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Amnesty International in Belgium Supports Falun Gong
2002-01-13 -
Photo report - Candle light vigil in Gothenburg to protest against the latest tragic deaths in China
2002-01-12A young man from Ireland was very surprised after being informed about Zhao Ming (a student at Trinity College in Dublin) who has been imprisoned for his belief in Falun Gong. He wondered why a person could be put into jail just for doing meditation: This is so harmless!
Germany: SOS-Rescue March to City Hall
2002-01-12From Swabian Danube Newspaper (Germany), Southwest Press Online, January 9th, 2002
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Welcomed at the Foreign Office
2002-01-12 -
FDI: Reports of Four Falun Gong Practitioners Dead from Police Abuse Surface in a Single Day
2002-01-11When a reporter called the police to check on the details, the police replied, "I don' have time to answer your questions," and "Wrong number!" and then hung up upon hearing that the reporter was asking about Zhan' case. Zhan is survived by her two-year-old child.
FDI: Thousands Rally in Over 30 Cities Around the World As Falun Gong Holds Worldwide 3-Day Vigil
2002-01-11Twenty Reports of Killings in the Past Twenty-Two Days Falun Gong Practitioners Expose Criminals' Names and Phone Numbers to the Public; Call for Support
FDI: Police Assault and Kill Falun Gong Man on Roadside As He Posts Flyers Exposing Human Rights Abuses
2002-01-11 -
Righteous Dutch Policeman: How Could One Be a Policeman Were He Not Able to Distinguish Between the Good and the Evil?
2002-01-11We thanked the Dutch policemen sincerely for their understanding, sympathy and support. They said, ‘you are welcome. To support Falun Gong is righteous. Despite the brutal persecution by China we hope that the Falun Gong practitioners will continue their campaign till victory!’
Finland: Spirit of Falun Gong Practitioners Undeterred by Cold Weather
2002-01-11 -
Notes From A Canadian’s Truth Clarification Journey in Eastern Europe
2002-01-11Someone said I shouldn't have come there to change their government but should have stayed home to change the Canadian government who still makes war machines and bombs. I smiled and said I was there to offer Falun Dafa peacefulness for the people and not to get involved with any government because Falun Dafa is not political.
Swedish Practitioners Invited to Share Falun Gong at a High School
2002-01-10 -
Swabian Danube [German] Newspaper: Rescue March to City Hall
2002-01-10 -
Czech Senator Protests Detention of Falun Gong Practitioners to Chinese Ambassador
2002-01-09Ruml said he considered the ambassador's reaction, according to which the detainees breached Chinese law and Falun Gong was a heretic sect, a "tragic comedy evidence" of an unchanged perception of human rights in China.
Germany: Experience Sharing Conference Held During the Holidays
2002-01-09 -
UK: Falun Gong at the One World Christmas Fair and Green Festival