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  • Poland: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Large Scale Event in Warsaw

    On September 21st, the Polish version of Zhuan Falun was formally published. Zhuan Falun is the main book by the founder of Falun Gong, Mr Li Hongzhi, and it has been translated into over thirty languages. To coincide with the book's publication practitioners gathered in central Warsaw for a series of activities.
  • United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners at the Birmingham Art Festival

    UK Falun Gong practitioners took part in the UK's biggest free arts festival. This was the sixth year that Falun Gong practitioners have been invited to join As well as manning a stall, practitioners also joined stage performances, performing a couple of traditional-style dances. Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese traditional dress also demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises on the stage.
  • Germany: European Divine Land Marching Band performs in Cologne

    On September 16th, 2007, the European Divine Land Marching Band performed in Germany’s famous tourist town, Cologne. Once spotted, the band made up of Falun Gong practitioners immediately drew a great deal of attention. Having seen the performance, a German lady said, “I believe justice will win over evil. Good luck!”
  • Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in the ‘Retrouvailles’ in Liège

    Falun Gong practitioners have been taking part in this event for the last few years to raise awareness about the practice and expose the brutal persecution of practitioners in China. People stopped to read the information on the banner and showed concern for all the atrocities. They expressed their wish that they would end soon.
  • United Kingdom: “Please give me a leaflet!” Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in the Centre of London

    St. Martin’s Square in the centre of London is an important place where Falun Gong practitioners from the UK raise awareness about Falun Dafa and the persecution to people in the UK. In recent years, Falun Gong practitioners in London have come here many times to talk to people in the UK face to face, letting more people hear and see the facts about Falun Gong and learn about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and calling on civilians in the UK to help end the persecution.
  • Germany: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong with a Photo Exhibition at the Hamburg Cultural Festival

    Falun Gong practitioners held a photo exhibition with the title "The Journey of Falun Dafa" at their local university after participating in the Hamburg Cultural Festival's grand parade. The exhibition of photographs and text depicted the benefits of practising Falun Dafa and exposed the Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution.
  • Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in the Altai Krai Border Area

    Some of them asked, ''Who pays you to distribute these materials?'' Yola replied, ''Nobody gives me money to do this. The money I used to obtain these materials came from my own savings. I have come here especially for you, so that you can understand these fact. I know that you do not have the opportunity to read these materials in China, so it's hard for you to know the facts. Now that you have the opportunity, please just take them to read when you have a moment of free time.''
  • Germany: Falun Dafa Practitioners Parade in Cologne

  • Switzerland: Falun Gong is Supported in Geneva, the Human Rights Capital of the World

    On September 15th, 2007, Mr. Patrice Mugny, Mayor of Geneva, received the Human Rights Torch. The torch had just arrived from its last stop in Slovakia. In his speech, he voiced his support for Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Mugny is a member of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) in Europe. Mr Mugny said that he came to know about the use of torture by the Chinese Communist Party in March 2006, from a report by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture.
  • Switzerland: The Mayor of Geneva Takes Over the Human Rights Relay Torch in Molard Square

    The ceremony to pass on the Human Rights Torch was held in Molard Square. Geneva is the ninth stop of the Human Rights Torch Relay. Today’s host was Dr. Charles Grace, the Vice President of the European chapter of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) and the Secretary of an international multi-religious organisation.
  • Denmark: We can’t allow the persecution to go on any longer”

    Falun Gong practitioners from Copenhagen went to the new square in the city centre to raise awareness about Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party's eight years of evil persecution of the practice. They displayed pictures depicting Falun Gong's growing popularity around the world and how practitioners are being tortured in China.
  • Sweden: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong in the Small Town of Gråbo

    Falun Gong practitioners from Lerum and Gothenburg held an activity on the central square in the small town of Gråbo in the southwest of Sweden on Saturday September 1st, to introduce Falun Gong to local people. Practitioners demonstrated Falun Gong's five exercises and distributed information about the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
  • Finland: Raising Awareness about the Persecution of Falun Gong with an 'Anti-Torture Exhibition' in Helsinki

    On September 8th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Helsinki gathered beside the railway station to hold an anti-torture exhibition, exposing the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong and the atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Ukraine: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong During a Town Festival

    The town of Krasniy Liman celebrated the 340th anniversary of its establishment. Local residents gathered in a downtown park where groups offered various cultural and artistic festivities. Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners made use of the opportunity and exposed to festival goers the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese communist regime
  • Russia: Paper Lotus Flowers Raise Awareness about Falun Gong

    On the 1st and 2nd of September 2007, Falun Gong practitioners in Russia held two consecutive days of Folding Paper Lotus Flowers to Convey the Truth in the Square at Lenexpo Exhibition Centre, the largest of its kind in St. Petersburg. The place was packed with people and practitioners could hardly cope with the number of onlookers.