Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Comments on the Expression of Lust
2009-06-21A person is like a container, and he is whatever he contains. All of what a person sees with the eyes and hears with the ears are: violence, lust, power struggles in literary works, struggles for profit in the practical world, money worship, other manifestations of demon-nature, and so on.
Attain the Righteous Enlightenment of Selflessness and Altruism
2009-06-21. We can't just say or do anything at will. Instead, we should communicate with others based on their acceptance and think about how they could learn the truth and be saved. Only by looking within can we get rid of our omissions. Such is true cultivation that can lead to great compassion and help remove all the barriers among practitioners.
Shen Yun Performance Inspires "Old Sheikh" to Learn Falun Dafa
2009-06-20Old Sheikh and I conversed for some time while walking to my house. I invited him into my home and as soon as he came inside, he said seriously, "Falun Dafa is so good, I am going to learn it. Do you have books or materials for me to read?" After he watched Shen Yun, he praised Dafa and started practicing Falun Gong.
Respect the Boundaries between Men and Women
2009-06-20It was because I was careless and my actions were thoughtless that I did not respect the boundaries between my male colleagues and myself when talking and joking with them. I was flattering myself and thinking that I did not have an attachment to lust. I did not pay attention to the fact that we should distinguish between males and females.
Sentient Beings Are Waiting to Be Saved
2009-06-19Another time, while I was handing out informational material at an outdoor food market, an owner from one of the food stands noticed that he did not get one. He shouted, " Hey! Hurry, give me a copy too. I really enjoy reading Falun Dafa's information!" A young fellow heard that and asked me, "What are you handing out? Could I get one?"
My Experience in Applying for Asylum
2009-06-19At the hearing, the judge had many letters in his hand and received many emails from practitioners around the world, including France, the U.S., and Taiwan. I was very moved, though I did not know any of those practitioners. We did what we needed to do.
Thoughts after Learning that Fellow Practitioners Were Illegally Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison
2009-06-18Those practitioners validated the Fa by themselves instead of depending on attorneys or other ordinary people. The practitioners outside used the rescue process as an opportunity to improve from the Fa while saving ordinary people. Meanwhile, the practitioners who were being persecuted improved themselves as well.
Thougths on the Article "Can We Face the Persecution with a Smile, No Matter the Circumstances?"
2009-06-18If our righteous thoughts don't achieve the expected result in regards to the persecution, we should look inward based on what Teacher said: are our righteous thoughts strong? do we have any fear or attachment? do we have apprehension or hatred? Then we should adjust our xinxing (character) if we are falling short.
Purpose of Memorizing the Fa
2009-06-17Only when our minds are pure enough, and we have met the standards of the Fa at higher levels, will the deeper meanings of the Fa be revealed. Therefore, we will not obtain the Fa at high levels if our minds are not pure, regardless if we have memorized all the words.
Saving Sentient Beings with Compassion
2009-06-17During the process of clarifying the truth, we should pay attention to cultivating ourselves. We will then be able to eliminate many attachments, fear, show-off mentality, oversensitivity, suspiciousness, lust, etc. When we do well in cultivation, it becomes easier to do truth clarification. We may see twice the results with half the effort.
Understanding the Illegitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party's Laws
2009-06-16The judges believed that what the Nazis practiced was not the law, and that they committed a crime. When the trials opened again, the judges used this reasoning to defeat the Nazis' defense, completing the Nuremberg trials. Some of the perpetrators were hung, and others were sentenced to long prison terms.
Cultivating Well and Validating the Fa in Everyday Life
2009-06-16Cultivating ourselves well in everyday life is in fact another direct way to validate the Fa. If a practitioner is known as a good parent, respects the elderly, takes care of the children, establishes a harmonious relationship with family members and neighbours, takes his responsibilities at work and in society seriously, is considerate of others and displays high morality and xinxing (character) level, then everyone who gets to know him will say that this practitioner is a good person and a role model for others.
Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People with Righteous Thoughts
2009-06-16I had severe flu-like symptoms and ached all over. But I had very strong righteous thoughts and knew that Teacher was purifying my body. Therefore I insisted on practicing the exercises and studying the Fa. Three days later, all of my symptoms disappeared. I felt very light. Since then, I have firmly believed in Dafa and Teacher.
Well Despite Tribulations and Hardships
2009-06-15Why are there so many fellow practitioners overcome with tests that are related to their families, sickness and financial problems for a long time? I feel it's because they have failed to study the Fa well. Perhaps they should persevere in memorizing the Fa. Don't pursue speed. Memorize the Fa slowly until you can visualize every word in front of you.
Distinguish What Comes from Your True Self and Eliminate Acquired Notions
2009-06-15I recalled that I looked at many things through my acquired notions. In the future, I should look at them using the criteria of cultivation and measure them from the standpoint of the Fa. Does my true self think in this way? If not, what kind of thought makes me think in this way? It must be an acquired notion. I just say to myself that it is not me and I do not want that thought.