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To Be Cultivating Every Moment of Our Lives
2006-04-04I was deeply inspired by the article, Ancient Chinese Stories of Cultivation: The 'Benevolent' Mr. Wang, a Buddhist Cultivator. In fact I was shocked after reading it and felt, as if awakened from a dream, because Mr. Wang's actions and thoughts are like a reflection of mine. A lot of my attachments and flaws were revealed to me while reading the article, and I would like to share my experience with other practitioners.
Some Understandings Regarding Sujiatun
2006-04-04However, when I send righteous thoughts these days, I find that the mechanism does not disappear. So I now realise that the old forces arranged the same mechanism for each practitioner. If we cannot disintegrate it with our powerful righteous thoughts, we will be following the path arranged by the old forces.
We Need to Completely Inform the Education System in China with the Truth
2006-03-31I have often read materials on the Internet, in textbooks, or in educational materials in China that slanders Falun Dafa. I was particularly concerned after reading the article on March 20th, entitled, "Who is Responsible for Children Becoming Assailants?" The article describes how students from the eighth middle school in Weifang repeatedly assaulted Falun Dafa practitioners who were exposing this horrific persecution to those on the street.
Discovering My Attachment of Selfishness
2006-03-31Recently, I found out that I have attachments related to extreme selfishness. Showing off is the biggest one. No matter what I said or did, my first thought was whether I could benefit from it and whether I could show off. Such thoughts occurred frequently and seriously. A junior classmate in my lab frequently flatters me because I like to be flattered, which I had never realised before.
Four Years of Consistently Exposing the Persecution
2006-03-29My experience is that when a person senses your compassion and kindness he is moved to quit the CCP. I remember to remind the person to pass on the information about quitting the CCP to their friends and relatives and to keep them safe. I tell them they can ask me to post the notice for others as well. This creates a good circle and multiplies the effect. Often, I meet "good friends" telling me that it was their friend who told them to join my Internet list. They sometimes immediately ask me to post a notice for them.
My Thoughts After Revisiting Teacher's Article "Beyond the Limits of Forbearance"
2006-03-29After reading the article "Sujiatun Concentration Camp Shocks and Enrages International Community" on March 12th, I shared the same feeling as many other practitioners--that is, rage. It has been seven years since the persecution started. Falun Dafa practitioners have compassionately attempted to save the precious Chinese people and Teacher again and again has given them opportunities. However, it seems that the time has come for the elimination of the evil Chinese Communist Party. As practitioners facing the murder of our fellow practitioners, how should we treat this issue?
The Falun Dafa Book Zhuan Falun Saved My Nephew's Life
2006-03-25I took the copy of Zhuan Falun back home and let my sister read it to her son. After doing so for a period of time, we discovered that the child, who was crying and suffering from the tumour, became calm and did not cry out with pain anymore. We were pleasantly surprised and developed even more confidence in Falun Dafa.. Thus we persisted in reading two pages to the child every day.
On the Changes in 2005
2006-03-23Some even started imagining all sorts of things with attachments and couldn't calm down. The time during Fa-rectification moves very quickly. Now that the year 2005 is over, some people feel disappointed as they thought nothing special happened during 2005. Some even started questioning and doubting Falun Dafa and Teacher in different ways. I think this is a very serious and dangerous matter that cannot be ignored.
My Experiences and Lessons Learnt from Exposing the Persecution
2006-03-23The second attachment was my heart of pursuing results. Each time I went to clarify the truth, I wanted to persuade that person and transform their way of thinking. When I noticed that the other party still persisted in holding on to his or her original opinion even after I had explained quite a lot, I started to lose patience and feel upset. Sometimes I even irritated the person. In fact, for everyone who has heard the truth, each time they hear the truth some of bad notions can be dispelled.
Getting to Know Falun Gong: The Cultivation Path of an Accomplished Pianist
2006-03-21She told me that the cultivation system is easy to learn. But, you have to begin with changing from inside, through improving your morals and character. She gave me the flyers and website addresses. She also left me her phone number and asked me to call her back. We had never met before. She did not talk too much, and said just a few words. However, each of her words penetrated my heart."
Understandings and Reflections about Walking a Straight Path
2006-03-19We must walk a straight path, but how can we achieve this? This is not just lip service. Actually the path of cultivation that Master leaves for us is "very narrow". If we are a little bit careless, problems will arise. We should not only have a great goal, but also need to mind the details. Only by improving our characters can we walk a straight path.
How I Passed a Tribulation Regarding My Family and My Home Environment
2006-03-19Since the publication of Teacher's1 article "Toward Consummation," I have searched for my fundamental attachment but with no avail. The issue of self-cultivation has been the most difficult part of my cultivation. Problems with my family have also been challenging. These things have been bothering me for the past several years. However, all of my worries disappeared after I found my attachment.
Amazing Recoveries through Practising Falun Gong
2006-03-18I was able to convince him to let her listen, and he also read the book "Be Saved from a Desperate Situation" that I took him. When I went to visit for Chinese New Year, my grandmother was able to eat again. Grandpa said to me in tears, "I read the book you gave to me. It is true! Your grandma recovered!"
Falun Dafa Gave My 83-Year-Old Mother a Second Chance at Life
2006-03-16My mother was illiterate, so my sisters and I took turns reading the Falun Gong books to her whenever we had time. We often played Teacher's1 lecture tapes in Dalian for her to watch. We also taught her to practise the set of five exercises in the morning and evening. Gradually and miraculously, her bronchitis and emphysema that had bothered her for decades were cured. She no longer coughed or had asthma. The whole family deeply appreciated that Teacher and Dafa had saved her life.
Further Understanding of "Not Fighting Back When Punched or Insulted"
2006-03-15This experience reminded me: Aren't the conflicts among fellow practitioners the same? Not long ago when I heard some fellow practitioners' criticise my previous words and behaviour, I was only a little concerned. I thought that I had passed this test quite well, but actually when looking within, weren't those impure thoughts and matters coming back to me? Isn't it the principle of the universe "no loss, no gain?" So now I must undertake to repay it!