Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Fa-study Group is Part of the Process of Improving as a Whole
2009-04-04In my view, it is important for cultivators within the same family to study the Fa together and share experiences with each other. Thus we can remind each other that we are cultivators and must deal with everything from the perspective of the Fa.
Economic Persecution With Righteous Thoughts
2009-04-04The school administrators wouldn't let me teach culture and literature from Chinese history because they did not know I could clarify the truth of the persecution from other subjects such as art, music and calligraphy. I had never told them that the wisdom of mankind in inventing everything came from Dafa. It is Dafa that gives wisdom to practitioners who study these subjects.
Attached to Oneself is the Root of Jealousy
2009-04-03I have now realized that being attached to oneself is the root of jealousy. We should place ourselves on the same level as others, not above them. Each being is formed by the Fa and each one has different characteristics. That is to say, each being has strengths and weaknesses.
Our Responsibilities to Young Practitioners
2009-04-03Before he could put down his luggage, Qiqi jumped up and ran over to him, forgetting about the Fa study and asked, "What have you got me?" I said, "Qiqi, we're not done yet. How come you ran away?" My husband said to him, "Did you come to get me to join your Fa study? A good child studies the Fa a lot! Come along, let's study the Fa together."
Lotus Flowers Shining in My Eyes
2009-04-02When encountering some urgent matters, I often had ideas on how to handle situations and thought about backup plans in case they didn‘t work out. Later, I realized that my lack of confidence was because I didn’t have a strong enough faith in Teacher and Fa rectification.
What I’ve Enlightened to While Cultivating—Rays of Sunlight Appear
2009-04-02However, there are a very few practitioners in the small city. Consequently, there is not much face-to-face truth clarification done here, although “Falun Dafa is Good” and “Withdrawing from the CCP” can be seen everywhere in the city.This is the main reason why we moved to this city: To clarify the truth to everyday people face-to-face. Being practitioners during the period of Fa rectification, we must accomplish our mission.
A Reminder about the Seriousness of Cultivation
2009-04-01Our fellow practitioners all have experienced hardships. Several are still being detained and the old forces (a negative aspect in the universe), in the form of illness karma, are taking away relatively young practitioners one after another outside the detention centres. Fellow practitioners, we must examine how we are cultivating ourselves, whether our cultivation goals are right, whether our motivation of doing things are correct and what are our fundamental attachments.
Eliminating the Attachment of Relying on Others
2009-04-01When we overly rely on other practitioners, we form a bad field, a selfish field, that is actually alive. If the field is not very strong, it might manifest to us only a few attachments and human notions, which may bring us some tribulations. Under this circumstance, we should look within, and then we are able to get rid of it.
Falun Dafa Leads the Way to My True Self
2009-04-01In June 2000, the forced labour camp transferred us into an enclosed courtyard, where they secretly and more brutally persecuted us. Before we left the squadron, we unfurled a huge banner that said "Falun Dafa," which took a few nights for us to weave with a crochet hook and yarn. Everyone nearby was shocked. All the practitioners present pressed their palms together to heshi respectfully.
Doing the Three Things Well and Making Up for Losses
2009-03-31Encountering problems leads me to look inward and consider the Fa, which is the key to any solution. As Master instructs us and as we all know well, we should look inward for attachments when problems arise, get rid off those attachments and thus raise our xinxing (heart and mind nature/character). Things will then get better.
Looking Within to Improve Myself
2009-03-31Sometimes, I heard someone knocking on the door while I was watching TV. I would quickly turn it off, not wanting to be seen watching TV and thus damaging my diligent image in their minds. What I did was covering up the unrighteousness and creating a lie to myself. The issues we encounter in daily life seem to be small things, but they are all big issues on the path of cultivation.
On "Trying to Help the Shoots Grow by Pulling Them Upwards"
2009-03-30As for new practitioners, we must encourage them to study the Fa a lot and do the exercises well. We especially need to help them to learn to look inward and cultivate themselves as soon as possible, instead of dragging them too quickly into doing all kinds of activities that should be done by Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners.
Clarifying the Truth on a High School Campus
2009-03-30At present, every school is a brainwashing base for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Not only are teachers spreading the CCP propaganda, many students are also promoting violence and a fighting mentality. This situation requires practitioners in schools to seize every opportunity to get rid of the CCP spectre and create a good environment to save sentient beings.
Give Up the Attachment First
2009-03-29Non-practitioners cannot understand the reason. They don't understand the fundamentals of a spiritual belief, so they don't know where such a power comes from. We never talk about worrying over every situation or planning each step. As genuine cultivators, we just do whatever we should do and try to do it well.
Be Part of the Fa in Everything We Do
2009-03-29Most importantly, I maintained a wonderful relationship with my neighbours and the people I knew. Everything I do and say represents the image of Falun Dafa. My neighbours told me, "If it weren't for the persecution, we'd all practice Falun Dafa with you."