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  • Germany: Telling People about the Persecution during a Popular Mardi Gras Parade in Offenburg

    There were several thousand spectators and the information stall was in the middle of a large crowd. There were also re-enactments of the torture methods used by the Chinese Government on Falun Gong practitioners to force them to renounce their beliefs. Many passers-by stopped and quietly viewed the displays. They appeared shocked by the brutal and inhuman violations of human rights against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Although the environment for the parade was cheerful and merry, many of the passersby were deeply touched and agreed that one should never forget that such terrible things are happening in the world.
  • “Plum Blossom in Snow” will Premiere at the Gothenburg Movie Festival

    The documentary “Plum Blossom in Snow” is about how Falun Gong practitioners are treated in contemporary China. A man’s tragic fate is narrated by his wife and daughter after he was killed for his belief in Falun Gong. The movie will be shown in Hagatheater, the city museum, during the Gothenburg movie festival between the 28th of January and the 5th of February 2005.
  • Slovakia: Introducing Falun Gong in the Small City of Seneca

    Falun Gong practitioners visited Seneca to introduce Falun Gong and draw public attention to the persecution of the practice. Passers-by stopped to look at the poster boards. They were shocked. Many of them asked how something like this could happen in today’s world and signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.
  • United Kingdom: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution in the Heart of London

    On January 29th, 2005, UK practitioners held an activity to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution near St Martin-in-the-Fields church, just a short walk from London’s Trafalgar Square. Practitioners distributed leaflets, demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and talked to passersby about the facts behind the brutal suppression taking place in Mainland China.
  • Germany: Stories from the Falun Gong Information Site at Cologne Cathedral

    To enable more people to understand Falun Gong and the persecution taking place against the practice in China, German Falun Gong practitioners set up an information site at Cologne Cathedral. Through practitioners’ efforts, more and more people have come to know the truth. Here I would like to write down some examples of the touching stories and experiences that happen every day at the cathedral.
  • Czech Republic: Collecting Petition Signatures and Exposing the Persecution in the City of Znojmo

    Practitioners took time to thoroughly explain to people what Falun Gong is and why it is being so cruelly persecuted. Although this was the first time citizens of Znojmo had heard about Falun Gong, they knew a lot about the terror that the Chinese communist party has used to persecute its own people over the last fifty years.
  • Germany: Practitioners in Frankfurt hold an Activity to Promote Falun Gong and Raise Awareness of the Persecution

    Many tourists pass through Frankfurt every day. Practitioners wanted to take advantage of this to tell the people in all of Europe and even the whole world, that, “Falun Dafa is good!” They exposed the Jiang regime’s brutal crimes against Falun Gong in Mainland China and called on people to help to stop these atrocities.
  • Latvian Practitioners Participated in the Large-Scale Parade through Central London

    In addition to displaying the widespread recognition of Falun Gong around the world and the benefits that Falun Gong has brought to society, the parade also intended to illustrate the on-going persecution that the regime in China has been waging against Falun Gong for the past five years. Latvian Falun Gong practitioners also attended the parade, hoping to raise the awareness of the international society to Jiang’s persecution against Falun Gong.
  • United Kingdom: Continuing to Promote Falun Gong and Expose the Persecution in Central London

    On Saturday 22nd January, practitioners gathered around St. Martin’s Place in central London to promote Falun Gong and expose the persecution against the practice in China. These activities were a continuation of the European practitioners’ large-scale activities in London on the previous weekend, when several hundred practitioners from nearly 20 European countries came to join in the events.
  • United Kingdom: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Southampton University Receives Strong Support from Students

    After receiving an invitation from Amnesty International of Southampton University (AISU), practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition on the campus. This exhibition exposed the Chinese Communist Party and the Jiang regime’s brutal five plus years of persecution against Falun Gong and called on the public to pay attention to this matter.
  • Sweden: Introducing Falun Gong to a Spiritual Association in Eslöv

    One practitioner began by sharing his own experience of practising Falun Gong and how he eventually started to understand what cultivation was about. We went on to tell them about the ongoing persecution in China and how millions of innocent people have been subjected to torture, violence, beatings, imprisonment and violations of their human rights. The audience listened attentively. Finally, we demonstrated the five sets of exercises and at the same time explained some of the core principles of the practice.
  • Switzerland: People Support Practitioners' Anti-Torture Exhibitions

    In the Christmas and new year season, Swiss practitioners braved the icy cold weather to hold anti-torture exhibitions. Practitioners talked to people about the persecution against Falun Gong in China and many were deeply shocked that such atrocities are happening in today’s world. Here are some touching stories that happened during the activities.
  • Poland: Delivering the Book Falun Gong to All Warsaw Libraries

    At the beginning of January 2005, a Warsaw Falun Gong practitioner completed the large task of delivering the introductory text to Faln Dafa cultivation practice, Falun Gong, to all libraries in Warsaw. Using local public transport, she delivered the book to over 120 libraries in order to help Warsaw residents have the chance to learn Falun Gong.
  • Falun Dafa is Welcomed and Supported in Eastern Europe

    In the five years that Falun Gong has been persecuted by the Chinese communist regime, people living in former communist countries could understand more easily why a peaceful practice would be persecuted so brutally, as they had personally experienced the horror conducted by Communist governments.
  • European Practitioners Parade Through Central London: Exposing the Genocide Against Falun Gong in China

    On January 15th 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from various European countries gathered in Whitehall, home of the British Prime Minister, to begin a parade through central London. The parade was divided into three sections. The following photos were taken from the second section, the persecution occurring in China.