Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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When Xinxing is Upgraded, The Power of Dafa is Revealed
2009-04-21I didn't consider myself a cultivator during this whole affair. I only thought of my own interest and fought for it. I didn't have any consideration for others and I did not meet the requirements of the Fa. After realizing this, I told my wife over the phone: "It was retribution. I am a cultivator and I didn't act according to the Fa."
My Cultivation Experiences
2009-04-21I thought that we Dafa disciples should validate Dafa wherever we are, so it was only right that I demonstrate Dafa's mighty power when I left the management position; that I should not curse or whine like other people when they are released from their positions. In every organization, in every industry, at every level, there is Dafa's existence and manifestation.
When We Concentrate Will We Be Able to Study the Fa Well
2009-04-20We should really concentrate when studying the Fa. In the past when I was studying the Fa, sometimes my thoughts would wander and then I would just pull myself back and continue reading. Now if I find that I have become distracted, I start all over again until my thoughts are fully concentrated on the Fa. I concentrate wholeheartedly and make sure I am single minded on Master's Fa.
Correct Path of Cultivation
2009-04-20"I heard that some tourists at Tiananmen raised their hands to shade themselves from the sun. Immediately, five police officers went over to arrest them. The tourists were angry and fought back. Then, another police officer came shouting, 'They are not Falun Gong practitioners. The real practitioners won't fight back.' " All the passengers on the van laughed.
Eliminate the Jealous Thought that Others Surpass Me in Cultivation
2009-04-19While I was sharing my opinions and thought that I had a good understanding of this issue, I heard this different voice. I could not take it and responded sarcastically, "Even if I don't clarify the truth face to face, I still made more people withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party." Others were shocked to hear this. I was also surprised. How could I have said this?
With Practitioners Who Have Yet to Come Forth
2009-04-19As I remember, at the beginning of the persecution, a practitioner once asked himself, "If I were to lose my life in the persecution, would I give up cultivation?" The answer is, "Every life comes to an end. Even if I give up Dafa, I will not be able to overcome life and death, much less be a cultivator."
Removing the Attachment to Relying on Others and Walking Our Own Paths Righteously
2009-04-18In my understanding, the root of the attachment to relying on others is selfishness, which is the fundamental characteristic of the old universe. If one fails to remove the attachment, one would fail to ascend from the old principles or fundamentally change one's conventional thinking.
Nothing Is Trivial in Cultivation
2009-04-18It made me realized that I had not eliminated my attachment to personal gain, and that this attachment was strong. On the surface, I often wanted help from relatives who had easier lives. Actually I unconsciously felt that they should help me. Sometimes it upset me when they did not help me when I needed it. How filthy and selfish a mindset that is!
Away from the Constant Struggle Between Love and Hatred, Gratitude and Resentment
2009-04-16Ms. Ding said she didn't know to consider others first before practicing Falun Gong, and believed that everyone was out for themselves. She always fought for her own self-interest, whether she was right or wrong, and was very impatient. After she became a practitioner, she reminded herself all the time that she was a practitioner and must behave as a practitioner.
Benefiting from Group Fa Study
2009-04-16I found that since I started studying the Fa and sharing and doing things to validate the Fa together with fellow practitioners in the past few months, the speed of my xinxing improvement has been much faster than when I cultivated at home for the past few years.
Looking Inside and Reflecting on One’s Behaviour Repeatedly
2009-04-15As a cultivator, we should look inside and always consider others first. Whenever we do something, we should think: will this thing harm other people? When we have conflicts with others, we should check ourselves to see if there is anything that we did wrong. When we see other’s problems, we should check if we have similar problems.
Times Moves Really Fast
2009-04-15Many things need to be done within a limited timeframe. This is a challenge. From another perspective, isn't it also an opportunity for us to establish our mighty virtue? Let us all cherish this period of time and save more people to fulfil our mission!
You Have the Fa in Your Heart, You Will Find A Way
2009-04-14A very short time after I had the thought of establishing a family material production site, all the equipment was ready, and those with the technical know how provided their expertise and were willing to help at all times. Some had to travel a long way to come. This is something that ordinary people could never do. They touched me and inspired me so much that I have no choice but to do my best.
Cultivation Has No Shortcuts: Walk Well the Final Steps of Our Path
2009-04-14We all know that it is a great honour to be a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period. Why then do we not cultivate diligently and allow ourselves to be interfered with by the evil and cannot free ourselves? Looking deeper, I found I was interfered with by my own mindset, which was hidden deeply within me: my attachments to comfort, fame and gain, competitiveness, lust, and proving my self, etc.
Arrogance Hinders Practice
2009-04-13Through studying the "Fa", I realized that no matter how good of a practitioner I was, on the surface I was still a human being. Now matter how smart I was as a man, it was still the lowest level of thinking and knowledge. Being smart isn't bad but as a practitioner I need to be rational and shouldn't be too proud of it.