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IRISH EXAMINER: Human rights abuse is no joke
2001-09-20Are we happy to laugh in the face of intense human suffering and degradation and pay homage to the Chinese Premier in order to increase our coffers?
Two British Practitioners Complete the 415-kilometre walk (258 miles) SOS Walk from London to Brussels
2001-09-20On the morning of September 13, two British members of the European Parliament received us in person outside the parliament building. Both parliament members clearly expressed their support for us, and hoped they could help us further in depth. Another Belgian parliament member arranged a room in the Parliament for us to have a press conference. She clearly stated that she helped to host the meeting because she supports Mr. Li Hongzhi, a candidate for the 2001 Sakharov Prize and the efforts to rescue the Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted in China.
AFP: Six Falungong followers die in police custody in China
2001-09-20Tens of thousands of Falungong practitioners have been sent to "re-education through labor" centres since the Chinese government banned the group [...] in July 1999. The Hong Kong-based Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, which has been independently verifying the reports, has said it has been able to confirm 156 deaths of Falungong adherents so far.
An Update on Zhao Ming's Situation 09/20/2001
2001-09-20Zhao Ming is often forced to stand for long periods of time and denied sleep. They sometimes force him to sit in a water basin or stuff him under a bed. He was once beaten to the point where he could not stand up.
This World Needs Peacefulness, Beauty, and Morality
2001-09-20The Department of Culture in Wurzburg City, Germany invited Australian Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Cuiying to hold a Chinese painting exhibition. Because people were aware of Zhang's artistic accomplishments and the cruel persecution she suffered in China as a Falun Gong practitioner, her arrival drew a good deal of attention.
An Amnesty International Briefing: Human Rights in China in 2001 - A New Step Backwards (Excerpt)
2001-09-19Amnesty International is gravely concerned by the allegations of state sanctioned violence against Falun Gong practitioners. The organisation's concerns about the government's campaign against the group include the arbitrary detention of thousands of practitioners - whether in "study classes", regular detention centres or labour camps - unfair trials, and numerous allegations of torture of detained practitioners. These concerns have been documented in a number of reports published by Amnesty International.
Photo Report: SOS! Global Rescue Walk London-Brussels Arrives in France
2001-09-19La Voix du Nord, the largest newspaper in the North of France shows support to the SOS! Globel Rescue Walk from London to Brussels as it arrives in Lille.
IRISH EXAMINER: Tiger couches hidden Dragon
2001-09-19I honestly havent a clue what Falun Gong is, apart from the fact that it is something that the ruling politburo in China considers so subversive that they had to arrest a Trinity College student, Zhao Ming, when he went home to China. He is now being held without trial there for something which is done regularly in Fitzgerald Park in Cork.
Falun Gong Goes to the Baltic States
2001-09-19There was tremendous interest in us and sometimes people would come across the street and ask us for a flier. We had many touching conversations with people of every age.
A Celebrity Signature
2001-09-19Never before would I have had the courage to approach a celebrity so directly and ask him to sign a petition. This time I was able to overcome my fear because the issue of saving the practitioners on hunger strike was far more important.
Photo Report: SOS! Global Rescue Walk from London to Brussels
2001-09-18On September 9, 2001, the biggest newspaper in Northern France, La Voix du Nord, published a photo and an article: A peaceful walk from London to Brussels -- Four Falun Gong practitioners arrive in Dunkerque to expose the persecution in China.
IRISH TIMES: Article Encourages Stronger Stance on Human Rights in China
2001-09-18The necessity to talk, to make our opposition to human rights abuses clear, is more necessary than ever before. There are very real issues to be dealt with; the repression of the Falun Gong movement, the high levels of executions, the persistent denial of basic human rights.
A Photo Exhibition Held Successfully in Cambridge, U.K.
2001-09-17"Practitioners in the UK recently held a week-long Falun Dafa photo exhibition in the central library of Cambridge. Cambridge is a world famous university town renowned for its academic excellence."
Photo Report: Moscow Practitioners Clarify the Truth and Practise at the Weekend
2001-09-17Photo report on the activities of Falun Gong practitioners in Moscow, Russia.
Swiss Falun Gong Hunger Strikers Message of Compassion
2001-09-17"The hunger strike was held after the terrorist attack and carried special meaning. Just like the words a practitioner wrote on a poster, "We understand your sadness. We are with you. The world needs more Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." "Many people came to talk with the practitioners. One Canadian lady said, "If everyone had Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, this tragedy would never have happened. It seems only Falun Gong can solve this problem."