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France: Lawyer Fabrice Orlandi Says France Should do Something to Condemn the CCP's Crime of Organ Harvesting
2006-12-18On November 28th, 2006, at a routine public hearing held in the French Premier’s Office Building, the French National Human Rights Advisory Committee invited the two Canadian independent investigators, Mr. David Kilgour and Mr. David Matas, to testify about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: “Give a hand; we can no longer keep silent”
2006-12-18"Under the crystal clear blue sky, goodness should not be made to suffer". The song, which commemorates Falun Gong practitioners killed by the CCP, resounded in the classroom, stirring the hearts of students and teachers alike.
Italy: Introducing Falun Dafa at Biella Health Expo
2006-12-18In December, Falun Gong practitioners participated in a health exposition in Biella. It is the fourth time that Falun Gong practitioners have taken part. Practitioners exhibited pictures depicting the story of Falun Gong and the persecution, in particular the recent revelation that the Chinese Communist Party harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Sweden: Practitioners Appeal at City Hall on the Day Nobel Prizes are Awarded
2006-12-17 -
Bulgaria: Gathering Signatures on International Human Rights Day to Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2006-12-16On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, Bulgarian practitioners distributed flyers about the persecution of Falun Gong, about the torture and violation of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights in China and about organ harvesting from living people. In the period of a few hours practitioners gathered around 150 signatures calling for an end to the persecution.
Belgium: Representatives of Falun Gong Condemn the Persecution at a Freedom of Religion Seminar
2006-12-16The Epoch Times newspaper and several human rights NGOs held a seminar regarding the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of religions. A representative from the European Falun Gong Association was invited to give a speech about the persecution of Falun Gong, and to request that the European Union condemns the CCP's human rights abuses.
France: National Human Rights Advisory Committee Concerned about Organ Harvesting by the CCP
2006-12-15On November 28th, 2006, at the routine public hearing held at the French Premier’s Office building, the French National Human Rights Advisory Committee invited the two Canadian independent investigators, Mr. David Kilgour and Mr. David Matas, to testify to the crimes of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP .
Slovakia: Human Rights Day in Bratislava
2006-12-15On Friday, December 8th, Falun Gong practitioners came to Bratislava on international human rights day to draw attention to the persecution of Falun Gong in China. They set up a display and distributed information. During the activity more than a hundred people signed the petition and a few thousand people took fliers about Falun Gong.
Austria: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest against the Singapore Authorities' Unjust Verdict
2006-12-14On December 7th, 2006, Austrian Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in front of the Singapore Embassy in Vienna to protest against the Singapore authority’s unjust guilty verdict against two Falun Gong practitioners. This verdict disregards the Singapore constitution, violates the law in Singapore and International conventions. It’s simply to appease the Chinese Communist Party.
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Support Quitting the CCP on the Eve of Human Rights Day
2006-12-14“Maybe you are a good person. You have not done anything wrong. But since you are a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the CCP would use your name to do evil. You, therefore, have a share in all of the bad things it did. You’d better hurry up and quit. Don’t be a scapegoat of the CCP anymore. You can use any alias to quit.”
Motion Put Forward by the Irish Senate
2006-12-14''That the Senate of Ireland appalled by the abuse of Falun Gong practitioners being perpetrated by the Chinese Government and the Chinese Communist Party, urges the Irish Government to express its revulsion at these atrocities and demands that the Irish Government seeks to have them fully investigated by the appropriate international bodies and that our concerns be brought to the immediate attention of the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland and the Chinese Government.'
Austria: World Human Rights Day: Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the Atrocities Commited by the CCP
2006-12-13Austrian practitioners held an activity in Salzburg on World Human Rights Day which drew much attention. They told onlookers and passersby, “We are here to draw everyone’s attention to the inhumane persecution happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China, and calling for your help to end this suppression.”
Spain: An Open Letter from Falun Gong Practitioners to the Singapore Government
2006-12-13By bringing a false charge against Falun Gong practitioners several times and violating regulations in the process of judging them, the Singapore government has been completely on the opposite side of the values recognised by people in the world. It is threatening Singapore people’s rights to freedom and democracy. Now we would like to advise the Singapore government: Please maintain the image of a democratic country, correct your mistake of judgment and rehabilitate Falun Gong practitioners’ reputation. Never follow the evil CCP and walk towards the corner against humanity and don’t be buried alive with the evil CCP regime.
Russia: Russian Falun Gong Practitioners Protest against the Singapore Court
2006-12-13On December 7th, 2006, representatives from the Russian Falun Gong Association went to the Singapore Embassy in Russia to hand in a protest letter regarding the Singapore court’s wrong verdict against two Falun Gong practitioners. They strongly condemned the Singapore authorities' shameful conduct carried out in order to flatter the CCP. The letter calls for an immediate release of the illegally imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners and urges the Singapore authorities to stop helping a tyrant to do evil.
United Kingdom: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong to the People of Sheffield
2006-12-11The display provided information about the extreme suffering that took place during the Cultural Revolution. The posters also provided information about the Tiananmen Square incident in which many students were injured or killed. The purpose of providing such information is to show the British public what the CCP is truly about, this in turn enables them to make a more rational decision regarding the fact that such a peaceful practice is so ruthlessly persecuted.