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Cultivation Stories of a Senior Falun Gong Practitioner from Anqiu City of Shandong Province, China
2005-02-22One woman in her 40s' used to be ill all year long and could not do any work and required others to take care of her. By practicing Falun Gong she got rid of all her illnesses and totally recovered. Her whole family was very supportive of her practice. After the persecution she gave up practicing and all her old illnesses returned. Others who had given up practicing are all experiencing similar problems. The Communist Party Secretary of my village told me: "Look, they gave up practicing and fell ill again. You should continue practicing!"
Police Are Helpless When Practitioners Resist The Persecution in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
2005-02-22In 2002 and 2003, if someone yelled, "Falun Dafa is Great," no matter where they were, there a dozen people would attack him or her. Some would try to cover his mouth and some would grab hold of his body while others beat him. Now, this situation has reversed. Yesterday, a practitioner yelled, "Falun Dafa is Great!" in the dining hall. One or two dozen people echoed the words. It was a long time before the police came, and two of them tried to pull the practitioner out. However, before they reached him, a dozen or so practitioners stood up, and the police decided to give up and did nothing.
A Police Chief Who Benefited from Falun Dafa Protects Falun Dafa Practitioners
2005-02-19The police chief nodded in agreement, and borrowed a book containing the core teachings of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun and another book, The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa from the practitioner. One week later, the two met again. This time the police chief had a rosy complexion and was in very good spirits. He told the practitioner happily, "Teacher Li is taking care of me. I just studied the Fa (law or principle, the teachings in Falun Gong) for several days, and the illnesses that had haunted me for years all disappeared. Falun Dafa is so miraculous! It's so good!"
Terminal Cirrhosis of the Liver Is Cured after Practising Falun Dafa
2005-02-19This real-life miracle caused quite a stir throughout our village. Villagers spread their eyewitness accounts of the miracle of Falun Gong, which had brought a dying person back to life. My entire family and almost one hundred residents in our village have started learning Falun Dafa. Some bedridden villagers recovered from many years of illness. Some have even gotten rid of their heart disease. I have been telling everyone that Teacher saved my life.
Informing People with the Facts About Falun Gong and the Persecution at the Chinese Consulate in Spain: People's Hearts are Awakening
2005-02-18At the start, many of the Chinese people weren’t willing to take the materials we were distributing due to their being deceived by the former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin and his group. They even looked at the materials we were distributing with strange expressions in their eyes. Soon after they received the materials they would just throw them away. It was as if they didn’t want to know anything about Falun Gong. Initially, it was hard for us to part with the materials because the Chinese people refused to listen to us. They didn’t want to understand or know about the facts regarding the persecution taking place in their own country.
Where Do the Bad Thoughts in Our Minds Come From?
2005-02-18After reading the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," I suddenly realised the root cause of my problem. For the past several dozen years, people who live in China have been instilled with many evil substances by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). We all live in the field covered by the CCP, so we cannot realise that there are evil substances in our minds.
If We Follow Master's Instructions and Do the Three Things Well, We Can Achieve Twice the Results with Half the Effort in Our Everyday Duties
2005-02-16At the time the finance bureau was going through test reforms, and only 40% of those taking the new tests passed. I was scheduled to take the last offering of the new test. Because of the low passing rate, the test format was eventually changed. I was the eldest student in the class, and the lecturer breezed through the materials. I was busy taking notes without any time to think. I had never touched a PC and have not taken any classes for tens of years. My husband was waiting for me to pass the test, and he was also weighing my ability
A College Student's Realisation in Cultivation Practice
2005-02-16I felt that the fellow practitioner was ignoring me. However, I did know clearly in my mind that definitely I had some problem myself. Then what was the root cause of it all? Finally, I desperately tried my best to repeatedly tell myself, "This is a trick to separate me and fellow practitioners. I do not agree to it!" But the effectiveness of this way only lasted briefly. I knew that problems need to be resolved and not avoided.
Falun Dafa Gave Helped Me Live a Better Life
2005-02-14After my sister-in-law left, I opened the book and started reading it. The more I read, the more I felt that whatever Teacher was telling us in the book made sense. I read the book twice without a break. In the beginning, the sight in my left eye was murky. But when I finished reading and closed the book, my eye was fine, just like normal. My wife and I were extremely happy; our happiness could not be described in words. Teacher is so compassionate!
Thoughts on the Path of Studying the Falun Gong Teachings and Raising My Character
2005-02-13On the path of cultivating, I have come to understand that the goal of cultivation is to save sentient beings. This is a major difference between Falun Dafa cultivation and other types of cultivation practises. To save sentient beings, we need to meet with everyday people, and live among them with a similar lifestyle. Therefore, we should not quit our jobs, but rather, we should do well at our work. I also realise that there is no fixed answer as to how we carry out our daily work in ordinary society. In other words, there is no "fixed" or "concrete" answer, but our own cultivation levels determine what we should do.
Falun Dafa Gave My Son a Second Life
2005-02-12I struggled in pain under life's pressures with the added torment of chronic illness. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, all of my symptoms gradually disappeared, one after another. I finally experienced the feeling of being free totally from illness. As well as improved health, my moral standards were uplifted through Falun Gong's emphasis on the cultivation of "Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance." Falun Gong brought so many positive changes to the way I lived, and my life became very harmonious and peaceful.
Having Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions As a Genuine Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Fa-Rectification Period
2005-02-10Teacher clearly pointed out my existing problem. I was truly ashamed of myself and my cultivation state. I not only had attachments of "selfishness" and "egotism" but was also pursuing consummation, had a self-satisfied heart, thought myself good, and so on. I now understand and realise that I was in danger. Teacher always leads us and reminds us to walk righteously at all times. After clearing away interference and attachments, I was able to pay more attention to Fa study and gradually the bad state disappeared.
Recalling the Days of Travelling with Master Before and After Falun Gong Was Made Public (Part 1)
2005-02-10In 1991, after Master returned from his visit to Thailand, we went to the Jietai Temple in Beijing with Master. At lunchtime, we ate at a small roadside restaurant. We all tried to pay for the meals after we finished eating, but Master told us to stay put and he went to pay for the meals for all of us. This touched us deeply because we all knew that it had always been customary for the disciple to provide for their masters in other qigong practices; this was the first time for us to experience seeing a master paying for his disciples' meals. Over a dozen of years have passed, but the scene of that moment still leaps before my eyes.
Maintain an Unshakable Calm
2005-02-10We could not hear clearly the questions raised by people viewing the exhibit, and they could not hear our replies, either. I tried to talk to people as loud as I could, but to no avail. At that moment I felt really annoyed. I knew this was interference and that it must be eliminated by sending forth righteous thoughts. However, I also immediately saw my own frustration and irritation. I adjusted my state of mind and made myself settle down and not pay attention to it. Right away I noticed that things changed for the better and my interaction with people improved significantly.
Enlightening to Principles in the Fa
2005-02-08It was how I interpreted the Fa (law or principles, the teachings in Falun Gong). The reason for that was that I didn’t think much about the deeper meaning of the word ‘interpretation.’ Only after Master gave us some hints did I check the meaning of the word in the dictionary. The dictionary identified the word interpretation as ‘explaining.’ Only now do I recognise my wrongdoing and understand that I sabotaged the Fa. In the meantime I had only a shallow understanding of Master’s words and could not see the deeper connotation.