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Correcting Our Own Deviation During the Process of Exposing the Persecution
2006-07-24Such bloody atrocity is committed against cultivators on the path to godhood. How much sin will mankind have to suffer? Yet people in this world are so numb, including a considerable part of us, the cultivators. People's mentality, in my opinion, actually reflects the state of us cultivators as a whole body.
Looking Inside and Rectifying Oneself
2006-07-24There was an argument among practitioners while we were studying the Falun Gong teachings or the 'Fa'. On the way home, a practitioner saw two cars hit each other. The next day as this story was being told to me, as I looked down the stairs, I also saw two cars hitting each other. When practitioners get into arguments due to selfishness, isn't it like two cars hitting each other?
Time Waits for No One
2006-07-23I sometimes wondered what happened to my diligence before the persecution against Falun Gong illegally started on July 20th, 1999. At that time, studying the Falun Gong teachings ir the 'Fa' and practising the five exercises were of top priority to me. No matter how busy I was, I stuck to it and never skipped reading or doing the exercises. I can still remember the wonderful feeling of basking in the Fa. However, after I was illegally detained and later released, I began to look for excuses for myself.
A New Practitioner's Experience Learning Falun Dafa in America
2006-07-23As I read Zhuan Falun, I found the lighthouse that could guide me through the night. The principles in the book are profound, and when I connected them with my experience in society, everything became so clear. All of my worries disappeared, and my life suddenly became enriched, active and wonderful.
Fundamental Standpoint
2006-07-20On the 4th day after the police arrested a fellow Falun Gong practitioner, I received a call on my mobile phone. I was asked if I knew the arrested practitioner and told that she was now expecting me to meet here at a certain location. It was apparent that the police were trying set a trap.
Breaking Through This Blockage
2006-07-20Recently, several practitioners have shared understandings about the vile Chinese Communist Party’s harvesting of organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners. We have observed that practitioners, most notably in the United States, have not taken action to expose these crimes and clarify the truth, or rather, they are acting slowly.
Senior Medical Doctor Witnesses the Miracles of Falun Dafa
2006-07-19When I had no other alternative, one of my supervisors at work, a person that had once suffered and had recovered from diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and a bone spur, gave me the book Zhuan Falun as a gift. I began practising Falun Gong while still in the hospital.
"I Want to Live — Please Teach me Falun Gong"
2006-07-17"A few days ago the police came to look for you, and the mine chief sent them away. I was afraid that they would give me trouble too. I am so sick that I can’t even cook, and I am so dizzy that I have a hard time standing. I have tried many medicines but to no avail. I feel that my time has come. My bones will be buried here in Wei County and I don’t care anymore. I do still want to live as I have two kids. I have finally found you. I didn’t know such good things existed, since I was so unobservant before."
Improving Myself to Better Validate the Fa
2006-07-16Fa study is an essential part of cultivating well in the Fa rectification period. I try to study at least one lecture per day of Zhuan Falun or another lecture, and do an hour of standing exercise or the fifth exercise. Sometimes I found my cultivation state wasn’t good and when looking inside I found that my Fa study and practising of the exercises had slipped without my noticing.
Why I Study the Fa But Do Not Obtain the Fa
2006-07-16It seemed that I studied the Fa (law or principles in Falun Gong) and practised the exercises every day, but it did not play a role when I met with trouble. I felt that I was studying the Fa but did not obtain the Fa. I wondered why this was so. When I studied the Fa, I was absent-minded and always thought about other things. I could not remember the Fa that I had just studied. I did not know where I had stopped reading if I stopped for a little while.
Western Practitioner: Digging Out Attachments
2006-07-14Three months later he appeared again saying we needed to move 4 meters out. This time it only took one word to wake him up and he apologised, remembering who we were. Each time I was calm with a firm belief that what we were doing was righteous. Afterwards, I thought about why this had happened: I still hadn’t managed to talk face to face with the manager of the property. I still had some fear and this is how it manifested.
Do Not Hold Fast to Our Attachments During Tests
2006-07-14Recently I encountered two consecutive tests: one was about sentimentality and the other about money. Because of my many attachments, I didn’t pass these tests with flying colours. All Falun Gong students know that the more we remove our attachments, the faster we pass our tests and vice versa.
My Thoughts after Studying "Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006"
2006-07-13Because my mind was not righteous, and I had not awakened within the Fa, so each time I encountered conflicts with my son, I would endure with a human heart. After I changed that notion and accepted the child as part of my cultivation environment that I "must" face, I felt the situation changing.
The Changes In Me During My Cultivation
2006-07-13Being able to take criticism is for me one of the most fundamental principles of being able to work well with others. I realised this early on when I started writing for one of our media. At first I would be upset if my articles were changed and this made problems for myself, and probably for other members of the team, also. I have to admit that I was even embarrassed to have my name on articles.
Exposing the Persecution by Showing Movies in the Chinese Community
2006-07-11every day during lunch time I would go to the Parliament Hill to distribute materials and clarify the truth face to face to people. Usually, not many Chinese would stop to listen to me, and many of those who stopped would leave after hearing a few sentences. What a great blessing it would be to those Chinese people in the theatre if what they were watching was a video detailing the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution!