Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Do Well on the Path that Returns Home
2009-07-29My wife was the first person to practice Falun Gong in our village. Her recovery story encouraged many people, and many of them started to practice Falun Gong. We set up a practice site at my home.
My Understanding of "A Desire For Doing Things"
2009-07-28It seems logical that the more sentient beings you save, the better you are doing; the more people you save, the greater you are; wanting to do more clarifying the truth and wanting to save more people requires a compassionate state of mind. How could it be called "the desire for doing things?"
Thoughts About a Practitioner's Article, "Master Endures Practitioners' Suffering"
2009-07-28Sharing my realization about the article with Practitioner A had him tearfully comment, "Master has endured too much for us." Hearing this made a thought cross my mind, "Master should not endure the suffering of the brutal torture. The evildoers should take the suffering that they imposed upon me."
Correct Every Single Thought, Remove All Attachments and Become Genuine Dafa Practitioners in the Fa-rectification Period
2009-07-27I was very diligent at the beginning of my cultivation. I studied Teacher's Fa carefully and practiced the exercises every day. Through Fa study, I came to understand many principles that I couldn't understand before. I felt my spirit uplifting through cultivation. I changed from a selfish and unreasonable person, to a kind and considerate one.
Respecting Master and Dafa is a Disciple's Duty
2009-07-27Here is my personal understandings on the correct posture in studying the Fa. Keep the upper body straight, sitting in the double lotus position or the single lotus position. Hold the book with both hands with an attitude of reverence and sincerity. Take turns reading the paragraphs with clear pronunciation and with the proper speed, so that everyone can follow along in their minds.
My Trip to Taiwan
2009-07-26During this trip to Taiwan, I saw that the Taiwanese practitioners conducted themselves well with righteous thoughts and were doing the three things well according to Teacher's requests. In order to save their mainland compatriots, they work hard and sacrifice their own comfort.
Learning from Traditional Roles How to Better Cooperate Within the One Body
2009-07-26Not understanding cooperation, coordination or duty, it is very difficult for people to live together harmoniously, not to mention collaborating or working together on projects. As Dafa practitioners, we should not be like that.
Let Go of Attachments and Walk the Final Steps of the Journey
2009-07-25We cannot relax. We should remember every moment that we are here to help Teacher with the Fa-rectification. Our mission is to save sentient beings. We should not feel depressed or helpless, and we cannot continue to waste valuable time.
Dignity and Mercy
2009-07-25One time, my boss at work became extremely angry with me. She said that several people told her that I was advising them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The company has a policy that Falun Gong practitioners have to be reported to higher authorities and practicing Falun Gong is regarded as the most serious political issue.
Helping Fellow Practitioners With Sincerity and Confidence
2009-07-24I went with her and asked her why she said those things. In the end, she said, "It is 'wise' to say Falun Dafa is good in your heart, but not in public." My heart ached with sadness. How could she be like this?
A New Practitioner Genuinely Caring for Sentient Beings
2009-07-24Those who joined the CCP and/or its youth organizations will go down with the CCP, and only those who withdrew from it and its subordinate organizations will be safe. Grandpa, do you want to withdraw?' He gave a clear and firm reply, 'Yes, I quit.'
How Falun Dafa Helps Me to Harmonize Family Relationships
2009-07-23"You see, human life is just so pitiful. Birth, aging, sickness, and death--the reincarnation process--is just so painful. No matter how much money he has now, he can't feel happy at all. Am I right? "
On "Eating and Lust"
2009-07-22It is true that Menchius said, "Eating and lust, those are from one's innate nature." But when looking at it a little more deeply, this "innate nature" actually is not the true "nature" of a human being's original, true self. Instead, it is a characteristic that has been infused into one's flesh body in order for a human being to stay in a human state. It is also a human attachment that we must remove in our cultivation.
Several Manifestations of Jealousy
2009-07-22In the past, I believed that jealousy always meant being envious of others who were better, more capable, or had more strong points. I now have new understanding about jealousy. Some kinds of jealousy are subtle, and have formed naturally, so they are difficult see, and you may not be able to recognize some jealousies
Sharing Some Cultivation Experiences from When I Was Homeless
2009-07-22It was not clear to me that I should not insist on my reasoning but to take a step back in a conflict so I could find that the seas and the skies are boundless.