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The UK Minghui School is Officially Established
2003-09-16On the 7th of September 2003, the UK Minghui School was formally set up. The school is based on Falun Dafa, teaching the students about Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. The main emphasis is on moral education, as well as improving their Xinxing [moral character] and learning the five sets of exercises.
Norway: Practitioners introduce Falun Gong in a City near Oslo
2003-09-16There were people of all ages present. They were all very grateful to us for coming to share the practice and teach them the exercises. Many were anxious about how to learn more and continue with the practice. Some of the people said they had experienced strong energy. An elderly lady told us she felt that Falun Gong is really good for her.
European Dafa Practitioners Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
2003-09-15"Europes Clearharmony website wishes Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"Wishing all practitioners around the world a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Let us melt into the Fa and cultivate diligently.
Eight Swiss Falun Dafa Practitioners will file a Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin
2003-09-15Is it a crime to want to nurture ones heart and life according to the principles of Truth, Benevolence and Tolerance? To denounce this flagrant injustice and to alert the world to this brutal repression that has claimed thousands of victims, the eight aforementioned practitioners shared with journalists their decision to bring Jiang Zemin to justice on the accounts of genocide, torture and crimes against humanity.
Spain: Touring the Country to let People know about Falun Dafa (part 1)
2003-09-15We told the Deputy Mayor that practitioners are being brutally persecuted in China and he expressed astonishment at how the Jiang regime has consistently committed such crimes. He thanked us for the materials we gave him and said that he will pay attention to the persecution in China and the lawsuits against Jiang that are happening worldwide.
European Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal during Luo Gans Visit to Finland
2003-09-15The evening news showed Falun Gong practitioners appeal to Finnish people throughout the country. The Minister of Justice said he was going to raise the issue of human rights with Luo Gan and stated in the news that with regard to Falun Gong practitioners peaceful appeals, it is right that the Chinese officials see what people in Finland and Europe think.
Moldova: The People of Moldova are Happy to Welcome Falun Dafa
2003-09-14We also left books at the book market, as well as a Video-CD with an exercise demonstration on it. We went to a Chinese restaurant where Chinese people took Dafa materials with pleasure. We gave out newsletters in the city centre every day. All of the materials distributed, including letters, contained a variety of information, including the beginning of the horrible persecution and the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin.
Finland: Visit from Chief Abuser of Human Rights Luo Gan
2003-09-14Before arriving in Finland, Luo Gan had already faced a lawsuit in Iceland launched by Falun Gong practitioners. As one of the worlds worst abusers of human rights, he wasnt a welcome visitor in Finland either. He didnt allow newspapers to interview him, apparently in fear of questions regarding the practitioners lawsuits.
Russia: A Performance to Celebrate the 300th Birthday of St. Petersburg City
2003-09-13Practitioners hoped that this event could help people learn more about Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that is happening in China. One could also view the work of Australian painter and practitioner Zhang Cuiying, and learn about her suffering in Chinese labour camps because she practised Falun Gong and lived by the principles of Truthfulness, Kindness, Tolerance.
Germany: Photo Exhibition to Expose Jiang's Genocide Tours the Country
2003-09-13Visitors were shocked to see the persecution facts exposed in these photos and posters. After viewing the exhibits, many people took the initiative to sign a petition requesting an immediate end to the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance".
Swedish Falun Dafa Association writes to Finland Government
2003-09-12"The 610 office uses violence, threats, psychiatric abuse, coercion and blackmail to terrorise Falun Gong practitioners, their family members, friends, and even the general public. Luo Gan runs the 610-office. He is currently being charged in European and U.S. courts for genocide and other crimes categorised as crimes against humanity by the ICC."
Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at a Cultural Festival in Sandefjord
2003-09-12Festivalgoers often asked practitioners questions such as Is it true that the persecution is so severe in China? and Is it true that people are tortured so severely? They could not believe their eyes when they saw photos of tortured practitioners, confirming the cruel reality of this persecutionm which has now continued for over four years.
UK: European Friends of Falun Gong holds Seminar in Houses of Parliament
2003-09-11After an informal lunch, which gave UK Falun Gong practitioners a great chance to let important dignitaries know more about the persecution Falun Gong, the seminar presentations began. This part of the seminar was chaired by Iain Luke MP, a Member of UK Parliament who has worked hard for the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners.
Finland invites a Leader who has been accused of Human Rights Violations
2003-09-11Luo Gan is the head of the Gestapo-like office. The office is doing a dirty job, carrying out this persecution. It is unbelievable that a man who is committing an act of genocide is invited to Finland.
Germany: A Picture Exhibition to Expose the Crimes of Jiang Zemin
2003-09-11As part of the Global Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, a picture exhibition depicting Jiangs crimes of genocide was held in Irlandgen, Germany. The dates of the picture exhibition coincided with the election of state senators. Many Chinese people were also in the city, at Siemens Hi-Tec Training Base.