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How I Have Walked My Path of Cultivation
2006-12-12Sometimes after a long spell in which I didn't study the Fa, once I started reading again, a flood of understanding would come up, filling the vacuum that was left by my insufficient Fa study. This enabled me to maintain my righteous belief in Master. Often I would need to write things for Fa-rectification and I would enlighten to so many things in my writing. I was amazed. When I picked up the book to read again I would see all these understandings in the book that I didn't notice before
My Understanding of Practising the Exercises
2006-12-11After the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, the environment for group practice was gone and I began to slack off, too. Slowly my attachment to seeking comfort grew, and the less I did the exercises, the less I was willing to do them. Consequently, my mind was increasingly off track as I dozed off when I studied the Falun Gong teachings or sent forth righteous thoughts. After I became aware of my problems, I made up my mind to see that I do the exercises every day.
My New Enlightenment to "Looking Within"
2006-12-11When I don't have the attachment, my eyes aren't deceived by a facade. I'm looking at this from the surface level, but if I truly look deeper, I feel I can immediately see the truth and my mind won't be perplexed. When all tests arrive, I can stand outside to look at them, access the situation, and then look at what attachment has been touched. Whatever is touched should then be cleaned. This way it'll be faster and more effective in eliminating my attachments.
My Understanding and Interpretation of "Showing Off"
2006-12-10Showing off can lead to more selfishness, causing more attachments. The purpose of cultivation is to continue to eliminate attachments instead of holding on to them in our minds. It can cause cultivation insanity to develop in one's own mind. At the same time I also noticed that I am very impatient with others and I have a lack of compassion. I always think that I can point out other people's mistakes very clearly, and I thought that this was the way to assist them. Instead I was pressuring them.
Getting Rid of the Attachment to Emotion and Sentimentality
2006-12-10For a few days I was in state where I was unable to think about anything else, unable to do the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts or study the Fa. Then I started to think about why it happened to me as a practitioner. Finally I started to think like a practitioner and came to see that this was a test, similar to the one I didn’t pass at the beginning of my cultivation. It helped me to overcome that period.
Cultivation Experiences of a New Practitioner
2006-12-09His purpose in coming to see me now was to listen to me talk a bit more. I learnt he was a Chinese Communist Party member during our conversation. I told him, "If a person has no future then it is useless to have more money and a car. I can help you to quit the CCP." He happily agreed. On leaving he said, "Over all these years, you are the only good person I have met. Falun Gong is wonderful! Thank you! I will not disturb you ever again."
Outcome Ensues from One's Thoughts
2006-12-09I arrived in the city and found the practitioner. But I heard that she was also reported to the police. She said, "You can stay with me. If they come to arrest me, we'll say that you're..." A few days later, she was really arrested. Due to my attachment to fear, I was also arrested. Just like that, our notion led to the persecution. Later, this practitioner was sentenced to three years in prison and passed away during medical parole.
Neglecting Computer Security Aids the Persecution
2006-12-08Some fellow practitioners living overseas have long neglected the computer security issue, causing all sorts of information to be stolen by those evil individuals involved in the persecution. In reality, that information was making it convenient for the persecution to sustain, which damages efforts to let more people learn the facts. We must awaken on this issue.
Recalling the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Jinzhou City, China
2006-12-08Having read my note, Master said with smile, "Tonight, when everyone goes home and meditates, I guarantee that you will be able to sit with your legs crossed." On my way home, I kept thinking about what Master said. After I got home, the first thing I did was trying to meditate with my legs crossed. It was just like Master promised, I crossed my legs with ease, and I sat like that for more than twenty minutes.
Falun Dafa Changed My Life
2006-12-06After studying the Falun Gong teachings, I found life's purpose and would not let up when I encountered a hardship. Having "Truthfulness-Compression-Tolerance" in mind, I would not fight bitterly for personal recognition, profit or sentimentality. I was no longer panicky and anxious. I let go of all the burdens causing stress to both my body and mind. My husband started changing his attitude, and my life took a turn for the better.
Blessed by the Immense Grace of Falun Dafa
2006-12-05Although the new field was a little close to the traffic, when we started exercising and became tranquil, we wouldn't hear anything. After that, we always exercised together at this new field. In addition, more and more people started to join the group exercise—from about 10 plus people in the beginning all the way to more than 100 people later on. During that time, we never stopped group practise, regardless of rain, wind or holidays. Everybody attended the group exercises.
The Seriousness of Cultivation
2006-12-05At the hotel I met another lodger, we were the only lodgers there, and we both arrived that day – each of us from different parts of the same planet. At that time I had my own cultivation way and so in the evening I sat to do my meditation. That another man, when saw me in that position, couldn’t stop himself from telling me that we had to be set up together by a predestined relationship – he kindly pointed out this fact to me and he started to talk about Falun Dafa.
Having Firm Belief in Teacher and the Falun Gong Teachings
2006-12-04The result from the meeting with the man from the press agency was very good: for a rather low price we had access to a satisfactory number of news articles and in addition a picture archive, so we didn’t have to be afraid, whether we will be able to publish a new article each day. It was really like as if there has always been a path for us, it was narrow, but it was possible to pass.
Do Not Become Attached to Personal Understandings
2006-12-04No matter how high a level a cultivator has achieved, he can only see the manifestations at that level. Some understandings at a certain level may be right, but if we are obsessed with such understandings we may not be able to elevate ourselves. If we are attached to our own understandings, we not only cannot improve ourselves, but we also fail to coordinate with each other as one body.
An Elderly Farmer's Remarkable Cultivation Path
2006-12-02Previously, I could not move and had to lie in bed when it became serious. After two or three months of practising, it completely disappeared and it never came back. I had also suffered asthma since my childhood. Sometimes I would almost suffocate, and it affected me so severely that I could hardly go on. I thought I would not be able live longer than 60 years. Now I am almost 70 years old, I am in good health, and my family members are also benefiting from my cultivation.