Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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How I Began to Practice Falun Gong
2009-04-13After reading the book once, I found that it talked about not only qigong but also the meaning of human life, the goal of being human, and even about the world view. I realized that this was no ordinary book. It talked about something brand new, even beyond human knowledge.
The Issue of Morning Exercise
2009-04-12Since the beginning of morning exercises, I have become more energetic, I sleep less, and I have more time to do the three things (study the Fa [the teachings of Falun Dafa], send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and about the persecution to the world's people) Also, the enthusiasm which diminished after I was released from prison has returned.
Making Breakthroughs in Validating the Fa
2009-04-12Though my desire to save more sentient beings and help fellow practitioners undergoing persecution never wavered, for a period of time, I could not come up with any better ideas, and my mind seemed to be empty. I had the feeling that I had exhausted my abilities. I realized that I needed a breakthrough to improve this situation.
Actions and Words of My Fellow Practitioners Are a Mirror for Me
2009-04-11Thinking back over the past ten years and the behaviour of the practitioner that was shown to me, wasn't this the arrangement of our compassionate Master to help me see my attachments? It was for me to get rid of this attachment.
Actions and Words of My Fellow Practitioners Are a Mirror for Me
2009-04-11After that I used the words and actions of my fellow practitioners as a mirror to reflect myself. In the process, I discovered that I had many attachments and a heart full of human emotions, for example, jealousy, pride, materialism and fear, etc.
While Practicing Falun Gong
2009-04-09Many times my xinxing is poor, and this makes it harder to get rid of attached thoughts when they come up, or to do Dafa work. Sometimes I worry that I’ve done poorly and that I won’t be able to finish cultivation due to my attachments and karma. Feeling bad and that I have used my time poorly, I try to read and re-read Master Li’s books and lectures as much as I can. I also make sure I am sending forth righteous thoughts as correctly as possible.
Cherish This Rare Opportunity
2009-04-09I think doing the exercises, especially doing the exercises in a group, is a major factor that determines the quality of our improvement and our ability to solve problems. The exercises enhance wisdom. With our wisdom enhanced, we will be able to solve problems quickly.
A Turning Point: From Qigong Master to Falun Dafa Practitioner
2009-04-08At the end of 1994, when I was feeling empty and helpless, two friends who previously practiced qigong introduced me to Falun Dafa and loaned me Zhuan Falun. Since then I have followed the correct path, practiced the righteous law, and entered into a new world.
"You Still Have a Kind Heart and I Want to Save you!"
2009-04-08Just then, he suddenly stopped me from talking, saying, "I am a hoodlum, so you don't need to save me!" I replied, "Even if you are a hoodlum, I still want to save you!" He took out a sharp knife, with about a 5-inch-long blade, and said, "I am a hoodlum! I make a living by getting people to pay their debts, so I don't deserve to be saved! "
Unrighteous Thoughts Cause Tribulations
2009-04-07I decided to do the same thing for our city. Immediately, the policemen's words kept popping up in my mind. I started to think, "When the truth-clarification flyers and pamphlets come out, will the National Security Team think that I did it? If they ask me, how should I respond?" I knew that these were unrighteous thoughts. They were not from my own nature
Our Righteous Thoughts Should Be Powerful
2009-04-07I have sent forth righteous thoughts together with a fellow practitioner a few times, and I observed how she conducted herself. Every time we sent forth righteous thoughts, she spent almost fifteen minutes on the verge of falling asleep! After less than two months, this practitioner was arrested while she was out distributing fliers, and sentenced to two years of forced labour.
Not Be Misled by Worldly Pursuits and Miss the Precious Chance to Reach Divinity
2009-04-06It is a rare opportunity to have access to the truth. We have gone through many re-incarnations to have this opportunity. However, the human world tends to generate illusions that mislead us and cause us to forget that we are practitioners. Can we imagine what will happen to us if we miss this opportunity?
Delivering Truth-Clarification Materials
2009-04-06I felt I was being pushed when going uphill. It didn't take long at all to ride five miles. I didn't feel hot in the summer or cold in the winter. But if I didn't have righteous thoughts, for example, if I didn't want to go or thought it was too far or I'd be too lonely, my bicycle would not move no matter how hard I peddled it. When I got off the bike to push it, I felt my legs weighed a thousand pounds.
Let Go of Ego and Treat Fellow Practitioners with Compassion
2009-04-05During another meeting with several practitioners, three of them got into an argument. At this time I noticed that one practitioner next to me was sitting calmly, unmoved by what was happening. A saying by ordinary people came to mind, "A person with great wisdom appears innocent to others."
Is Impossible When We Are Based on the Fa
2009-04-05When I coordinate with other practitioners in projects, I also realize that every practitioner's attachments have negative impacts on the project, which can manifest as constant arguments, contempt, jealousy, and so on. All these are manifestations of selfishness.