Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Melting Ourselves Into the Fa
2009-10-12Recently I had been paying a lot of attention to real estate listings and job postings. In my mind, I was trying to figure out how to live a better life. As such, I failed to "reach a state in which you have such things but have no heart for them
Handling Family Issues with Righteous Thoughts and True Compassion
2009-10-11My understanding is that we do not pursue the quantity of people quitting the CCP organizations; rather, we should move people with the kindness and forbearance that we obtain from cultivating Dafa, so that they can be saved.
An Inappropriate State Should Be Adjusted Immediately
2009-10-11I realized that it was time to calm down and study the Fa, and to look within. This process wastes a lot of time. Such dilatory phenomena manifest in many ways. For example, when I don't feel right, I decide to take a break. I wait until I've recovered well, then I start to do things; or, now I do not feel comfortable, so I do not need to practice the exercise until I feel comfortable.
I Catch Up with Assisting Master with Fa-Rectification
2009-10-10After becoming a practitioner, I really felt that my view of the world changed. In life or work, I always act as a true Dafa disciple and try to do everything well. In the workplace, I do not complain and never compete or fight for profits.
Actively Keep Up with the Pace of Fa Rectification
2009-10-10Wherever we go and whatever we do, we should keep the Fa in mind. We must motivate ourselves to do the three things well using the Fa and not waste a minute or a second. Since the remaining time is for Dafa practitioners to rectify the Fa and save sentient beings, we should strictly follow a high standard in the Fa. Every thought should be on the Fa.
Helping a Fellow Practitioner
2009-10-09The root cause is that I had failed to understand the essence of cultivation. I had held onto humanness with one hand and onto divinity with the other. I was afraid of losing my interests. I was accustomed to regarding any unpleasant things as bad. Therefore, I tried to do things carefully and perfectly in order to avoid any unpleasant events.
Looking Inward Is the Solution to Practitioners' Problems
2009-10-09Practitioners are different from non-practitioners. Our method of solving problems is to look inward. Every problem or obstacle we run into is because we are not aligned with the Fa requirements with our understanding, attitude, or our actions on some aspects or some events.
Digging Deep to Rid Myself of the Attachment to Lust
2009-10-08My understanding of "cultivation of mind" is that we must not have any improper thoughts, no thoughts of lust and desire. Furthermore, we need to relinquish the attachments to the glances of admiration, the feelings of "joy" when one is being flattered or praised and the thoughts of showing off in front of those of the opposite sex.
Smiling Along with Lotus Flowers
2009-10-08When I first opened the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I saw the Dafa website setup by Falun Dafa practitioners, I saw Master Li's photo of quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. I became so excited that tears ran down my face. I held both hands together and said to Teacher: "Thank you, Teacher!"
Returning to Cultivation, Starting from the Basics
2009-10-07My son used to be against my cultivation and now he tries to dedicate some time to recite Hong Yin together with me. My nephew, who used to be a naughty child, became a good boy after practicing the cultivation. He works hard in school and is much more mature than before.
A Practitioner Who Inspires Me to Be More Diligent
2009-10-07"We came here to save you. You only think about making money and your life with your family, without knowing that you are all marked by the beast. We are here to help remove those marks. But first you should remember Falun Dafa is good. Zhen-Shan-Ren is good! If you can accept that you will be happy forever."
One Thought Distinguishes a Human from a Divine Being
2009-10-06When I was arrested, the police deceived my husband with lies about Falun Gong and he attempted to force me to write a guarantee statement in a brutal manner. He could not coerce me, however, and instead, I measured myself with the standard of the Fa; even my fear of him vanished.
The Importance of Patience
2009-10-06Recently, we studied Teacher's earlier lectures in our Fa study group. When Teacher was asked shallow, sometimes even ridiculous questions, he patiently answered them one by one. I could not help but sigh, "Teacher really has patience." After careful thinking, I realized that behind the patience is Teacher's great compassion. I understood that impatience comes about due to the lack of compassion.
2009-10-05When I read articles about fellow practitioners' righteous thoughts and deeds, I felt bright in my mind. Being able to keep in touch with the Minghui website I felt that I was able to keep in touch with fellow practitioners and with our whole body; I did not feel like a lonely particle.
When Will We Be Mature?
2009-10-05In this human world, no matter what feeling of gratitude or resentment we have towards others, we should end it in this golden Fa-rectification period. Although we have some predestined relationships, we should measure everything with the Fa, and compassionately resolve the issues.