well, what you say will not possess power, and it affects the credibility of what you say, and thus will affect others being saved. If we do well ourselves, it rectifies all unrighteous factors.
Russian Experience Sharing Conference: Travelling to the Far East of Russia to Expose the Persecution
2006-11-07The three of us – all female Falun Gong practitioners from Kotlas Town in the Arkhangelsk Region of Russia, journeyed to the Far East of Russia in July of this year to let the Chinese people, working in construction sites of Irkutsk and Chita, as well as to Chinese tourists in those areas learn the truth about Falun Gong, having been deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda.
Russian Experience Sharing Conference: Seeing the Situation In a New Light By Taking a Step Back
2006-11-07As I see it, the cultivation process is very simple. What is difficult, however, is giving up attachments in the process. Even if it seems to us we don’t have an attachment, our Teacher uses every situation in our daily life to point them out to us. We shouldn’t think that if we participate in activities for Falun Gong such as exposing the persecution that we don’t have to cultivate our character.
How to Correctly Look at Fellow Practitioners’ Shortcomings and the Issue of Talking Behind Peoples Backs
2006-11-06When seeing the shortcomings of another, I should kindly point them out, since I, by doing this, am responsible for the fellow practitioner and for myself as well. However, because of my mentality of seeking superficial harmony, I failed to act according to the principles of Falun Gong. After stumbling, I have realised that upon seeing another’s shortcomings, I should first search within myself to see what attachments I have.
Hardly Noticing My Attachment to Jealousy
2006-11-06After I finished watching the TV programme, Teacher's lecture about jealousy came across my mind. I suddenly awakened. I have been controlled by the attachment of jealousy and have done things inappropriate for practitioners. Although it didn't result in any significant consequences, the strong jealousy clearly manifested itself in these incidents. While the attachment was deeply hidden in my mind, I finally managed to dig it out. Right away I started to send forth righteous thoughts, denying its association with me.
Super-Preemie Baby Grows Well Thanks to Falun Dafa
2006-11-05Recently, residents of Longbailou area in Daqing City of Heilongjiang Province in China have been talking about a true story that has demonstrated a miracle resulting from Falun Dafa. That is to say, there was a super-preemie baby born to Lao Geng’s oldest daughter. As a result of her family reciting "Falun Dafa is good" repeatedly, the baby is alive, and furthermore, it is healthy and growing well.
My Cultivation Experiences from Reciting the Falun Gong Teachings
2006-11-04I want to write down my experience of reciting the Falun Gong teachings, the Fa, in the hope that it will help fellow practitioners who have not yet started to memorize Zhuan Falun. I know that many non-Chinese practitioners are also reciting Zhuan Falun in their own languages.
Thoughts Triggered by a Casual Conversation
2006-11-02I asked myself, "What is wrong with me?" For a long time I couldn't understand what the problem was. Recently, I suddenly realised my shortcoming through a casual conversation with a friend.
Eradicating My Attachment of Zealotry by Way of Memorising the Falun Gong Teachings
2006-11-02Yet recently I saw many practitioners sharing their experiences of memorising the Fa, and there were many older practitioners, practitioners who had to take care of household chores, who had regular jobs, etc. Their experience deeply touched me. I need to compare my Fa study and cultivation with others. If my fellow practitioners can do it, I can too. Thus I started to memorise the Fa again, and asked four other practitioners to do it together. We encourage each other while memorising the Fa
Past Leukemia Sufferer Is Now Healthy and in Great Shape
2006-11-01The grandparents are over 70 years old and they are crying for you everyday." I said, "We are wasting money." My husband said, "As long as you can recover, I don’t mind spending tens of thousands of yuan." I felt even worse when he said that. We spent over 20,000 yuan in only 20 days in the hospital, and my situation did not improve. I said to my husband that we were poor farmers. How were we going to make that much money? I felt truly bad talking to him.
The Happiest Day of My Life
2006-10-31For over five hours, Teacher continued to lecture yet did not even have a sip of water. During the ten-minute break, Teacher was surrounded by practitioners and patiently answered their questions. Although Teacher had opened a bottle of water, He did not have the time to drink any of it. As I watched Teacher during the break from a distance, I felt terrible and anxious. Tears welled up in my eyes again. I thought, "Teacher, please take a rest for a while." But Teacher did not have any break before he returned to the stage and continued the Fa lecture.
Studying the Principles of Falun Dafa and Practicing the Falun Gong Exercises Cured Me, Although I Wasn't Expected to Live Over a Week
2006-10-31My family members' minds used to be deeply poisoned by Party propaganda. None of them believed in Dafa before. Now, all of them are convinced of Dafa's power. They have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. My older sister used to show disdain when someone mentioned Falun Gong. After seeing her gravely ill sister recover quickly through Dafa practice, she has said many times, "What a miracle! No wonder so many people believe in Dafa! I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own eyes! Cultivate well!"
Sentimentality Can Greatly Harm Your Cultivation
2006-10-30As cultivators, we should take the time to remove all the attachments that we have, wash away the dirt in our minds, cultivate firmly, and make progress on our way home, closely following Teacher. However, some practitioners are still disturbed by the attachments of sentimentality and lust. I would like to share something that happened in our area in the hope that it will alert fellow practitioners who have loopholes in this regard.
Recalling the 1997 Experience Sharing Conference in Kaifeng City, China
2006-10-30Some of the local practitioners had arrived earlier and were introducing the beauty of Falun Dafa to passersby, while others were doing the exercises in the stadium. Practitioners who arrived later joined the exercises, lining up in straight formations. It was moving to look at the scene, full of compassion and harmony.
A Problem Student Becomes a Good Student Through Practising Falun Gong
2006-10-28I have changed a lot after I started to practise Falun Dafa practitioner. Starting in the fifth grade, my mentor taught all students in the class to practise Falun Gong and to read the book Zhuan Falun. Gradually, I have become more peaceful, calm, and unemotional. Not only did I quit drinking alcohol, smoking, chewing areca, fighting with people, running away from home, and cutting my arms, but I also began turning in my home work on time and making good grades. Now, I am considerate of others, and don't feel lost, as I did before. My daily life has become filled with meaning and energy.