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Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Expel Bo Xilai During Wen Jiabao's Visit
2004-05-18During Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to Belgium, Falun Gong practitioners submitted a criminal list of certain people who are persecuting Falun Gong in China to the Belgian government. The officials thanked Falun Gong practitioners for the material and the information they offered. They expressed that they would carry out a thorough investigation, showing the Belgian government’s unremitting efforts in improving China’s human rights.
Sweden: Seminar on “Human Rights in China” Attracts the Attention of an Ancient University
2004-05-17On May the 11th 2004, a seminar entitled “Human Rights in China” was held in Uppsala University. Mr. Clive Ansley from Canada, Erping Zhang and Harry Wu from USA and Jane Dai from Australia gave lectures on the Chinese legal system, the laogai (slave labour camp) system, the media, and the peace project for children in China.
Holland: Dafa Practitioners Celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Falun Dafa Day
2004-05-17May 13th is World Falun Dafa Day. On this important day, practitioners in Holland showed their sincere appreciation for Master’s mercy and compassion. They wished Master a Happy Birthday, and declared that, "Falun Dafa is Good!" In the afternoon, they assembled in the Hague to spread the Fa, demonstrate the exercises and clarify the truth.
Ireland: Wen Jiabao Visits Ireland, Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Peaceful Appeal
2004-05-16On the evening of May 11th, outside Dublin Castle, where EU Chairman Bertie Ahearn and Wen Jiabao held talks, Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appealed, asking, “Bring Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai to Justice”, and asking for the release of Mr Liu Feng and Ms Yang Fang, students in Ireland who are under house arrest by the Chinese Government.
Ireland: Human Rights Issues of Falun Gong and Tibet Discussed by the Chinese and Irish Premiers
2004-05-16Zhao Ming, a Falun Gong practitioner who was illegally detained in a re-education labour camp for twenty two months and is in Ireland right now, said, “Wen Jiabao doesn’t add fuel to the flames against Falun Gong, but Jiang Zemin is holding on tightly to military power, it seems that Wen has no power to alter the situation. The persecution against Falun Gong is still going on, so it’s difficult to expect Wen to have any practical commitments to human rights."
Sweden: Speech Forum on China’s Human Rights Held in Lund City
2004-05-15"If China’s fundamental problems are not resolved, even those with a PhD degree in law from Oxford University can do nothing significant in China. CCP control penetrates the entire judicial system, and Jiang Zemin even instructs the Chinese Supreme Court how to sentence some cases over the telephone. In China courts make judgments based on politics, not justice."
UK: Practitioners Appeal Outside Parliament and Buckingham Palace During Wen Jiabao’s Visit
2004-05-15Wen Jiabao, China’s Premier, visited Parliament in London on the morning of May the 11th 2004, and then went on to Buckingham Palace immediately afterwards. Falun Gong practitioners were there to greet him at both venues with banners reading, “Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice”, “Falun Dafa”, and “Welcome Wen Jiabao”.
Switzerland: "Chinese Week" Activities in a Middle School in Brugg City Have Come to an End
2004-05-15Seeing that the teachers and students benefited a lot from Falun Dafa, the mayor expressed his appreciation for Falun Dafa, and for Ms Zhang's paintings, which demonstrated to the Swiss people the essence of Chinese culture. The Swiss newspapers General Zeitung and Agauer positively reported the Falun Gong activities with eye-catching photos.
Spain: Promoting Falun Gong at Valencia International Culture Exchange Expo
2004-05-14From the 7th to the 9th of May, an annual cultural exchange expo was held in Valencia, a beautiful seaside town in Spain. People were immediately attracted by Falun Dafa’s posters and practitioners’ exercise demonstrations. Many people stopped at our stand and listened to practitioners introducing Falun Dafa.
Ireland: Calling for an End to the Persecution and Welcoming Wen Jiabao
2004-05-13During his visit, practitioners peacefully appealed to welcome Wen Jiabao, call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and demand that the chief persecutors be brought to justice. The practitioners displayed banners reading "Welcome Wen Jiabao", "Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice" and "Falun Dafa is Good"
UK: Wen Jiabao Arrives in the UK and Bo Xilai is Sued
2004-05-13Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in the UK on May 9th. Aside from high-level political and trade talks, the issue of Hong Kong will be a focal point. Bo Xilai, the visiting Chinese Minister of Commerce, has been sued by UK Falun Gong practitioners.
Germany: Clarifying the Facts in the Town of Ansbach
2004-05-13On May 8th, German Falun Gong practitioners held Falun Gong activities in the small town of Ansbach in southern Germany. Practitioners demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises for passers-by and collected signatures calling for the release of unlawfully imprisoned practitioners in China. Many people stopped to take a look and asked questions about Falun Gong.
UK: During Wen Jiabao's Visit, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal to Bring the Prime Culprits to Justice
2004-05-12The UK is the fourth stop of Wen Jiabao’s European visit. Just before the visit, UK practitioners filed a lawsuit against Bo Xilai for his crimes of torture and genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and requested his arrest upon arrival in the UK. The Metropolitan Police at New Scotland Yard considered the formal allegations made against him.
Belgium Appeal Activities During Wen Jiabao's Visit
2004-05-12When we arrived, many media organsiations were at the scene to cover this event. Falun Gong practitioners from Germany, France, Holland and Belgium unfurled banners and demonstrated the five sets of exercises. The embassy officials were all watching us, as were persons from local student associations and the media organisations dispatched by China.
Switzerland: Zhang Cuiying’s Art Exhibition in Switzerland
2004-05-12After Zhang Cuiying’s art exhibition in Brugg, Switzerland, came to an end on May 3rd, another exhibition opened in Switzerland at Fribourg University. The Freiburger Nachrichten newspaper took the lead in reporting details of the art exhibition and the story of Ms Zhang, a Falun Gong practitioner who was persecuted in China by Jiang Zemin's political regime.