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Czech Republic: Falun Gong Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the 'Colours of Ostrava' Music Festival
2006-08-10In between July 20th and July 23rd, 2006, another annual Colours of Ostrava music festival took place. This cultural event is attended by thousands of people every year and Falun Gong practitioners have used this opportunity before to inform the festival‘s visitors about cruel crimes against humanity carried out by the Chinese Communist Party in its own country.
Italy: Practitioners Stage a Protest against the Chinese Communist Regime’s Persecution
2006-08-10On July 20th, 2006, Italian Falun Gong practitioners organised various activities to mourn for the 2,920 Chinese practitioners persecuted to death by the Chinese Communist regime and to protest against the cruel persecution of Falun Gong practitioner initiated by the Jiang Zemin group and the Chinese Communist regime since July 20th, 1999. Practitioners staged protests at the Chinese Consulates in Milan and Florence as well as the Chinese Embassy in Rome respectively. Many practitioners came all the way from various places, even several hundred kilometers away, to participate in these activities.
Finland: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th in Helsinki
2006-08-10Practitioners exposed the 7-year persecution of Falun Gong beside the central train station in Helsinki on July 22nd. They re-enacted organ harvesting atrocities and displayed poster boards which depicted the situation in China. While some practitioners distributed leaflets, others chatted with passers-by and collected signatures.
Israel: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest to Mark Seven Years of Persecution by the CCP
2006-08-10On July 20th, 2006, Israeli Falun Gong practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition and photo exhibition on Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to protest the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners collected several hundred signatures against the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong. Some young Israelis also participated in the activity.
Ireland: 2006 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference held in Dublin
2006-08-09The conference, which opened at 10am, is part of a three-day long series of activities for Dafa practitioners in Ireland. These activities also include a parade, truth clarification activities in Dublin city centre, Fa study and experience sharing. More than fifty practitioners from Ireland and other parts of Europe attended.
Germany: Practitioners in Frankfurt Protest the Persecution on July 20th in Front of the Chinese Consulate
2006-08-09The vile CCP has persecuted Falun Gong for seven years. On July 20th and July 22nd, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Frankfurt held activities in front of the Chinese Consulate and in a downtown shopping area to peacefully protest the against persecution. They also exposed the CCP’s inhuman trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Ireland: SOS Car Tour - Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the CCP's Organ Harvesting from Living Persons
2006-08-09Between June 26th and July 9th, 2006, a team of Irish Falun Gong practitioners launched a two week SOS car tour to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) atrocities of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. In the two weeks, practitioners visited fifteen counties across Ireland and met many kindhearted people.
Scotland: Support for Falun Gong in Scotland's Remote Western Isles
2006-08-08A practitioner from Glasgow was asked by her husband to visit Scotland’s Western Isles with him as a holiday. At first this practitioner was reluctant to go as she was very busy, but after thinking about it, she realised that this was a rare opportunity. The practitioner thought that the people on these islands should know about the organ harvesting situation in China.
Germany: Protesting the Persecution of Falun Gong in Front of the Chinese Consulate
2006-08-08On July 20th, 2006, seven years after the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution against Falun Gong began, practitioners from Bavaria gathered in front of the Chinese consulate in Munich to protest the inhuman crimes committed by the CCP, in particular the trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Informing Football Fans About Falun Gong and the Persecution
2006-08-07Falun Gong practitioners in Frankfurt organised an activity to inform the public about the persecution of Falun Gong in China, in particular the forced removal of organs and torture. While some practitioners reenacted forced organ removal and torture in front of the grand old opera building in Frankfurt, others collected signatures from passersby.
Sweden: Peaceful Appeal Outside the Chinese Consulate General in Gothenburg
2006-08-07Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners from other parts of Sweden held a peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Consulate General in Gothenburg. The Consul General Cui Jianchao had a farewell party, which meant that there were many visitors who came to the Consulate General, both Chinese and Swedish. Staff from the Consulate came out to take pictures.
Czech Republic: Support for Falun Gong in Five Cities
2006-08-07Between July 10th and 14th, several Falun Gong practitioners traveled around the towns and cities of Kroměříž, Zlín, Přerov, Olomouc and Vsetín. Their goal was to inform local communities of the discriminatory practices of the Chinese communist government, which at present illegaly detains two million Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese prisons.
Germany: Introducing Falun Dafa and Exposing the Persecution at the Bielefeld Culture Carnival
2006-08-06Falun Gong practitioners held an exhibition exposing the human rights condition in China.One after another people signed the petition calling for ending the persecution. Some talked with practitioners for a long time to get detailed information. In this bustling city, the truth about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of practitioners, in particular the trade in organs harvested from living victims, woke people up like a gust of chill wind.
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest against the CCP Persecution
2006-08-06On July 20th, 2006, Italian Falun Gong practitioners organised activities in all parts of Italy to mourn their fellow practitioners in China who had been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party to death and also to protest against the brutal persecution of Falun Gong launched on July the 20th 1999.
Belgium: The CCP is Accused of Harvesting Organs for Sale
2006-08-06Former Canadian Congressman David Kilgour has collected much evidence, especially the confession from the ex-wife of a doctor involved in organ harvesting operations, which has alleged that over two thousand Falun Gong practitioners’ organs have been plundered. David Kilgour said, “They killed thousands of people for this trade. This practice is a crime against humanity. Even in the Nazi’s time, we did not see any crime as cruel as this crime against innocent Chinese citizens.”