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Advice to Practitioners Outside of China on Revealing the Facts About the Persecution to Chinese People
2005-02-08I knew another young man who liked to browse the Internet. I thought he had strong notions and didn't know the truth about Falun Gong. When I mentioned Falun Gong to him, he immediately told me, "Falun Gong is actually pretty good. Many people practise it abroad. They have sent me some articles to read. Jiang suppressed it out of jealousy and has been sued abroad."
The Power of Art In Introducing the Persecution Taking Place Against Falun Gong
2005-02-08Righteous art can touch people's minds and hearts. Many people say, "It's shocking!" Others are moved to tears. Some practitioners have said that some issues are difficult to explain, and that during discussion, even when questions are clearly answered, people sometimes seem apathetic or disinterested. However, standing in front of the paintings, they immediately understand the message. This type of comprehensive visual information speaks deeply to peoples' minds, awakening their compassionate nature, and greatly shocking the factors that cause their apathy and lack of understanding.
People's Hearts Determine Their Future
2005-02-07Four or five days later, my brother visited me again. He was full of energy and his voice was once more strong and deep. I commented on the change in his appearance. He said, "Well, of course. I did what you suggested. Otherwise, I didn't think I'd get my health back." My elder brother's health continues to improve. Once more he can do everything, and now he tells everyone he meets that Falun Dafa is good and amazing.
My Sister Practised Falun Dafa and Her Life-threatening Illness Disappeared
2005-02-05The doctor met with my father and told him that hope for my sister's recovery was minimal. The tumour not only pressed against a limb nerve, but also pressed against a nerve of the respiratory system. That was why her breathing was laboured. The doctor indicated that if the respiratory system nerve was harmed she would not be able to get off the operating table. The doctor didn't have any confidence about surgery being successful for her. They had never treated this kind of case. My sister's situation was a tough one.
We Urgently Need to Improve the Whole Body in Order to Change the State of "Busy-ness"
2005-02-02I have understood from sharing on the Internet that the practitioners overseas are very busy on specific projects and practitioners in China are very busy working to produce factual materials about Falun Dafa. They hardly have time for studying the Falun Gong teachings, resting, etc. The practitioners working on the material production sites that I have contact with are also in a state of "being too busy." I realise that we urgently need to improve the whole body in order to change the state of "busy-ness."
Cultivation Stories of Young Falun Dafa Practitioners from Mainland China
2005-02-02Young Falun Dafa practitioner Haohao is less than five years old. He can do all five Falun Gong exercises and can recite all of the poems of Master's Hong Yin II. He also can sit in the full lotus position with his legs crossed on top of each other, and sends righteous thoughts together with his mother and his elder sister. Once when he saw his grandma mopping the floor, he took the mop from his grandma and cleaned the floor himself, saying in low voice to his mother, "Following [the Fa] in everything, compliance is cultivation." (Hong Yin).
Falun Dafa and "No Politics"
2005-02-02Falun Dafa is a superior cultivation way within the Buddha School. In order to make sure that its practitioners will genuinely cultivate to higher levels, Falun Dafa has a very strict requirement that practitioners must never get involved in politics. Throughout human history, there have been numerous kings, princes and other royalty who abandoned their worldly power and wealth to live a life of cultivation.
Treat the Sentimentality Between Husband and Wife with the Compassion of a Cultivator
2005-01-30My husband is a driver for a kindergarten run by his sister. One morning I asked his sister about his salary and then started a fight with him. I completely forgot that I was a practitioner. I even swore not to talk to him ever again. Three days later we were still not talking to each other. On the fourth day at 10:00 p.m. my husband still had not come home. I started to calm down and admitted to myself that I had done something wrong.
Discovering Shortcomings While Making Lanterns
2005-01-30In one sentence, the plates that I had spent 5 to 6 hours to engrave became useless. I felt hurt. Seeing that my mind was affected, Xiaoli said, "My dear fellow practitioner, to tell you the truth, I felt that the plates you made were pretty good. But do you know why Xiaota did not want them? When we do work for Dafa, we need to use our hearts. Otherwise it would be like doing ordinary people's work. You should ask yourself, 'Did you use your heart to make the plates?'
Enlightening to Falun Dafa's Principles after Suffering from Severe Interference
2005-01-28Yielding under pressure from my family members who did not practice, I received an infusion at my brother's home. At that moment, I knew I did not have a disease, but a lack of righteous thoughts. I hoped it might provide temporary relief and help me break through this after studying the Falun Gong teachings more diligently. But it didn't help.
Trial of Strength
2005-01-28A local practitioner in charge has spent thousands of yuan (Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China) on materials containing the true facts about Falun Dafa over the past years. Recently she has been short of money and would like other capable fellow practitioners to take part of the responsibility. But she is afraid to give an impression of collecting fees. The work cannot be stopped, but she has a dilemma. I realized that the Jiang regime's policy of "bankrupting them financially" targets every practitioner.
Falun Dafa Rescued My Son from Video Game Arcades and Internet Cafés
2005-01-27In addition, the overly stimulating nature of the games caused him to spend too many hours in heightened concentration, and the violence in some games sapped his appetite and his physical strength. He often stared at us blankly, with sore and dry eyes, and his vision became more and more impaired. He knew what it meant to continue down his self-destructive path, but there was no way to stop for him. It was like a drug addiction.
Practising Falun Dafa, Curing Cancer, and Embracing a New Life
2005-01-25Before practising Falun Gong, Liu Hongji was well known for his quick temper. After practising Falun Gong his temper was gentle and he became warm-hearted and considerate. His health progressed as the dizziness and headache disappeared, his legs and feet gained strength, and his appetite improved. It has been over six years since he stopped taking pills.
The Cultivation Experiences of a Professional Soldier in Taiwan
2005-01-25Then I had a final exam. Since I did not do well in balancing the relationship between cultivation and work, I did not prepare for the final well and had to take the course over. Thus, my classmates formed negative opinions about me again. They think that I have kept running into trouble ever since I started cultivating, so they had some negative thoughts about Falun Dafa. Tests that I thought I had already passed showed up again.
Searching Inward During Conflicts
2005-01-25One practitioner stated that she did not like a certain practitioner who spoke untruthfully and behaved as an ordinary person, and while mentioning mistakes made several years ago by others, she would still be very emotional. The practitioners who were criticised might sometimes react the same way. Thus, in certain areas, practitioners have become divided into various subgroups and are not interacting with one-another.