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UK: Practitioners Celebrate the First UK Falun Dafa Day with the People of Birmingham
2003-08-31'Pedestrians soon crowded around them to watch the performance. Whenever each performance was finished, they would applaud enthusiastically. They were very interested when the practitioners demonstrated the exercises. When they received leaflets, they would ask about the locations of local practice sites and express their intention to learn Falun Gong.'
Germany: Calling for the Rescue of Xiong Wei during Mainz Information Day
2003-08-31Those who wanted to help Xiong Wei could sign a petition that will be submitted to the German Chancellor Her Schroder. Those who wanted to personally encourage Xiong Wei could write a postcard and send it to her in custody.
UK: Fifth UK Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Birmingham
2003-08-31Practitioners who gave speeches used their personal experience and understanding in the Fa-rectification cultivation to discuss how to pay attention to coordination and cooperation, how to improve as a whole, give up egotism and keep up with the process of Fa-rectification. After the conference, the practitioners expressed that the conference achieved the goal of encouraging each other to strive forward together.
Belgium: Falun Gong Practitioners in Brussels hold a Big Trial of Jiang Zemin
2003-08-30The Sue Jiang Trial featured many Dafa practitioners who have suffered brutal persecution at the hands of Jiangs regime, playing their real selves. Among them were Chinese practitioners who have been through cruel persecution in Chinese labour camps, and western practitioners who received ill-treatment just for peacefully calling for an end to the persecution and going to Tiananmen Square.
Holland: Dafa is Warmly Welcomed in Gorichem
2003-08-30The people of Holland were amazed by our graceful exercises and watched carefully with great interest. They were shocked when they read in the leaflets about Jiang Zemins persecution against Falun Gong. In their hearts, they must have wondered, if Jiang Zemin persecuted people who believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance then what did he believe in?
Berlingske Tidende (Danish newspaper): Letter to the Editor Four Years of Persecution
2003-08-29'There is documented evidence on the untimely death of at least 760 Falun Gong practitioners caused by the regimes brutal persecution. Sources inside the Chinese government, however, say that it is over 7000. In total, over forty types of state-sanctioned torture methods, including mass rape and other sexual violations of female practitioners, are only part of the harsh realities that Chinese Falun Gong practitioners are facing.'
Sweden: Practitioners Speech Celebrating the 5th Year of Falun Dafa in Kalmar
2003-08-29Five years ago in August 1998, more than thirty Kalmar citizens joined the citys first Falun Gong class. We, Falun Gong practitioners in Kalmar, are very grateful to have the opportunity to practise the exercises freely in Kalmar City Park, unlike out fellow practitioners in China. On the 9th August, we celebrated the fifth anniversary.
UK: Some Stories from the Appeal in Front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-08-28The policeman mentioned that he spent most of his time on duty watching us practising the exercises, and that he had almost learned the whole set of exercises, and might go to the park to practise the exercises with others in the future. Before leaving, he told us that many of his colleagues have already read Falun Gong leaflets and they all support us.
Belgian Lawyer: Jiang Zemins Acts of Terror Must Be Punished According to the Law
2003-08-28In China, hundreds of people have been tortured and murdered; thousands of people have been detained in labour camps and mental institutions; hundreds of thousands of people have been arrested. People in Belgium and other European countries have been harassed by the Chinese government. Former CPC leader Jiang Zemin should be held responsible for this persecution.
Sweden: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" Light Up People's Hearts in Arvika
2003-08-28The annual Harbour Festival was held in Arvika city.On the Saturday evening, the Arvikan government gave Dafa practitioners 150 large candles to frame three Chinese characters: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. These words illuminated the Harbour Festival and peoples hearts.
Belgium: European Dafa Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-08-28 -
Hungary: Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts and Explaining the Facts in front of the Chinese Embassy in Budapest
2003-08-27They sent forth righteous thoughts and gave leaflets to passers-by, letting them know more about the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners took it in turns to demonstrate the Dafa exercises, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. There were lots of people passing by the Embassy, so there were many opportunities to talk and let them know about the persecution happening in China.
Belgium: Media continues to Show Great Interest in the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-27Since the press conference held on 20th August, the Belgian media has continued to show great interest in the lawsuit against Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin. A local practitioner was invited to join a national TV stations live question programme, while another district TV station interviewed a practitioner at his home.
Latvia: National TV Channel 2 Screened a Truth-clarifying Video about Falun Gong
2003-08-27On the 23rd August 2003, Latvias national TV Channel 2 screened the film Falun Dafa The Path of Returning to the True Origin for Humankind at 12:50pm. This allowed many Latvian people to learn more about Falun Gong.
Belgium: Major International Media pay attention to the Lawsuit against Jiang
2003-08-26On August 20th, six Falun Gong practitioners officially submitted a lawsuit to the Belgian federal court against Jiang Zemin for crimes against humanity and genocide. Major international media expressed their concern over the lawsuit including CNN, The Guardian, Reuters, AFP, and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.